I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: At most I'll be pranked.

Lier was in a world of her own. She did not realise or even know that Harry was literally just staring at her blankly. She heard him stutter his way through when she revealed he was gay, "H- How d- did y- you f- find o- out? T- this only gives me m- more reasons to kill you! I c- cannot let the m- matter leak o- out!"

Trust me, it feels even more cringier and awkward to listen to. 

Lier felt extremely victorious as she said, "As if I will let you kill me! The second you try anything funny, I will let all the humans in your kingdom know your gay! Then the king will be disgusted with you and lower your position!"

She looked at him while grinning in a way that felt to her was in a malicious manner, but to Harry, she was grinning in a comical way.

Lier's imaginations did not stop though. She started imagining that Harry crawled to her legs and grabbed them as he sobbed, "Please! Don't do such a thing! The honor I have saved and the position I have earned will both be destroyed in a split second!"

Lier chuckled as she kicked the 'imaginary' man armored in black armor.

She then growled, "You should not have killed my comrades! Now look at what I do to you! You will lose everything! EVERYTHING!"

[Author's Note : I really wish I had her imagination. Would make writing this story a piece of cake.]

Her imagination of course would not stop anytime soon, as she made Lier see the armored man crawl back and kiss her legs as he said, "Please don't do that! I'll give you everything! The humans will take over Aduseon anyway! Come with me! I'll give you fame, power and riches! Just don't do anything like revealing that I'm gay!"

Lier seemed to be in deep thought as she looked at the man in armor. After a while, she said, "Okay. Make me the queen of Aduseon, and I'll not reveal any of your secrets to anyone."

The man in the armor said with helplessness in her imagination, "B- But! I do not have any powers over that! Only the king can do that! They all are going to become slaves that we will use!"

Lier seemed deep in thought again, as she said after sighing deeply, "Fine, introduce me to your king. I'll seduce him. I'm sure that not everyone is gay like you and doesn't know how to appreciate real beauty."

The man in black armor got up to his knees and said, "Of course! As long as you promise that you won't tell the king about me!"

Lier grunted, indicating that she won't, and the man in black armor squealed in happiness. 

Lier asked the man in black armor, "How many wives does your king have?"

The man in black armor smiled under his armor, which because it was her imagination she could perceive and said, "He has five wives and fifteen concubines!"

Lier whistled and said, "How good do they look? Do anyone of them compare to me? How many children does he have?"

The man in black armor, as a fragment of her imagination, would definitely answer what she wanted and needed to hear. "They don't even compare a bit to you even when they wear tons of makeup! They're all average and mediocre looking! The king has 25 children!"

Lier said with her eyebrows raised, "He has a lot of stamina. How old is he?"

The man in black armor said, "Twenty five years."

Lier only exclaimed, "Wow."


At the start, it was a bit entertaining and comical to Harry, the system and Pluto. But as time went on, things only went downhill, as she became more and more boring. 

When she said, "Introduce me to the king, I'll seduce him," Harry was slightly surprised. Even the system slightly chuckled. 

But that was the last time they did get any more surprises as after that, everything was just self flattery to herself.

Harry yawned and said, "Shall we kill her? She's not gonna give you any more entertainment, system. We also have to hunt down and kill the queen and princess of Aduseon."

The system yawned in it's robotic voice as it said, 

[Yeah, kill her. She's boring. Crushing her fantasies would be more fun. As for the queen and princess of Aduseon, don't worry about them. I'll track them down and all you have to do is kill them.]

Pluto said with a yawn, "Nah don't let the system search for her. Then it'd be no fun. Finding her yourself would make it way more fulfilling."

"Yeah.", Harry said in his mind.

He then walked towards Lier who was still laughing like a maniac while indulging in her fantasies. 

He slapped her extremely roughly.


Lier was talking to the man in the black armor who was literally licking her legs like a dog, which is just disgusting to think about, let alone imagine, when she suddenly felt a strong force on her cheek.

Before she knew it, her head smashed on to the floor, and she only did not get injured severely because of the carpet.

Maybe that slap had completely broken her, as she could see two men in black armor now, one licking her feet like a cat even though she had fallen down, and the other looking at her stoically while holding his sword.

She felt her head spinning, and at this point, did not know what was true and what was false.

She had a splitting headache, that made her growl.

The man did not wait for her to do or say anything, as he lifted his sword and was about to slash it down on her neck, when she instinctively raised her hand and pointed it towards the wall of the corridor.

Harry paused mid swing, waiting for something to happen.

I mean, she used a spell. Something should happen.


For the citizens of Aduseon, today was an eventful and comical day.

It started as any ordinary day would, with all of them waking up and going to perform their jobs. 

To the outer citizens of Aduseon, it still was an uneventful day, and the only thing eventful was the queen and princess performing a stunt for them, flying through the skies.

This was even more funny for the citizens who lived near the castle, as they saw a glass located at the top of the castle break and the queen flying through the sky. They knocked it off as a stunt, but they did enjoy it.

They knocked it off as a stunt because the princess had a peculiar habit of pranking the citizens. 

They were used to it, and it did make the day more eventual and fun, so, why not? 

The princess did all kinds of pranks, one time even pretending that the demon army was attacking their kingdom.

That.... did not end well.

The princess got scolded very heavily by her mother. 

Hence, they just thought that the queen must've joined the princess to perform a prank.

Then, shortly after, a scream rang out from the castle. At this point, some people were creeped out, but upon remembering about the prank where the princess pretended as if there was a ghost in the castle, they all calmed down, feeling reassured.

Then, they heard multiple screams come from the castle, all louder and scarier than the last.

Any person with minimum common sense or no prank experience would have run away ages ago, but to the people of Aduseon who had experienced all kinds of pranks, this was nothing.

Some people did run away though, and when their neighbours made fun of them when they were grabbing their essentials, they said, "If this is the princess's prank, then all that would happen was that I was tricked. I could come back without much damage. But if somethings really happening in the castle, then I'd be safe."

This theory made some people convinced to run away too, while it made some people only laugh harder.

Author's Note:

Suddenly, pranks look scary to me. They can even destroy a kingdom! [Shivers]josei

So, please perform harmless pranks, letting people know the difference between a prank and reality.

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

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