I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 175 Joyous Imitation

Chapter 175 Joyous Imitation

"Ahem…" I coughed into my fist, "We may have gotten off on the wrong foo-"

"20 gold" I was cut off, the girl in front of me arrogantly setting the price with no place to haggle.

I had to grit my teeth, I could not anger this person. Those gems of hers were perfect m, the greatest quality that I had ever seen. If I was able to get my hands on one of those I would be able to double… no triple the cost of it. Though I wasn't going to sell it I was going to use it for my own purposes.josei

As long as I was able to extract them from where they were inscribed into those pieces of jewelry they would be perfect to enchant or even just as a catalyst. Others may not be able to tell but I was. I could see the inherent aether conductivity of them and they were off the charts.

The highest quality hat I had ever seen in a gem was maybe 45%. Meaning that the server sent into the gem would be amplified by 45%, though that wasn't the only thing that they could do. That was just the base level. The higher the conductivity the Better the enchantments work on them. So say an enchantment on a 10% conductivity allows you to fly a 100% would allow you to soar with agility only seen within the greatest of birds. There may even be secondary effects such as the ability to control the wind around you to fly faster or anything else along those lines.

"I'll take this and that one" I said, my teeth still grit as I politely asked for the two that I saw with the greatest conductivity.

"45 gold" She said, her hand held out to grab the two boxes that I had pointed to.

I reached towards my own bag. My hand grabbed at the gold and pulled, the small coins clanging in my fist as I opened it and placed them one by one on the table.

A cursory glance was spared by the girl before she scooped them closer to her body and handed me the boxes.

I placed the boxes carefully at my side, securing them so no random pickpocket could grab onto them. And with that I was done with my transaction. I spared a last glance at the other gems but it would have been too eye catching for me to have bought everything. Either they would have caught in that they had something more valuable than they thought or others would have followed me.

I reached to my side, the hotel room dimming as the light was turned down. The jewelry boxes were placed on my table as they were carefully pulled from their resting places.


A small click and a focused light was placed on the jewelry. A small circle of various materials were placed off to the side.

I looked toward said materials and grabbed at two of them in particular.

With a click of a button I felt a draw on my aether reserves that flew into the tool, a small flame appearing as it melted at the exact temperature that I needed it to melt at.

Slowly the silver around the gem was melted into molten metal that was caught and placed into a separate container.

In just moments the gem was revealed in full, a magnificent emerald. This was where the next tool came in but I'm first I needed to wait, the gem was still blazing hot and even with my gloves I would still burn my finger if I touched it.

I picked it up with tweezers and placed it in a container that would cool it efficiently and ensure that no cracks in the structure were made from the rapid heating.

I then pulled the other piece of jewelry and did the same to it. My back leaned into the chair as my eyes closed, a timer was set to alert me to when the next step could be taken.

ding ding

The sound of the timer echoed in my ear, the noise causing me to jump from my current position.

'It always does that' I sighed to myself, every time that I had set an alarm and woken to it my immediate response was to jump and reach for my weapon. It was a response gained from several tours of combat duty but not one that I wanted to kick.

I shook my head the thoughts dissipating from my head as I turned towards the timer and more importantly the gems.

It would take another twenty or so minutes for them to cool but that was all I needed to set up the circle that I was going to create.

I couldn't help the grin that had appeared into my face, I was finally going to create a transmutor. Something that I could make gems of the lesser or if done well the same quality of the ones that created it.

It was a grand project one that was usually only made by the wealthiest of enchanters but this fortuitous encounter had allowed me to make my own.

My hands flew across the table materials picked apart at the seams as they were combined and assembled into a small circle. One that could hold a gem. I had already taken measurements of the gems before, they weren't exact because I had to calculate from incomplete data but it was all I needed. Though this wasn't the only one I needed. I had to make another one then I needed to make the circuit that would take my energy and channel it through the gems to then go into the circle that would generate the new gem.

I couldn't waste any time, well I could but I was too excited to do anything else. The nap had given me enough energy to stay up the whole night and do this if it so called for it. I couldn't wait to finish this.

I cracked my knuckles holding my hands out as I looked to the next set of materials.

'Let's do this' I smiled to myself.

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