I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 153 Mind Games

Chapter 153 Mind Games

'Neck, eyes, then neck again' I thought to myself, the lines of attack clear in my eyes as I easily dodged the rapid attacks, watching as the girl retreated with her attacks in vain.

Though it was not her fault, she was just not skilled enough to deceive my predictions. It was a talent that I carried throughout my life, a brain akin to the most powerful of calculators, able to calculate all the relative probabilities and find the perfect way out. Of course it wasn't omnipotent, if someone was significantly stronger and faster than me, then all the calculations in the realm would not allow me to survive but it was this innate ability that I prided myself on, an ability that allowed me to calculate the probabilities of reality.

Though for now I can't boast, I needed to finish this fight, children they may be but they were strong, strong enough that I was barely holding on with my calculations.

Though they were most likely suspicious of me by now, the way that I threw off their attacks would be a dead giveaway. I did have one thing going for me and that was that I couldn't hit them.

Obviously if they figured that I could read their attacks then I could most likely read their defense and while I could it was still good enough that I couldn't pierce through it.

Though they didn't know that which is why they were going to be cautious on why I wasn't able to hit them, most likely thinking that I was leading them somewhere when in reality I was just stalling for time or for a perfect opportunity. One they may just give me if they fall for the trap.

"It seems you were right" I hear Aoif say, her voice close to me from her retreat. I just nod, my brain working through possible ways that we could win. "How…" I mutter, absentmindedly picking Aoif into my hands as I dodge away from another attack aimed at me, though when I looked around I couldn't help but be suspicious. Even though this elf could predict our movements we were able to dodge.

'There must be a reason for that.' I thought to myself, as my eyes scanned the surroundings. There was nothing around us except thick foliage and trees. I couldn't see why the elf wanted us here because what else was it purposely letting us dodge its attack for but to drag us somewhere.

I clicked my tongue, as my eyes looked towards Aoif. I couldn't think of a plan so the only options we had were to either blindly charge in or walk into whatever trap that this elf had planned for us.josei

Out of the two options I chose to blindly charge at him, it was why my grip on Memoria tightened and why I had glanced at Aoif, to signal my intentions.

I crouched down, Memoria held tip facing downwards, as I readied to charge at the elf. Aoif behind me was ready too and at once we charged.

Aoif took the lead a clanging of metal as her attack was blocked by the huge sword that the elf held. However that wasn't the real attack, no, the real attack was mine. Right when Aoif had retreated after being blocked by the sword I dashed in, my spear traveled around the sword as it fell into place around the elfs skin.

Blood poured from the wound as Memoria was pulled, however I wasn't able to pull Memoria out fast enough.

My arm was raised just in time to intercept the sword that swung towards my neck, a deep gauge appearing as the sword hit bone.

"GAH" I screamed out, the pain from being hit echoing throughout my nervous system and paralyzing me in pain for a moment, a moment that was promptly used to deliver one more final strike at my unprotected head.please visit


I heard as Darwin screamed out, the intense emotions of fear and pain being transmitted to me. My eyes turned red as I saw Darwin's blood rush from the wound, as my feet carried me towards the elf.

In a reckless haze of red I didn't think nor even know what I was doing, I just acted. The dagger that I held was thrown from my grip, interrupting the follow up attack and leading his attention towards me.

However I didn't just stop there, no, I dashed as fast as I could towards Darwin, my hands prying Memoria from Darwin's as it hummed in my grip, bloodthirst in its soul as it felt its own owner's wound. It felt as if it wanted me to do something and in my mindless haze I complied, purple energy consuming the spear as it pierced through the sword of the elf and into his heart.

Memories flew into me but just as quickly as they appeared so too did they disappear, the spear eating them as if they were some sort of food.

I could feel the satisfaction of the spear as its bloodlust was sated.

[You have killed a holder of 1/5 ownership of the realm]

[You have gained 1/5 ownership of the realm]

With those notifications, I was brought from my thoughts, from my haze of violence. I brought my eyes to Darwin who was sitting down, his hand over the wound as green light filled it. I could still see the grimace on his face as what was most likely immeasurable pain assaulted him.

Immediately I dropped to my knees, Memoria falling from my hands as I hugged Darwin's back, careful not to disturb his healing.

I relished in the feeling of his warmth, the scent of his body calming me down, as the adrenaline fell and my eyes drooped.

Though I was not able to hold that feeling for long as soon, hundreds of elves appeared in the vicinity. I looked towards Darwin and back to my own body. We were in no condition to continue fighting.

"Hah" I sighed, picking Darwin up in a princess carry, his small body fitting in my arms as I leaped into the sky, platforms of purple aether allowing me to climb the needed height to get back to the jet.

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