I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Final Death

"A system users?", the masked figure gasped.

"Yes, a system users.", the old man said with an internal sigh of relief that he had successfully distracted her attention from his previous shenanigans.

The masked figure laughed and thought, 'This must be my lucky day! A system user, huh? It'll be fun to play with the user and their system.'

The old man who was listening to their thoughts said with a soft smile after hearing her thoughts, "System users are not as easy to defeat as you think. They have many tricks upon their sleeves. Proceed with caution. But, if you can successfully kill the system user and bring his life source…", the old man continued saying after licking his lips, "I'll finally be powerful enough to assist you in breaking your curse."

The old man really did not know why such a powerful existence was working for him. The masked figure was hundreds of times more powerful and had way more experience than him. Thousands of years ago, he was experienced in various forbidden spells, delving in areas such as necromancy and curse breaking.

But one day, he had become too arrogant and challenged a powerful mage. The results were not at all favorable to him. The powerful mage defeated him and had tried to kill him, but because of the last ditch spell he used which linked their life sources together, in such a way that the mage would die if he died but nothing would happen to himself if the mage died, the mage had no option but to seal him.

He had been sealed in the core of the cave system by the powerful mage after draining his extensive mana that he had stored for over fifty years.

The mysterious masked figure finally unsealed him after thousands of years passed. He assumed she was female due to her voice which though muffled, highly sounded like that of a females.

What the masked figure described as the current condition of the outside world extremely shocked him. Magic became restricted to only women? Demons became the prevailing race? Beastmen became slaves and monsters suddenly disappeared? All of it sounded almost dreamlike to him.

But, after all, thousands of years had passed. Anything could have happened in between that made the golden age he lived in disappear. When he lived before the incident of sealing, magic was not restricted to anyone. Men, women, commoners, nobles, no matter which race or which class they belonged to, as long as they had the innate talent for it, magic was available for them to learn.

All the races lived together harmoniously, with a supreme committee of mages comprising of people from all the races, made sure that this harmony did not get disturbed.

But now… well, the condition was a stark contrast to what it was before.

The only thing he knew about the masked figure was that she was cursed and that she needed his help to break it. After restoring a bit of his mana, he did a further close inspection of the masked figure, and what she found made a chill pass through his spine. He felt like ants were crawling throughout his body due to what he had discovered.

The curse she was under was the fabled 'Final Death'? But that is just a story, right?

Once, when he was very very young, when he was around fifteen years, he had found a book. It looked extremely wrinkled and old, with a black cover and a sigil in front of it. Looking at the sigil had made him extremely uncomfortable when he had looked at it when he was fifteen.

It had a large circle, with complex signs in the middle of it.

He took it back home and slowly opened it. The things he read in it were so unbelievable that he knocked them off as just mere jokes. Apparently there were these people called 'system users', who the gods chose, and that they could go astray, and if they do, that would not bode well for the gods.

I mean, come on. Why the hell would the gods give some people these special things called 'systems' if they know they may get f****d in the end?

But leaving that aside, he found information about this curse in the book too. It did not describe when the curse would activate after being cast, but it did say that the reason this curse was called final death was because once it was cast on a person, as long as they did not know the method to counter curse himself or remove the curse, he would die a pitiful death.

But that was not all, even his soul would be destroyed, thus completely destroying the person.

The book did give a method to get rid of the curse, but the method would slowly corrode away at the curse. So, getting rid of the curse required a long time and a lot of effort. He did not know why, but the memories about the book stayed in his head for a long time.

Maybe it was because he was so amused by it. He would always laugh whenever he remembered the book, just due to the sheer outrageousness of the book's contents.

Author's note :

[Author sighs and says, "Editor - san, gimme some more ideas... what do I do?! I gotta increase the word count.

Editor puts his chin in his hand and enters deep thinking mode and says, "I have an idea, but isn't increasing the word count like this cheating the readers?"

Author sighs and says, "Of course not. I'll be writing the rewritten version too right? So they'll get double the content if they unlock this one chapter. The first one being the old version one and then the new one with cannibalism and all."

Editor smiles and says, "Well that's more fair I guess. So, maybe you can add a long lengthy authors note that you remove when you write the rewritten version?"

Author smiles guilty, "Yes... that's the only way. I'll definitely remove it afterwards and give them quality stuff... I mean I'm forced to do this now because I have boards, [a very important test in India ] , and have to prepare for it while preparing for the monthly exams they keep... so I'm not really free till June 10th."

Editor whistles, "Deym. That's a long time from now."

"I know, but I have these monthly tests to prepare for, and like boards are considered like a divine test in India. There are students who suicide upon failing them and all.", the author says while sighing.]

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]josei

Gimme your Power Stones, please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

Join my discord server for a lot of cool stuff, okay? Like you get live chapter rewrite status, and I tend to talk about any new ground-breaking things about the story there, and, best of all, you can give me ideas for the story! Well, you can give it down in the comments too.

Anyway, take care all you readers. If you ever just need a shoulder to cry on about life, just dm me in discord. I'll definitely listen to you as soon as I'm online in discord.

I stress this again, please read the story from the start once more. You'll have many surprises. If you just like the old version, then go to google and search, I Will Conquer The World.

The last time I checked, a piracy website was letting people read my first 59 free chapters, which were of the old version.

All in all, to wrap things up nicely for this chapter, thank you to all my readers. I appreciate your support and love you show to my book. Even your hate helps me improve. I admit, this is not the best book. But, I am trying my best to at least make it into a memorable experience for all you readers. I sincerely hope you read the book from the start again, as there are lots of surprises waiting to be discovered.

I've also started using a grammar app, and so the overall quality should improve, like small typos and grammar errors. It's been a lovely experience writing, and I want it to be a lovely experience for you readers to read my book. 

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