I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: I've always been a bookworm!

The people who were slightly paranoid ran away when the first scream occurred, and those who were cautious ran away after the series of screams rang out.

The ones who stayed back though could be seen as foolish or courageous, completely depending on a person's view point.

One such person was Lithen, a very foolish but courageous person. She laughed at her friends who ran away in her mind. 

'Those people have no backbone. Just because the princess is conducting a prank, they ran away!', she thought.

She sincerely thought that they were overreacting for small things. 

She was sitting in her rocking chair, looking at the peaceful sky in a serene manner, when a large noise rang out in the sky with the clouds joining together to form a few words.

'THE MESSENGER IS GAY!', it read.josei

Lithen stared at the clouds for a few minutes with confusion. 'What?', she thought. Her mind went blank as she did not know what to interpret from this sudden 'message'. After all, a lot of the knights did not know that a human messenger had entered their kingdom, let alone ordinary commoners. Add that to the fact that the witches were not the brightest.

Lithen had a light bulb glow in her head, as she shouted, "Eureka!" [Just kidding, it means having a realization]. 

Lithen burst out laughing as she thought, 'See, this was all a harmless little prank that the princess must have made. Judging from it's contents, maybe they're pranking a messenger of Shusite?' 

She had to admit, she was also feeling extremely nervous, and was contemplating the idea of escape. After all, it was all too coincidental. The big explosion that had occurred recently, and now these screams, they all felt too real. The big explosion even destroyed their barrier! Or well, it looked like it did.

Due to the extreme chaos and panic that spread through Aduseon due to the explosion of the nuclear bomb, the queen had to cover things up by making false statements. She said that it was all a prank of the princess, and that the princess would be punished severely for it, and that there was no way their great and mighty barrier made by their ancestors would be destroyed under any circumstances.

The desperation in the hearts of the people of Aduseon submerged their brain's rationality and logicality, and thus they blindly believed what the queen had said. But however much they wanted things to be fine, they knew that something was wrong. A seed of doubt and fear had planted itself in the hearts of the people of Aduseon. The explosion..... it was.... it was just too real!

Add that to the incident of the present. However unruly and rash the princess may be, she would generally stop her mischief for a few days after being warned by the queen. But, this time, she almost immediately conducted a 'prank' again, which felt extremely real again. The screams, the queen flying away with the princess... all these were truly making her panic, and she felt extremely anxious, all until the clouds gathering and forming words.

Those proved that it must be a prank. I mean, if something scary was really happening in the castle, people wouldn't cast spells like these to announce something. Even if they do, they would announce stuff like, 'Emergency, help!' or 'Run away citizens of Aduseon!' not stuff like, 'The messenger is gay!'

Thinking along this theory, which kind of made sense, Lithen felt her heart ease up. 


Harry waited for a bit, and all he heard was a loud big bang noise outside before everything becoming silent.

Harry had to admit, he was sincerely expecting something... grand? Maybe fancy? Nothing the weak witch would do could damage him that much anyway.

He had atleast wanted to witness a fun little struggle from her, but all he got was a bang sound, with absolutely no harm that was caused to him. 

Well, atleast no harm that he could percieve.

But just in case, he asked his system, "Hey system, should I expect something to happen? Like a final boss being summoned or something?"

It would land him in quite the mess should an otherworldly monster suddenly appear to destroy him.

They were not limited by this world's power caps, so it would make it hard for him to defeat them.

The system scoffed, which is more comical than you think in it's robotic sounding voice.

[Host, you overestimate the woman way too much! If any random good looking witch could do that, this world would've been destroyed ages ago!]

"Hey system, don't discriminate based on looks.", Harry stated.

Pluto sighed and said, "Systems these days are too discriminatory. Being powerful and intelligent has nothing to do with looks."

Harry chuckled when he remembered the classic Chinese cultivation novels he had read. For some reason in it, all the powerful people are extraordinarily good looking people! And the way that the skin was described... Jade. That totally gave him weird nightmares for many days.

He associated jade with green jade, and thus imagined them to be all green, like they are hulk's descendants. Well, the young master's unreasonable behaviour and the Male leads bloodthirst, maybe they are.

Harry broke himself forcefully from the stream of thoughts about various Chinese novels. 

If he started ranting about them, he could probably continue for days and days on. Their immense nationalism, which makes people feel like the Chinese government has a knife against their neck, their cliches... a lot more. But, no book is perfect. Every book, person and basically everything has its flaws.

No matter how much people scold the Chinese novels, and criticize them, they read them again anyway. They're like a car crash or a train wreck. You want to stop watching and reading, but you can't. It's a guilty pleasure. One that Harry himself had. Except for the fact that he loved anti hero and evil Main leads. Felt like he could relate to them. 

He could feel no empathy for people of the real world. All he felt was immense distrust towards them. But, when he read novels, he felt like he could truly let down his guard and root for the characters. 

He could hate them, love them, root for them... That was why he was a big bookworm.

Author's note :

Okay, look here readers! I plan to add a backstory to Harry in Earth during my rewrite. I always visualized him as an abused and mistreated orphan, and that's why his behavioral traits, but I plan to really flesh out the character in the rewrite. Everything from his tiniest likes to dislikes, to his past. So, be tuned for the rewrite! 

I can't really talk about the chinese Male lead's blood thirst as my MC himself is prone to bloodlust. But he doesn't massacre whole worlds due to an insult. That's atleast better, I think? I mean, my guy only nuked a kingdom, filled with women, and little girls, and... [ Author San starts feeling worse] Nah, my MC does not care about insults! He's shamelss! [Has internal struggle]

And and, I don't describe people as living jade! Except, I make them extremely beautiful! [Internal struggle rages on]

And my novel is not filled with cliches! I am sure! I think? Um... it must have something new! [Gives up and storms off from his device]

By showing things in Lithen's perspective, I don't mean to say that we have to be overly cautious and suspicious of all the stuff. What I want to say is that being overly accommodating and trusting is not good. A mix of both depending on the situation is what's required. For example, being cynical is not really good in most cases, but in some situations, you should never trust anyone. During those times, being cynical may save your life.

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

Join my discord server for a lot of cool stuff okay? Like you get live chapter rewrite status, and I tend to talk about any new ground breaking things about the story there, and, best of all, you can give me ideas for the story! Well you can give it down in the comments too.

Anyways, take care all you readers. If you ever just need a shoulder to cry on about life, just dm me in discord. I'll definitely listen to you as soon as I'm online in discord.

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