I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: temporary

"Really..." Gray said with some surprise, she had seen many magic eyes on the magic eye collection train.

Among them, I heard those magicians mention the magic eye of the rainbow level - the magic eye of death.

It can be said to be the highest level among the magic eyes.

However, what I didn't expect was that I was lucky enough to meet the owner in this maze.

Although, looking at their conversation, it seems that they have just awakened, and they have not fully grasped it. It is foreseeable that if this kind of thing is known to the outside world, it will definitely cause an uproar.

If so why...

Why did you tell her so without hesitation?

Liangyi and Mi glanced at Gray and smiled, then continued to chat with Liangyi, telling her that it didn't matter. Anyway... I and Shiki themselves do not exist in this world.

Not life of this world.

Even if everyone knows about the trouble, the final result is just magicians searching all over the world, and there is nothing in the end.

What's more... She is not a talkative person, at most she is telling her master El-Melloi II who is blocked from the outside of the maze...

"Okay, everyone, this is the end of the leisurely exploration of the maze, it's time to work." Robin Hood walked over, revealed his figure and said, "A large group of goblins appeared in front of us, what should we do?"

"Go around." Liangyi and Mi put their hands on the wall, ready to open a new path.

The boss on the second floor that was avoided in this way came directly to the third floor.

"No, let's rush over this time." Liang Ri took out the dagger and looked at his hand and said, "I want to see if the magic eye you mentioned can be revealed during the battle. After all, the previous two Every time it happened at a time like this.”

One time smashed the boulder, and one time wiped out the magic of Shatiao Aige.

As for stones and magic, there is no death...

Isn't it natural that all things die. Stones are no exception...

And all of this is reflected in the pair of eyes. The magic eye of death is such an eye that can easily see the places where death is easy. Although it cannot be called invincible, it is difficult to guard against.

"Okay then..." Liangyi and Mi thought for a while, "Archer, Grey... just leave us safe."

"What, you bastard, don't you look down on people? Aren't you just a few goblins, how could you pose any threat to me?" Liang Yi said and walked forward.


A group of people saw the large group of goblins in front of them.

It is said to be a fairy, but it can actually be called a subspecies.

"That's... a man-eating goblin." Gray said with some surprise.

It is a blue genderless monster.

In human form, the mouth is vertical, like a zipper on the face, and the rows of sharp teeth inside can be easily seen from the opened place.

There is a pair of transparent wings behind it.

Although she is a fairy, she definitely doesn't match up with the words "beautiful" and "good-looking".

It can even be said to be "disgusting".

There are five fingers like humans, but they are like five sharp daggers, which are hideous and terrifying.

"You know?" Liangyi and Mi asked. He didn't know much about the creatures in the magic world. In short, it would be fine if he passed by recklessly. There were almost no life forms that could threaten his life.

"Yes." Gray nodded: "I read in Master's book that this is a creature with dual attributes of wind and fire. Its weakness is the magic of water attributes on its head. The wings behind it are called goblins. Feather is a good magic material."

"I really know a lot... But these goblins are just like the monsters before, they don't leave at all... Even if they see us, as long as we don't take the initiative to attack or walk over, they won't act... .” The two rituals looked at the front.

Although there is no clear division, but not far ahead is the territory of those goblins.

Unless they stepped into their territory, or started attacking directly from a distance.

Otherwise, these group-living fantasy species are different from the stone statues that often appear, as if they are bound in place...

"It must be guarding." Robin Hood stretched out his hand and said, "Look at that... the stairs behind those goblins are leading to the next level..."

"In other words, is it finally coming...the fourth floor, where the Holy Grail of the subspecies is located."

The pupils of Liangyi and Mi flickered slightly, and when they got there, the real fierce battle began.


It has been a long time since I separated from the man named Liangyi and Mi.josei

Sajo Aika and Saber continued to conquer the maze, and then... met Caster and Asssassin, and they became friends when I couldn't understand what happened.

The three Servants filled in each other's vacancies together, and the progress of the strategy was much faster.

But ah... the labyrinth seems to have become more chaotic, with an unknown number of dead ends.

According to Sajo Aika, these were all done by the man named Liangyi and Mi.

He used alchemy to directly open the wall in front of him, and then erected a new wall elsewhere, so... the original correct line became incorrect under his alchemy.

However, even so, it still reached the next level.

This made me a little relieved.

But... once I encounter some kind of fantasy, I still tremble with fear, although now my body is no longer under my control...

But, I'm always so timid and cowardly...

If it wasn't Sajo Aika standing there but myself, I would have been swallowed by this maze long ago, maybe I wouldn't be able to get along well with that Saber.

With such apprehension, I also watched a group of people walk to the third floor of this maze.


It happened by accident.

After defeating the dragon that stood in front of him.

Shajo Aiga said these words: "I'm sorry, Saber, I thought I must destroy the Holy Grail, but it seems that it can't be done. Now I don't even know such a thing, but even so, there are still some things. Special time."

"What are you talking about? Master?" Saber tilted her head in some doubts.

"I didn't expect it to be limited-time, what a pity."

As I said that, while I was at a loss, Shajo Aige disappeared.

From my body, from my world...

"What's wrong? Master... love song?"


Saber looked at the situation in front of her in bewilderment. Originally, her Master Shajo Aiga had changed... into a girl with orange hair tied into a ponytail.

"Who are you?"

Shajo Aiga disappeared from this world...


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