I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: They are.... still my friends.

Lier worked as a head guard in the kingdom of witches. She was responsible exclusively for the safety of the royals. But, well most of the time, they don't need a security team. Except for the princess, all the other royals are too overpowered.

So most of the time, she and her witches messed around and had fun, at the same time earning a lot.

Don't get her wrong. It's the queen who was still paying and wasting money on them even though she knew that they had absolutely no work to do.

Today too they were playing a game with their spells in the courtyard of the castle. Very irresponsible and rude behavior.

But, she covered it up to her conscience by thinking of their game as 'practise'.

Anyway, they were playing in the courtyard of the castle, when they suddenly heard a cracking sound ring out and the queen holding the princess while flying away for her life.

All of the guards were momentarily stunned as they looked at the slightly comical scene with grave indications. 

What could make their queen run away like that? All of them had different theories for it. One of them asked, "Why is the queen running away like that?"

Another replied, "Maybe the grand ancestor has gone mad?"

A slightly clever one refuted her answer with a growl, "Don't talk without knowing anything. Why would the grand ancestor suddenly go 'mad'?! I'm sure that she's just punishing the queen as she did something wrong."

Never mind. She's not a bit cleverer than the last person.

That was how irresponsible they were. Their queen was suddenly escaping, and they, instead of running away, were actually discussing what could have happened that made the queen run away. Their salaries is an absolute waste of money.

Lier finally realized what had happend and realized from her daze only to see her subordinates discussing about what might have happened.

She growled at them, "Come on! We have to check what happened! Ten of you, follow the queen! The rest of you, follow me! And I'll minus the salaries of those who actually dared to gossip instead of performing their duties!"

Now now, don't think she had any kind of noble intentions! The reason she said the last few sentences was not because she was angry, but because she saw an opportunity! She will say that she has minused their salaries and give them only half of what they earn as a punishment, but she won't tell this to the queen and pocket the rest half of what they should respectfully deserve!

She's a scammer through and through!

They were about to enter the castle when they heard an ear piercing scream echo through the castle. They felt all the hair on their body stand up as they slightly shivered. Lier felt an increasing sense of fear now. Did they have to go and check it out? The grand ancestor and the queen of Shusite should be able to manage it, right? If they can't handle it, then how could they handle it?! WHAT IS THE 'IT' ANYWAY?!

She still headed along with the other guards anyway. If the queen of Shusite and the grand ancestor are fine, and the scream is of the 'it', then if she did not arrive there and act all heroic, she'll be removed from the job.

They headed to the top of the castle towards the throne room. As soon as they reached the majestic looking doors, Lier kicked them open, only to be dumbfounded by what she saw.

The room was completely destroyed! The floors were charcoal black, and the room looked like it would crumble to pieces any second now.

Lier knew she f*cked up. What the hell?! The messenger was the one who did all this?! And he's a human... and the witches disrespected him, but still, this is a bit overboard right? 

Looking at all the mess and considering the situation, best case scenario, the powerhouses of both Shusite and Aduseon couldn't handle a human messenger and fled with their tails curled up.

I know. Not really what a 'best' case scenario should be.

[Small Author's Note : To those who are wondering, the body of the queen of Shusite too was burnt to ashes due to his attack.]

As for the worst case scenario, both the grand ancestor and the queen of Shusite died and the queen of Aduseon abandoned her own kingdom for the sake of saving her life.

Yup, the worst case scenario sounds similar, but is way way worse. Two powerhouses of the witches have died, and the humans have become extraordinarily powerful competitors for the witches.

Why, the witches would not be a competitor anymore if this was true. They would be enslaved by either the humans or demons or both, and sold as slaves.

The witches' condition would be the same or even worse than the female beastmen. The witches looked extraordinary beautiful as they used most of their mana from when they are born to improve their beauty and looks. 

So if they are sold as slaves.... the things that would happen to them are unimaginable.

Men had extremely strange fetishes. Just thinking about it made Lier shiver.

Just when she wanted to calmly signal for all the guards to retreat, as she knew they couldn't handle the human powerhouse.

But just when she felt that they were safe, as the human powerhouse did not seem interested in fighting them and wasting his time, one of her subordinates walked towards the human powerhouse while shouting, "What's happening here?! Where's the grand ancestor?!"

For the umpteenth time in her life, she regretted having such stupid subordinates, and for the first time in her life, regretted becoming a guard.

She should have followed what her mentor had said and become a farmer. Life would've been way easier just growing crops with magic. But of course, she needed some excitement in life and for that stupid reason joined the guards. She felt like slapping herself.

The man of course did not give her enough time to go on a pity party, as he immediately stabbed the woman who ignorantly shouted at him and killed her brutally.

Lier felt her heart throb even though she knew and expected what would happen. They were still subordinates and comrades that she had worked with from years. They had become good friends. 

No matter how much she scolded them in her mind, they were still.... her friends. She may take their salaries unfairly, but the second that they needed some money, she would be the first to lend it to them.

She didn't know what to call herself. A selfish b*tch? Or a caring friend?

Rage took over her mind for a split second, but she resisted it forcefully and thought about things carefully. What were the chances of them winning? Almost none. 

But, if they could delay him from chasing the queen, then the queen could do something. She could make an alliance or do something!

Even if she fled right now, she would end up having to flee the kingdom of witches.

And then? And then what? She would just end up living secretly forever, with her kind suffering a horrible ending.

She could at least try to prevent that from happening right? Even though she might not be able to succeed.... even if what she did made absolutely no difference, she had to try.

She gripped her sword tightly as she used a spell to deliver her thoughts to all her subordinates.

'All of you, attack at the same time. Hold him off as long as you can. Whoever is better at melee, attack him with your swords and weapons, and whoever is better at spells, cast the spells. Our goal is to hold him off as long as we can so that the queen can successfully escape and bring reinforcements to help Aduseon.'

Author's Note :josei

Please excuse the typos or anything of that kind in this chapter.... don't feel too good right now. Lost three of my best friends because of a sh*tty thing I did. They were like siblings to me. If any of them are reading this, I'm sorry.

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

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