I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 174 Gazes One And All

Chapter 174 Gazes One And All

Various voices reached my ears, the sound of the footsteps echoed throughout the street as people walked by. Oblivious to the comings and goings of the greater news. Fresh blood. I smiled a predatory smile that I usually kept to myself.

I sat on a chair, my elbows firmly placed so that they could support my head. Aether flew through my veins as a slight charm was cast, a faint glow of light pink emanated from my body before it suffused in the nearby people, seducing them into the embrace of greed.

'That looks so shiny'

'That would be a great gift for my…'

'I think I'll indulge myself a bit today'

All thoughts that I had implanted into the heads of the passing persons, when their eye met my stall I would instill the appropriate thought and have them come and buy my merchandise.

"Excuse me?" A voice sang from the side of my vision. It was a voice that sounded so seductive, so gentle, so beautiful, that I just wanted to gobble it up. It got me excited and when I looked upon the owner of said voice I was surprised once more. Not only by the presence that I had finally sensed one on par if not greater than my own but her beauty.

Long purple hair that reached to her back with a set of matching purple eyes, a body that had curved in all the right places and a low cut dress that seemed to invite my attention.

"Yes?" I answered a little hastily, the excitement in my voice barely contained.

I couldn't help it, the sight of her was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. So much so that I unconsciously poured rather into my veins as I sent wandering thoughts into her mind.

'Hmm… he's cute'

'Maybe I should get his name'

All sorts of thoughts along those lines were sent into my prey's mind as I tried and tried to seduce her into my hands. To hold her as my own.

It seemed to be working for a second, a small smile appearing on her lips as she leaned closer.

'What?!' I yelled in my mind, my body frozen as a predatory smile consumed the innocent one that the girl had put on.

"Fuck" I exclaimed, the expletive shouted from my mouth involuntarily as I felt a weight in my back. My vision was obstructed by the ground as a couple of guards manhandled me onto the ground.

"Stop resisting" one of them yelled before I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my head and the world went dark.

"Fuck" the stall owner yelled, his body being tackled to the ground as the guards surrounded him.

Grumpy emotions flew through them as they took delight in the presence of this offender of the law. I felt it before I saw anything.

"Stop resisting" one of them yelled as their emotions were put into flux. A mixture of tiredness and satisfaction culminates in the murder of the stall owner.

A blow to the head one deliberately too strong was given to him as the stall owners brain was pierced, blood splattering into the ground.

"Bit excessive…" I mumbled looking to the body of the stall owner. However I couldn't muster up any pity or dissatisfaction at his death. I clearly saw and felt the sadistic lust that he felt at my body and couldn't help the disgust and rage that pulled at my heart.

'The only one allowed to look at me like that is Darwin' I thought to myself as I watched the guards dispose of the corpse. The stall was taken down, all the merchandise being confiscated by other guards that grumbled and pouted about their duties.

Though the spot where the stall was was empty, that wouldn't be true for long as even now merchants were eying it like sharks to blood.

I smiled as I saw Darwin approach, his expression veiled as his own emotions were in flux. In part embarrassment and part anger. The embarrassment at having to go through with this plan and anger at the same thing.

"Don't worry…" I mumbled to him, "He saw nothing, not even a glimpse."

Done with my reassurances I walked to the empty stall and took the chair that had been thrown aside. I sat, my body pointed towards the street as I watched Darwin follow after. A bag clanging with the sound of boxes hitting each other.

A table was unfurled in front of me, the guards giving it a cursory glance before they went back to their duties.


Countless boxes were placed upon the table and opened, the shiny metal immediately drawing the eyes of countless of the already onlooking pedestrians and merchants. The merchants because of the quality and the pedestrians because of the designs.

Last night Delta had meticulously designed and crafted each of them so as to draw the eye of even the highest of standards. From golden eagles held to a necklace to crystal turtles in the shape of a ring, or even to just shaped ore earrings. Everything was polished and made to stand out as much as possible.

There was a bit of clamoring before the merchants glared at each other, their bodies clamoring to stand ahead of the other as they approached me.

"Lady," One of them bowed to me, his eyes landing on the most intricate ring that we had on sale, "If I may enquire. What is the price of this ring?"

"20 gold" I plainly said, my eyes bored as they bore holes into his own gaze.

"Preposterous!" He exclaimed, a british accent appearing in his tone for a second, "I will do 15 and no more"

"20 gold take it or leave it" I said, my eyes no longer boring holes into his own as they were too busy picking at my nails to show off a side of indifference. Next to me Darwin glared at the customer, aether flowing off of him in a display of threat.

"Ahem…" he coughed into his fist, "We may have gotten off on the wrong foo-"

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