I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: They are in the cave.

Harry was majorly disappointed with the outcome of the witches spell, and immediately cut her neck off. He then blasted the corridors wall open and floated out peacefully, only to see a large amount of woman who were staring blankly at the sky now staring at him.

He glanced at the sky only to be amused. There were white clouds that joined and almost moulded together to form giant words reading, 'THE MESSENGER IS GAY!"

Harry laughed. This was her bargaining chip? This was what she threatened to do if he did not follow what she said? 

He sighed at the sheer amount of holes and mistakes her plan had and then laughed due to her confidence in it.

She really believed that he would be shivering and be scared if she did that. 

He facepalmed and without any delay, he asked his system about the location of the queen and princess of Aduseon.

The system took a bit of time to find their location.

[Host, give me a few seconds.] The system had said.

[Tracing 1 percent]

[Tracing 50 percent]

[Tracing completed. Target located.]

The system said in a cheery but robotic voice,

[Host I found her!]

The system then opened the map in front of his eyes, which showed two golden dots located a few tens of kilometers away from the kingdom of the witches, Aduseon.

Harry was sincerley impressed with her flying speed. All his shenanigans wouldn't have taken more than twenty minutes, and she had already gone more than a hundred kilometers away.

The dots seemed stationary, which Harry concluded must be of two, well no, one reason. She must have run out of mana and was taking rest to recharge it. Or, well he didn't know. He could only think of one proper reason for why she could have suddenly stopped her journey.

But, Harry's flying speed was way more than her. He should be able to catch up to her with a bit of effort.

Harry pumped up his mana outpour and flew as fast as he could towards the direction that the queen and princess were hiding.

The citizens like Lithen were still staring blankly at the spot that the person in blank armor was standing in.

Today was a very hectic day for them.

Harry flied at his top speed towards the location of the queen and the princess. 


The queen clutched at the princess while flying. The princess did not know the flying spell, and would fall down to a pitiful death should she leave her.

The queen was already flying for god knows how long. She could feel her mana rapidly draining. The only reason she could still last was because of her extremely large mana reserves that she prided herself on.

She was drenched and completely soaked in sweat.

Before she knew it, her mana reserves were almost completely over. 

She searched her surroundings for a safe place to take rest and found a cave below her. She used her remaining mana to land in front of the cave safely.

She wanted to walk in to the cave, but exhaustion completely took over her body. She couldn't move a finger, let alone her whole body.

Her sweat made the grass filled ground completely wet as she panted heavily, taking in big gulps of air into her lungs.

The princess who was lying on the grass felt traumatized due to the whole experience. But, she persevered and slowly got up.

She lifted her mother into a princess carry, which looked extremely peculiar due to the sizes of both of them.

The queen was considerably larger in size then the princess and to give you a perfect example, imagine a loli carrying an MiLF.

That was how it looked.

As for how she did it... she used brute strength, something rare in witches.

Witches find 'strength' useless. Why strain your muscles and get your hands dirty when you can just use a simple spell to solve all the problems in your life? 

The princess went into the entrance of the cave, laid the queen down and sat down heavily. She didn't risk going deep into the cave as she didn't want to risk anything.

She felt her head spinning, and a feeling of etheralness take over her head, as if her head was rejecting all of what had just happened.

Shusite being destroyed, her aunt and grandmother being killed.... she did not want any of it to be true.

She just wanted it all to be a long dream, and when she wakes up, everything is alright.

Before she realized it or she could control herself, tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Her eyes burnt and her throat stung. She cried and cried for what she felt was like an eternity before slowly falling asleep.


Harry finally reached the grassy plains where the System's map said that the princess and queen were present.

He had to admit, it took a lot lot longer than he had expected. 

He looked around below to find potential hiding spots of the queen and the princess when he finally spotted a cave.

He concluded that the royals of Aduseon must be in it and slowly floated down towards it.


The princess of Aduseon was sleeping soundly with tear stained cheeks when she felt someone moving her.josei

She slowly woke up while rubbing her eyes to see the panic stricken face of her mother.

She said, "Let's go! We slept! If he catches up to us, then our end will be more brutal than you can imagine!"

The princess suddenly realized what was happening and where they were. Her momentary peacefulness and sleepiness were both blown away as she felt her heart tighten up.

"How long did we sleep?!", she asked.

"How should I know?", her mother hissed at her.

She grabbed her hand and dragged her to the entrance of the cave, ready to fly away, when her mother suddenly flinched and stepped back.

"What happened mom?", the princess asked the queen.

The queen said while clutching her heart tightly, "He- he's flying outside! He knows we are here! He will come down to the cave any second! Go deeper in!"

The princess was not given a chance to react as the queen dragged her deeper into the cave.


Harry landed in front of the cave and looked around inside. There was no one in it, well atleast not in the start.

Maybe they went inside? Because in the map it shows that they moved a bit, and the direction is deeper into the cave.

So, he walked into the dark, murky and slightly creepy cave with a peaceful expression. 

Author's Note :

The reason she immediately knows that he knows they're there is because the dude was literally glaring at the grassy plains, searching for any places that people could hide in.

There was no way that it was a coincidence that he came exactly to a nameless location like this and started searching for them.

So, the queen concluded that he must know they're here.

And to all the perverts out there, this bit is NOT what you imagine, "The queen said while clutching her heart tightly."

To all the people who dont understand what I'm trying to say by showing this sentence, you're still pure kids. Keep it up. Don't let others ruin you.

To the others, get your mind out of the drain! [Tries to get his mind out of the drain]

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

Join my discord server for a lot of cool stuff okay? Like you get live chapter rewrite status, and I tend to talk about any new ground breaking things about the story there, and, best of all, you can give me ideas for the story! Well you can give it down in the comments too.

Anyways, take care all you readers. If you ever just need a shoulder to cry on about life, just dm me in discord. I'll definitely listen to you as soon as I'm online in discord.

I stress this again, please read the story from the start once more. You'll have many surprises. If you just like the old version, then go to google and search, I Will Conquer The World.

The last time I checked, a piracy website was letting people read my first 59 free chapter which were of the old version.

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