I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 437

Chapter 437: coward

come down-

come down-

Keep falling.

Shatiao Aige disappeared, and...the only emotion she felt when facing the three Servants was—fear.

Be terrified of these superhuman killers who are equal to weapons.

Then, she who touched the mechanism of the labyrinth did not accept the helping hands extended by the Servants, but let herself fall.


got pulled.

"What the **** are you doing!"

"Huh?" The girl named Norma Goodfellow, who was possessed by Sha Tiao's love song, was stunned and slowly turned her head. Someone fell down with her, and the invisible sword in her hand was stuck in the wall beside her. On the ground, holding her backpack with one hand, he lifted her up like a feather.

She was so thin that she didn't feel heavy at all in that person's hands.


"It's Saber..." Artoria looked at the girl who looked like a small animal on her left hand and sighed, isn't she too timid?

"Okay, you don't need to be afraid at all. The conversation between Aige and that Liangyi and Mi made me understand something. You are the girl who Shajo Aiga possessed. Sorry, I was a little confused just now. Not discovering this fact almost put you in danger. No matter what...Although the contract seems to have become quite weak, you are still my Master, don't be afraid."

"Yes... yes... yes... I... I know..."

"..." Saber fell silent.

So timid, to be honest, it was the first time she met.

Even talking to a Servant, a Servant who has been protecting her, she was so scared that she was dying of fear. Just now, she even almost fell down continuously. From such a high place, she might not be able to directly fall to her death.


She herself has no such self-awareness at all.

Why would such a person run into such a dangerous maze?

Saber shook her head slightly and said nothing more, pulled the girl up and hugged her in her arms and said, "Okay, let's go down."


At this moment, two sounds came from above.

Assassin, who kept sliding down the wall with one hand, and Caster, who was floating and slowly falling down, also followed: "Really, are you a coward?"

"Yes... yes. Yes... yes... no..."

I said I'm sorry and didn't say it for ten seconds.

Seeing this situation, Caster was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Sorry, I shouldn't call you a coward. To say you are a coward is really flattering you. I can't find an adjective anymore."

Norma Goodfellow's mood is even more depressed...

Sajo Aiga, why did you disappear, it would be nice if you could control this body... I... I dare not speak at all!

Mingming said in his mind that he had to explain the current situation clearly.

He clearly told himself nothing in his head.

But... just can't say it!


At this moment, she froze for a moment, and looked over her shoulder, where...she was carrying a backpack.

One, the backpack that she threw away in fear when she first entered the maze and encountered danger.

But, now it's back to me.

For a moment, her eyes turned red...

"I'm so... sorry."

"Oh, it looks pretty good." Although Assassin was wearing a mask, it gave the impression that he should be smiling now: "It seems that he can finally say a complete sentence."josei

"Okay, it's okay to hang here all the time, the bottom is the lowest level, it just saves us to find the entrance, so let's go down directly." Said Saber, pulled out the sword in her hand, and fell down .

Assassin also let go of his hands clasped in the wall and fell down.

Caster controlled his own magic and quickly fell to the ground.

"Chirp chirp—"

The moment it hit the ground.

All around, a large number of goblins surrounded him.

There was a piercing scream.

"Hey—" Norma Goodfellow's face turned pale in an instant, as if she was about to faint from fright.

"I see, is this the welcome ceremony?" Saber clenched the sword in her hand and said with a smile: "Then—let's clean them up completely—"




It was so huge that people seemed to be able to forget that they were in a labyrinth-like spacious space. There was a huge monster—that was a dragon.

However, it is not a real dragon species.

But artificial ones can be called imitation dragon species.

The total length is nearly twenty meters, and the whole body is full of magic power.

The core is the spirit core of the heroic spirit, and it is also supported by a powerful magic furnace.

It can be said to be the most powerful existence encountered so far in exploring the maze...

"Hey, how do I deal with such a monster, I don't have the means to kill him." Archer said with a somewhat ugly face, completely humiliating this wall-ranking position.

"Come on, this should be the super elite monster before the final boss."

Liangyi and Mi were laughing: "However, that being said, I don't have the means to deal with such a monster...Huh? Spread out—"



The two-headed dragon quickly spit out the breath of magic power.

Such moves are generally impossible to defend against—at least now they don't have any defensive methods other than Avalon.


And that's just generally speaking!

Liangyi and Mi's bodies were slightly staggered, and D4C stretched out his hands up and down to "sandwich" the beam of light—


"Ahem—" Liangyi and Mi were sent flying aside.


"No...I'm fine." Liangyi and Mi said with a smile: "But...it seems to be a success, I've wanted to try this for a long time..."

Those beams of light and light cannons he encountered before are too powerful, if he fails, he will die...

But it's different now.

Although the attack of this double-headed dragon is powerful, it has not reached this level.

That being the case, things are very simple.

Through the sandwich between the upper and lower sides, after satisfying the activation conditions of D4C's ability, pass this beam of light to other worlds!


"Haha, it's half the battle."

Looking at his scorched palm, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and with breathing, Ripple quickly healed his injury: "Because I'm not very proficient, so I almost failed... But generally speaking, If you succeed...if you get more proficient in using it a few more times, I can transfer it directly even if it's a light cannon—”

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