I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 155 Ownership And Relationship

Chapter 155 Ownership And Relationship

Our lips parted, a string of drool connected us, the chaste kiss that we started with turned into one of passion.

I lifted my body so that I could get up and take a good look at Aoif. A flushed face met my own as she looked at me with lidded eyes.

Though that didn't last for long as the pain in my wound flared up, my own face scrunched in pain as it was not quite healed.

When I opened my eyes again I came face to face with Delta, her form towered over my own. An impassive green eye stared into me.

"I heard what you did." She stated, her eyes staring into both of our own. My head lowered, embarrassed at the foolish act that we had done, especially how we had been caught.

Not that I didn't expect us to be caught, it was just that the wound that I had taken, the ease of which we could have gotten there in other manners, were all things that I could have done but didn't, blinded by the shiny toy in front of me.josei

Breaking me from my thoughts was a sigh, as Delta looked down on us with disappointment. "You could have just had Tama teleport you, or even me, I could have gotten you two there and you would have been safer" Delta chastised, a bland look on her face.

Again my face flushed with embarrassment, the methods and safety measures we could have taken being thrown right in my face.

"And Aoif," she addressed, her eye turned past me as Aoif perked up at the calling of her name.

"Yes?" Aoif questioned, as her body moved from its spot to stand next to me.

"I know that you love Darwin, but it is not conducive for one partner to do everything the other says. You just end up with a submissive doll" my eyes blinked in surprise, relationship advice was the last thing I would have expected from this situation, from Delta too. But here we were, Delta whispering advice into Aoif's ears, low enough that I couldn't even hear it.

Soon though Delta receded from her spot next to Aoif's ears and looked toward me, her eyes serious.

"And you, I know that you are young and inexperienced in relationships just as Aoif is but do better. Don't only think of your desires"

With that she left us to dwell on her advice. I sat down, all thoughts of passion left from my mind as I went over my relationship with Aoif.

Of how much of it was all about me, all of her desires and everything was about me I didn't even know her favorite dish or favorite color.

It was jarring having these thoughts, to know how much our relationship had progressed even though we knew barely anything about each other.

Sure I knew a lot about her past from that one time but other than that I didn't know much.

[Crown Aoif's has transferred 1/5 ownership of the realm to you]

[Congratulations, you have complete ownership of the realm. Would you like to name it?]

[Congratulations to Crown Darwin for taking ownership of the first realm. Fame +1]

Before I could even think to talk to Aoif, to figure out our relationship, she had transferred ownership to me. Notifications rang out as the transfer was confirmed.

"Aoif?" I questioned, I thought we were going to talk about this stuff before we did anything more. Even if we had agreed to have me as the owner of this realm that was an old agreement. I wanted to at least talk about this before anything.

"Name it" Aoif interrupted, "we can talk later, this is a momentous achievement."please visit

I just nodded, my mind going through various names. Though it was hard thinking of a name, each and every name that I could think of was rejected before I even gave it a second thought.

I wanted something meaningful, it was to be my first realm, something that I would uplift into the highest of realms.

'Transcendence, maybe underdog' I thought to myself before laughing a bit. 'Underdog, a ridiculous name'

But transcendence that maybe could work, it wasn't the greatest name but it was one that I could live with.

"Hah" I sighed out, it was hard thinking of a name. I looked towards Aoif, her eyes shone in anticipation as she waited for my answer.

My brain was short circuiting for a name, for something that wasn't cheesy or terrible like underdog. I still couldn't believe that my brain had actually considered that.

"Darwinism" I said, finally deciding on a name, a homage to my parents who had named me and after the talent that had allowed me to get this far.

[Would you like to name your realm 'Darwanism']

[Note that this decision is final]

'Yes' I thought, naming it without hesitation.

[System Announcement: all crowns in the realm of Darwinism will be ejected to a currently unoccupied realm unless given permission to stay from the owner. Please get permission in the next 12 hours]

My eyes widened in panic and my mind quickly commanded the system to give Aoif permission to stay.

[Would you like to give Crown Aoif permission to remain on your realm]

'Yes' I commanded, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as the system confirmed that she could stay.

"What!" I yelled, as my eyes read the last of the notifications.

[Congratulations to Crown Darwin for taking ownership of the first realm. Fame +1]

[System Announcement: all crowns in the realm of Darwinism will be ejected to a currently unoccupied realm unless given permission to stay from the owner. Please get permission in the next 12 hours]

I went over the notifications again, Gabriel next to me reading them just as I had. A look of genuine surprise appeared on her face as the contents sank in.

My legs raised from where they were sitting, as panic set in. "We need to find Darwin and Aoif" I heard from my side. Gabriel was already dressed and was only waiting on me.

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