I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: I like killing people.

The grand ancestor looked at Harry menacingly. 

Harry did not waste any time and threw the sword at her while infusing some magic energy into it with his left hand, while using his right hand to use a deadly spell.

The combination of colors looked extremely... beautiful yet at the same time, deadly.

A pitch black sword covered and engulfed by a red shining light with a tinge of blue on one side, and a green light with a deadly looking blackish tinge on the front.

The light covering the sword was partially translucent, and the black sword was still slightly visible.

Harry grinned as he knew that the grand ancestor would not survive this attack. According to his System granted temporary knowledge, this attack was called the twin evil, and except people who had extraordinary healing powers, or people who completely overshadowed the person casting the twin evil in terms of magic power, all others would definitely die due to the attack. 

He even added in his sword, which gave slightly more power to the spell.


The grand ancestor felt her back be covered by cold sweat as she stared at the double coloured spell came towards her.

She put up all the barrier spells and seals she knew, all the while racking her brains on just what spell the human king had used. If she knew just what spell that was, then she could use individual counter spells to somehow counter it.

But, the sad part was, she didn't. Not one spell she knew resembled the spell that the human king had cast.

She had a strong urge to bang her head to the wall, or to tear her hair out. 

But before she could follow her slightly funny urges, the spell broke through all of her barriers like they were tofu, and burnt her into crisp.

Nothing of her was left. Not even her bones. All of it was burnt into ashes, and then even the ashes were destroyed into nothingness by the spell.

Her screams rang out through the castle of Aduseon, alerting a lot of the guards who did not see their queen and princess jumping off the window.

The guards were not really that alert and were pretty lax because they did not consider the human messenger as a threat.

There were three of the strongest witches in the throne room. Just who could possibly do any harm to them? Only the grand ancestor of the demons, who is known to not really like violence that much, would be able to fight with them evenly.

That's the grand ancestor of the current strongest race we are talking about. Why would the guards associate a normal human messenger with someone as strong as him?

But that was where they had made a critical mistake.

When the window broke and the queen and princess of Aduseon flew away for the sake of their lives, the guards finally realised that something was wrong.

The battle between the grand ancestor and Harry happened in the span of a minute or two.


Harry stretched his hands, and cracked his knuckles while looking at the mess that the throne room was now. 

The grand window with the royal families painting was destroyed, the majestic thrones were broken into pieces and the floor was scorched black.

Just when he was going to fly out of the window to search for the fleeing queen and princess, the throne room's doors were banged open with a large number of guards glaring at him.

The women all looked at the mess and felt their hearts throb. 

One of the women headed towards Harry while shouting, "What's happening here?! Where is the grand ancestor?!"

Now, it's clear that she was going to get killed. Like for f*cks sake! Can't the guards use their brains for once?! 

The grand ancestor is missing, the queen and the princess ran for their lives, and the room looked like the remains of a fierce battle. Add a single man standing peacefully in the middle of all that, peacefully stretching his body.

What does it mean?! 

Anyone with a shred of common sense will understand that the messenger was not to be messed with.

Harry did not even bother to answer the ignorant barks of the woman and directly pierced his hand through her stomach.

He slowly twisted his hand inside her stomach as she screamed ear piercingly. 

He then pointed his other hand which was not occupied, towards his nearby sword, and the sword flew into his hand swiftly.

He gripped the sword tightly and cut the womans head off without delay.

He then looked at the rest of the guards calmly waiting for their move. If they attacked him, he would kill them all without mercy. If they retreated, all would be good. They would have their lives, and he would have saved a bit of his time.

The guards used a bit of common sense, but only a bit, mind you. They all attacked Harry with multiple spells while some headed towards him to perform melee attacks.

Their plan was simple. However strong he was, he couldn't face all of them together, could he?! Teamwork makes the Dream work! 

Oh how wrong they were. The saying only applies in battles when the person was a bit stronger than you, not a whole realm higher than you.

Harry killed the grand ancestor easily. These few petty guards would not give him any problems.

He immediately used a barrier spell to nullify all the magical spells that were heading towards him and lifted his sword and slashed two of the women approaching him to perform melee attacks. 

The slash cut through their chests as they fell on to the floor.

Harry immediately lifted his sword and cut another woman who was approaching him cleanly through the neck.

The guards who were using spells to attack him sent another wave of spells towards him dimwitedly, not even considering the choice of fleeing.

Harry waved his hand and all the spells disappeared midway. At this point, he could just kill all of them at once if he wanted to, but he was just playing with them like a cat that played with a mouse.

A cat slowly tortured the rat by playing with it in multiple brutal ways before killing it. That was exactly what Harry was doing. Killing them all slowly and thoroughly while enjoying himself.

He had not forgotten about his main prey, the queen and princess of Aduseon. He had the confidence that he could easily find them, no matter how far they may have fled to.josei

And yes, he had put them as a secondary goal due to the sheer enjoyment of killing all these woman. Added to that was the System's constant praises that were showered on him.

[That's it host! Stab another with your hands! Twist it! Make them scream!]

Pluto was facepalming as he looked at the antics of Harry and the system.

He sincerely felt concerned for Harry at this point. Before, he only had the lack of empathy, and would only kill people that absolutely hated him or became barrier to him. But at this point, killing became a form of enjoyment for Harry.

That... was not good. Pluto also felt like slapping the system which was encouraging Harry to kill desperately. He sighed and thought to himself, 'I don't know if I should feel happy that the system is more supportive now, or anxious about Harry's increasingly violent tendencies and behavior.' He then seemed to think about it for a bit before mumbling to himself slowly, 'Meh. It should be okay as long as he doesn't start murdering his loved and loyal ones. That would mean that this has gone way too far. I would have to step in and do something then.'

Authors note :

"I am not comfortable with Harry's current behavior. He kind of reminds me of Jack the Ripper.", the editor said.

"That's gender bias. You were totally okay with him massacring hundreds of males, but as soon as it was one female, you feel uncomfortable?!", the author said with a menacing and scary expression.

The editor shivered as he shut his big mouth.

Okie jokes aside. Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

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