I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: The Butterfly Garden's Dilemma (2)

Three people came out of the smokes from the broken part of the garden. A tall slender man, a woman filled with muscles, and another woman who had a bow in her hand.

"Who are you?" Elliot asked through gritted teeth.

"We are the Trinity Grail," the woman with the bow replied. "We're here for the Twilight Wings."

"You will never have them!" Polschk yelled, raising his hand. A bright purple flower grew from his palm, erupting a blast of pollen that the butterflies immediately went to.

"What are the Twilight Wings?" Lance asked. He put down Dustin and stood in front of Polschk, their other friends following him.

"If I promise to answer you later, will you help me save these creatures?" Polschk asked them, the desperation lacing his voice evidently.

"We will," Elliot said. "We'll distract them, you go do your thing."

Elliot and his friends rushed to the Trinity Grail, brandishing their swords while avoiding the multiple arrows one of the three were shooting.

"Frost can shoot better than you, even when you put a blindfold over her eyes!" Elliot yelled. "Lotus Blast!"

He slashed his swords with the initial petals, prompting the opponents to leap to different directions so they could dodge.

"They don't seem to be high leveled, I'll fight the guy, Elliot you attack the ranger, Ed you go with the muscled lady," Lance commanded. "Connor, Hope, you help Polschk with his butterflies. I don't know what those insects have in them but we need to keep them safe, alright?"

"Alright!" Everyone responded, going to their assigned tasks individually.

Elliot was going up agains the ranger. He was confident that she still hasn't ascended to the Archer class considering that her level was still too low. And that he also scanned her using one of his skills.

'Hostile presence detected.'

[ Julie ]

Level 43

Class: Ranger

Hostile means that this woman was willing to kill to reach her objective. It wouldn't surprise Elliot that much if the three of them were. They looked ready to shoot Polschk just so they could get their hands on the butterflies.

"Why are you doing this?" Elliot asked. "Polschk is an old man who could barely stand."

"I don't need to answer your question," Julie said with a bored expression. She raised her bow and shoot her arrows at Elliot.

She was using the same technique as Frost. Elliot couldn't find a quiver hanging on any part of her body, therefore he could say that she uses wood magic to create her arrows.

The number of the arrows she shoots weren't as many as Frost's but the strength of these arrows were definitely greater. Her wood technique must contain densely packed wooden fibers to create such weapons. To say that she wasn't a talented Adventurer was ridiculous.

But how she's using her talent wasn't. What goal could she need that she's willing to kill someone?

Elliot could still see the pink mist of his skill. If he slashes once, the lotus flower would shoot out.

So he used Hasty Aspire to get nearer the woman, still dodging her arrows that continuously rained upon him.

He dashed to the side and spun, swinging his sword to shoot the lotus flower. 

But his eyes could only widen when a wooden shield was already in front of her. She was smirking underneath the shield, as the pink lotus blast hit the wooden protection.

"So you can also use shields," Elliot said, the smirk now appearing on his lips. He continued swinging his sword, cutting the wooden shield in half, Julie's jaws dropping on the floor as she watched the boy hit her face with the pommel of his sword.

"How in the–" Julie couldn't finish her words when Elliot's sword had already reached her face, prompting her to flip a couple of times back by the impact.josei

"Rangers aren't so good with close combat, be wary of that," Elliot said. "Let's go again!"

Julie slammed her hands on the ground, wooden thorns spewed out from the floor as she did.

"Hundred Thorns."

Elliot didn't even slowed down even after seeing the spikes in front of him. Instead, he sped up, dodging each and every spike gracefully. He had to be careful too.

Not all one of the wooden spikes had the same height. Thei lengths and sizes differ, making it sure for Julie that one mistep from her enemy means their doom.

She pulled out her bow once again, kneeling on one knee as she pointed her weapon at Elliot, fully ready to fire.

"Let's see you dodge this," Julie whispered to herself, now raising her bow and fired her attacks. The rain of wooden arrows still wasn't enough to stop Elliot.

He just had to breathe normally, feeling every obstacle in front and above him. His movements had to be calculated, moves that he could retract if something happens. After all, Julie had the upper hand now. Her wooden techniques of both offense and defense was making it hard on Elliot.

The boy grit his teeth and brandished his sword. He then kicked a wooden spike with his metal boots and raised his sword up, "Supreme Malevolence!"

"Who do you work for?!" Lance yelled as he stood on top of the slender man. "What's your name and who do you work for?! How many times do I have to repeat that?"

The slender man had a second rate powers of tentacles growing from his back. Lance chose to challenge this man because he had the most intimidating aura, turns out, he was probably the weakest among the three.

"Until your breath runs out," the man said, grinning. "I never expected to see a prince here. This city has your name after all, why would I be surprised?"

"Why do you need Polschk's butteflies? You're gonna sell them to the black market or something?" Lance asked, his patience thinning.

He was stepping on the man's chest, his ropes of black and white tying up the man in every limb, making it close to impossible to even move.

"I am not working for someone," the man said. "I am working for…"

"What?" Lance yelled. "Tell me now!"

"I am working for anyone," the man grinned. "Goodbye, Prince Lance."

The prince's eyes widened as the man's lips started to pale up. His skin followed, seemingly getting chappy before it turned to sand.

Lance was standing there, bewildered about the thing he just witnessed. He saw a light under the sand and kicked the sand off, there he saw a brown magic circle that he was unfortunate familiar off.

It was a magical circle of death.

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