I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 156 Reactions

Chapter 156 Reactions

"What!" I yelled, the surrounding Crowns around me flinching back at the enraged voice. My eyes read over the messages again, flickering back and forth from the messages to the people around me before I finally sighed as my eyes fell.

"Shit" I spit out, my head that was lowered to the ground allowed me to conceal the loss of light that my eyes could not conceal. I had worked so hard, so much pain and suffering to create a haven for the Crowns around me but it would all come crumbling down because of that damnable Darwin. Because of him I would lose everything, no more importantly everyone here would lose a safe home, everyone would lose the security that I had worked so hard to create.

"Everyone, I can not imagine the stress and fear that you are going through." I addressed, my eyes glancing over all the comrades that I had gathered. "I know that you all rallied behind me because you thought that you would be safe, that you would be able to survive with my help but I can no longer protect you. We will be ejected to a random realm so wherever you go know trust if you meet me or anyone else in this room, to be kind, to be virtuous and help each other survive." With that final statement I walked from where I had addressed them to a storage vault next to me.josei

My hand touched the combination lock and quickly entered the code. I turned the handle, just as numerous items appeared in my vision.

"I know it is not much but I want you all to pick something from here to help you survive, whether it be a weapon or something else, I really do hope that all of you can survive and meet up with each other one day."

"Ready" A hurried voice reached me from the door.

"Yeah" I replied, the shirt I held being put on hastily.

"Good, let's get going," Gabriel said from the door, her hand already opening it. Her head was turned towards me, as her eyes looked on in panic as she tried to gesture for me to hurry.

I complied, my feet hitting the ground from where I was sitting to get dressed as I hurried from the door and into the hallway of the house that we had been living in for the past few days.

Down the stairs and into the first floor we went, our hands reaching to the wall as we called for an exit. Instantly the wall turned permeable, our hands falling through it moments before our bodies did.

Sunlight reached my eyes through the canopy of trees and blinded me for a moment but I was soon dragged out of my squinting by Gabriel tugging on my arm. I had never seen her this impatient, maybe it was the stress and anxiety that came from the iminent ejection from this realm, or maybe it was something else but either way I complied.

We rushed towards the closest subordinate, asking for where either Darwin or Aoif were. Though it seemed that they didn't know, I couldn't find one of the created humans that knew where they were.

"Hah" I panted, out of breath from the running around that Gabriel was dragging me through.

"Why don't we just check the buildings?" I ask Gabriel. Though when I did I saw as her eyes widened, as if the thought had not occurred to her.please visit

"Did-" A hand was quickly placed on my mouth as when I looked at her, trying to ask, I saw her blushing red in embarrassment. "Shh" She shushed but couldn't stifle the tiny laugh that came from my mouth.

'The smartest person I know, forgot something so basic' I thought to myself, the thought only making me giggle even more.

"Shut up!" She glared, an outburst of emotions flying from her mouth, "There aren't many buildings so- so it wasn't on my mind" She tried to reason, though clearly even she didn't believe it.

I just nodded my head, the tail threatening to shut me up with a slap was enough for me to stay quiet especially when I had neither my shield nor sword.

"Let's just go to the research building first, it's the most logical one" Gabriel said, her face still flushed in embarrassment. I couldn't help putting one more jab out there, "You sure about that~" I said in a singsong voice, my body already tensed to dodge the swipe of the tail.

A hand was raised to her forehead as she sighed, gesturing for me to follow.

I opened the door to the research hall, the smell of various oils and materials reached my nose as the dreary atmosphere surrounded me. I watched as the various apprentices looked up from their work and stared at me, my feet already carrying me towards them. Though before I could even ask them any questions I was accosted by an orange haired girl with an eyepatch.

"Aoif wants you both" She said, her facial expression not changing one bit as she turned around and led us further into the research hall.

"Wh-" Before I could even ask her name, she stopped and turned to both of us. A door behind her opened as she gestured for us to enter.

"Delta" That was all I heard before we were shoved into the door, Delta apparently, followed behind us. Though this Delta wasn't behind us for long as we marveled at the room, at all the technological treasures that we could see around us.

A hissing sound brought me out of my reverie, the jet in the middle of the room opening up to reveal a ladder that most likely went into the cabin of the giant jet.

"Come on, Naomi" I said, gesturing for her to follow me as I climbed the ladder into the chamber, the place where either Aoif, Darwin, or both were.

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