I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 176 A Blessing; A Curse

Chapter 176 A Blessing; A Curse

'Let's do this' I smiled to myself. The rest of the materials were kept at the side being taken one by one and heated to their melting point before being mixed into the mold. Wires of various colors were made and placed at the same time so as to streamline the process.

In my mind's eye I could see the end result coming together. Every single part did its job, the runes that I needed to etch were there but they were blurred as if they were just out of reach.

It took everything in me to remember, no, to innovate the right runes. I knew what I needed them to do and so I believed that the set that I had made would do its job.

It was this belief that led to the completion, and although I barely knew how much time had passed I knew it was finished.

In front of me was a small device, a box with wires running here and there various tools etched into it ready to heed their commands. On the side were the two crystals that had been made exactly for the purpose, the very essence of their being molded into the machine. The only thing left to do was to slot them in.

A grim smile stared me down, my reflection staring into my very soul from the glass of the machine.

'With these final touches I can complete your wish. Wait for me, my dear' I thought to myself, each hand simultaneously slotting the crystal into their destined slots.

The whirring of the machine brought my attention from my depressed thoughts. A soft blue light emanated from the machine as it started up, the aether in the air and in my body drained. I could feel as it waited for its commands. With glee I pressed my hand into place, mental commands and structures slotted into place as the whirring picked up pace.

The soft blue glow turned violent, an oppressive feeling taking hold of the air as it was drawn further and further into the machine.

No, I couldn't keep on calling it the machine. It was my masterpiece and thus deserved a proper name, one that would immortalize it into the annals of doll history. 'Gineadair, or generator in a lost language' I thought to myself, the name falling off of my thoughts and into the world.

Though soon after I was quickly drawn from my naming as the Gineadair had finished its task. A palm sized diamond was sitting there, waiting to be taken.

I couldn't help the jump of joy nor the ungentlemanly whoop of excitement as I felt the diamond in my hand. It was my greatest creation but now… now I could do so much more.

I couldn't help but thank whatever god or chance had led me to discover that stall, it was most likely the luckiest that I had ever been.

And for the first time in my life I actually prayed. I prayed for their well-being despite the apparent gruffness of the girl, I prayed for her to be successful. I was high off of the success and even if I wasn't I still would have prayed for them. They had given me this opportunity and I was not one to be ungrateful.

Though I couldn't help but wonder how the stall had done after I had left. Did it still have products, was it still selling.

I watched on as more gold accumulated in my bag, the rush of people that had taken to the jewelry we had sold gradually fell. The traffic that had stopped by our stall had thinned but still was enough to sell out of everything by the afternoon.

I wasn't surprised, the quality of Delta's work would charm anyone. Though now that we were out I was thinking of going out to eat. To find a nice restaurant that I could treat Darwin to.

"You-" I cut Darwin off before he could even finish his first word.

"We're going out." It was final, I left no choice for him, only the tugging of his arm as I left the stall, the weight of the bag of gold a pleasant feeling.

I found myself standing in front of some fancy restaurant and while our clothes were up to par with what they had expected for us to be able to eat there. The dirt of the day had tarnished that, the people within giving us dirty glares as if we had personally offended them.

I gave them no mind though, instead focusing on the meal ahead of us. Although we had not done much work it still was unfamiliar to us, which meant we had to focus on it much more than we would a familiar action. That had caused our appetites to flare.josei

A waiter had found us soon and with a face barely hiding their contempt at our outfits handed us the menu.

Soon after water was given to us and we ordered then, our table turning to comfortable silence as we awaited the approaching food.

It was only after some time that the meal came. With fancy preparations and plating it was handed off to us.

I took a bite and it was good, not the best that I had eaten, not even close to my top hundred and even more not deserving of the exorbitant cost. However I didn't think that the people came here for the food. They most likely came for the atmosphere, for the prestige that came with being able to spend as much money as they did on a single meal.

"Your bill has been waived" a voice rang out, its source a nearby waiter that had come from the table at the other end of the restaurant.

"Be thankful that sir has taken notice of you" he warned before running off to do his duties.

I looked over and saw the die that he was talking about. A pompous man that looked more punchable than an idiot. He even had the audacity to wave at me and send me this disgusting smile.

I grimaced, a feeling of great disgust welling up in my stomach as I watched on at his pathetic attempts to indept me to him.

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