I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 154 Healed

Chapter 154 Healed

I arrived just in time to see the death of the commander. I watched as the spear the girl held inexplicably pierced through the commander's sword with such force that it continued on till his heart. I saw the widening of his eyes as he fell, as he died.

All the while I was running towards him, towards the enemies that dared kill a commander of the Empire, one held in high regard. However I was too late, the girl had picked up the boy and had already leaped through the barrier and past my range.

Though that didn't mean that I didn't try to at the very least get a hit in. With the bow in my hand I stretched it as far as it could go, the arrow aimed at their heads. With a breath I released it, the arrow flew, but it was not to be as a barrier appeared and blocked the shot. They were truly out of my range now.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue, anger in my eyes as I walked over to the commander's body. My hand reached towards his eyes, closing them as the rest of the units reached my position.

"They're gone, they killed the commander." I said, addressing the other two officers behind me.

clang clang

I felt my feet reach the ladder of the jet as Darwin's limp body was readjusted into my back so that I could climb up.

With my hands freed I reached forwards my hands grappling at the ladder and pulling me up, however I didn't need to do that as soon after my hands had touched the ladder some unknown mechanism had activated pulling us upwards without any need for my strength. Below is the opening that led to open air was closed as my ears popped, the air in the chamber equalizing with the air in the cabin.

I opened the hatch and climbed through, my hands pulling my body into the cabin all the while making sure that Darwin was secure to me so as to not wake him from the trance that he was in.

Ever since the wound had been made he was in a trance of sorts, aether rushing into his wounds and healing three. However the wound that he was healing was slow going, even though most wounds that Darwin had healed before took seconds, maybe minutes at the most he had already been healing this one for a good ten minutes. It worried me.

Though I shook those thoughts out of my head in short order, priorities other than being worried about Darwin taking charge.

Soon after I had entered the cabin I had found a couch, or at least something resembling it and placed him down. I had strapped Darwin in just as I had done to myself, the engines roaring as they were pointed the opposite direction of Darwin's territory.

I braced myself for the acceleration and with a loud boom that hurt my ears we were off.

It had been only a few seconds but already we were back to the territory, the jet had landed in the research hall.

I didn't bother to move at all, even when Rhea had exited the jet going back to whatever it was that she worked on. I just unbuckled myself and stared at Darwin, my eyes watched on as the wound slowly healed. As tissue and muscle were made slowly and reconnected.please visit

I watched on for what seemed like hours as the wound healed itself, aether flowing in and out of Darwin as his reserves replenished themselves only to be used again to heal.

Eventually though my eyes drooped, the adrenaline crash and tiredness that came from the fight and watching of Darwin coughs up to me.

My arms fell at his side, my own vision turning dark as I took one final look at Darwin, of my love.

"Nnn" I groaned, as the pain in my arm tore at my nerves. Despite the frantic healing that I had engaged in during the night it was still only partially healed. When I looked to the wound I could only see muscle covering bone, skin that should have healed by now still damaged.

It was the slowest healing that I had ever experienced.y eyes narrowed, my thoughts drifted back to the sword that I had fought against, of the elf wielding it.

'There must have been something special about it' I thought to myself, to be able to block my healing that was so potent, I grit my teeth, there must have been something.

A light groan echoed in my ears by my side. I looked over and saw Aoif, her sleeping form turning over as she hugged onto my uninjured side. It was weird that I had only just now noticed her. Usually I would immediately notice her presence, it was just so striking, so…

It was at that moment that Aoif's eyes glittered open, widening as they took in my own eyes.

"Are you okay" She said quietly, her eyes open in worry.

"Yeah" I began "the sword had to be enchanted or something, for the wound to last this long"

"Yeah… it probably was" Aoif absentmindedly said, her arms carrying me into her lap where she cradled me into her breasts.

"Has the wound fully healed?" I heard Aoif ask, her voice soft as she looked down to the fresh skin that had just started to appear over the exposed muscle.

"Yeah, sort of" I reply, my eyes closed in concentration as I felt for anything else that I needed to heal.

I felt all over my body and aside from minor wounds and a couple stretched muscles there was nothing to heal, only the pink skin still fresh from being grown needed any more healing. Though even that only needed a light dusting of aether to heal it.josei

I turned over, wrestling myself from Aoif's grip to face her. I raised my head so that I was level with her and kissed her. It was nothing more than a chaste kiss but I just enjoyed it, the intimacy that seemed to heal all the pain that I felt.

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