I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Something is wrong.

The masked figure looked at the princess who was shivering while she had fallen on the floor and laughed softly in a creepy manner.

'This is fun. Should I kill her or play with her for a bit longer?', it thought.

But just when she decided to play with the young girl for a bit more time, she heard her master's voice radiate in her head.

"I... I...", the same word repeated in her head like a recording. If it was not for the fact that it was her master's voice, she would've already gotten extremely angry by this pesky interruption just when she was having fun.

But she had more pressing matters in hand. Her master's voice was actually breaking! They both had a mental connection! Unless he had no more mana left, which was absolutely impossible as the only reason he inhabited this cave was because of its rich mana, or he was attacked, his voice would never break!

She realized that something had happened and immediately killed the young girl effortlessly, extracted her life force and disappeared into the shadows.


Harry was tired after walking for so long. For him though, the tunnel looked completely natural, and did not expand outwards like the other one or give any signs of unnaturalness.

Harry sighed as he looked back and saw nothing but absolute darkness.

He decided to check the map to see where the pointers of the princess and the queen were.

But when he did, he was extremely shocked.

There were no markers around him!

"Hey system, the markers of the princess and the queen have disappeared! Are they dead or did they somehow magically escape from the surrounding regions?!", Harry asked with slight apprehension and shock.

[I'm not really sure Host. Should I scan for them again?]

"Yup do it.", Harry said.


Tracking 1 percent.

Tracking 5 percent done.

Tracking 10 percent done.

Tracking 50 percent done.

Tracking 70 percent done.

*Not found*]

[Host they're dead or are transported to another world.]

Harry grinned and said, "I'm okay with any."

But then the real realization struck him. A powerful witch died in the middle of nowhere?!

"Harry, there's something wrong here.", Pluto said with apprehension filled in his voice.

"I know Pluto. The queen of Aduseon is powerful. If not for the System's boost that I've gotten, I would be utterly crushed by her even if she does not try. Only a handful of people can fight with her on equal grounds, let alone kill her so simply and easily. He had just checked the map ten minutes before and they were alive and had their markers.

And ten minutes after... they were dead. It was just too.. weird and creepy. It was completely unnatural.


The figure screamed into it's head, 'MASTER?! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

She was extremely anxious about her master. If anything had happened to him... her year long hard work and plans would all fail!

She glided in the shadows as fast as she could, and by the time she reached the end of the tunnel and entered the core of the cave where her master resided, she was having a complete panick attack.

She couldn't let her work go to waste!

But when she finally reached there and looked at the old and frail man who was sitting on the ground while in deep thought, all her worries were replaced with confusion.

[AN : The masked figure is actually a female. I was gonna do this grand reveal and all but I'm too tired to plan for it... Anyway that's why I'm saying she instead of it.]

She looked at her master, and upon feeling the presence of his servant, he slowly woke up and looked at her.

He groaned and said, "Why did you take so long...? I called you ages ago. Yeah now massage my legs for me."

The masked figure felt anger boil up. This is what he called her for?! WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE JUST CALLED HER NORMALLY?! AND WHY THE HELL SHOULD SHE MASSAGE HIS LEGS?!

As they had a mental link, the old man could feel her intense urge to seal him again that the masked figure felt due to the anger that took over her.

He laughed awkwardly and said, "I was obviously just joking with ya. I called you because of this aura I feel! It's of a system users!"

"A system users?", the masked figure gasped.

"Yes, a system users.", the old man said with an internal sigh of relief that he had successfully distracted her attention from his previous shenanigans.

He may be her master, but it was just a ceremonial title at this point. She was the one who freed him and is helping him gain power again. He may act like he was high and mighty and that she was nothing but an ant to him, but in reality, he was extremely apprehensive of her, and did not dare to cross limits with her or do things that may anger her. 

Author's Note:

Aghh I'm having writers block... too much stress. I have exams and writing! Like before I had plenty of time to read other novels get some inspiration, mould ideas into another way and then use them in my book.

Now my head aches... DEYM MINIMUM GUARANTEE SUM!

I'm losing motivation lol.

Yeah so she's female. Surprise surprise! Nope she's not gonna become MC's waifu so don't worry.

[Author sighs and says, "Editor - san, gimme some more ideas... what do I do?! I gotta increase the word count.

Editor puts his chin in his hand and enters deep thinking mode and says, "I have an idea, but isn't increasing the word count like this cheating the readers?"

Author sighs and says, "Of course not. I'll be writing the rewritten version too right? So they'll get double the content if they unlock this one chapter. The first one being the old version one and then the new one with cannibalism and all."

Editor smiles and says, "Well that's more fair I guess. So, maybe you can add a long lengthy authors note that you remove when you write the rewritten version?"

Author smiles guilty, "Yes... that's the only way. I'll definitely remove it afterwards and give them quality stuff... I mean I'm forced to do this now because I have boards, [a very important test in India ] , and have to prepare for it while preparing for the monthly exams they keep... so I'm not really free till June 10th."

Editor whistles, "Deym. That's a long time from now."

"I know, but I have these monthly tests to prepare for, and like boards are considered like a divine test in India. There are students who suicide upon failing them and all.", the author says while sighing.]

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones, please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

Join my discord server for a lot of cool stuff, okay? Like you get live chapter rewrite status, and I tend to talk about any new ground-breaking things about the story there, and, best of all, you can give me ideas for the story! Well, you can give it down in the comments too.

Anyway, take care all you readers. If you ever just need a shoulder to cry on about life, just dm me in discord. I'll definitely listen to you as soon as I'm online in discord.

I stress this again, please read the story from the start once more. You'll have many surprises. If you just like the old version, then go to google and search, I Will Conquer The World.

The last time I checked, a piracy website was letting people read my first 59 free chapters, which were of the old version.

All in all, to wrap things up nicely for this chapter, thank you to all my readers. I appreciate your support and love you show to my book. Even your hate helps me improve. I admit, this is not the best book. But, I am trying my best to at least make it into a memorable experience for all you readers. I sincerely hope you read the book from the start again, as there are lots of surprises waiting to be discovered.

I've also started using a grammar app, and so the overall quality should improve, like small typos and grammar errors. It's been a lovely experience writing, and I want it to be a lovely experience for you readers to read my book. 

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