I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 456

Chapter 456: exchange

Looking at the things they drew, Liangyi and Mi frowned.

"It really is this thing..."

In fact, he had more or less guessed it himself.

The current situation just told him that—

No mistake.

"C's World"

This is what Liangyi and Mi drew this time.

Slightly sighed.

Sure enough, the next moment the world changed.

But... this time, something was beyond his expectation, what appeared in front of him was not the scenery of C's world that he was in before.

But a pure white space.

In front of him was the true figure of that Fullmetal Alchemist.

"Are you... Alaya?"

"No, it's still me, Gaia." Gaia stretched out her hand and said, "If the world of C you just got, if Alaya gets it, it can indeed help him evolve. But...it's not like the Gate of Truth is for me too."

Liangyi and Mi thought about it and understood.

Because the Gate of Truth itself has the ability to speak, it has also completed "dialogues" with the protagonist and other people several times in the comics.

But the world of C is not like that.

It is like the restraining force of this world, it has not expressed its will through any channels.

Although it is still a program of another world like the gate of truth, it still does not have the ability to speak like the Alaya of this world.

"Well, forget it...it's all good, it seems, because Alaya doesn't have the ability to speak or talk to me, so you came to help?"

"Exactly. Of course, I'd like you to meet Alaya just in case."

next moment-

Lines appear all around—

Countless silk threads gathered beside Gaia's white figure, forming a little loli...

"Huh? This is Alaya?"

"That's right... Are you surprised by His appearance?" Gaia said, "It's very simple. Alaya is a collection of human wills, so it will reflect what the current person thinks. Do you think He She is what she looks like. And because I have nothing to do with humans, I can directly see her essence..."


Liangyi and Mi slowly closed their eyes, and then opened one eye. What was in front of them was no longer a little lolita, but a group of rules realized.

It's a mess of threads.

One after another of the silk threads were slowly connected to the bodies of Liangyi and Mi.

The different worlds presented in the eyes of Liangyi and Mi.

In the field of vision of his left eye, a black-haired little loli in a dress slowly extended his hand to him.

In the field of vision of his right eye, there was a mess of dead threads stretching out and wrapping around his body.

he understood...

In the Xingyue world of the previous life, there was no division of the shapes of Gaia and Alaya, but in simple terms, it is a group of rules, a certain degree of manifestation, and there is no will or anything of its own, and some only instinct.

The instinct that keeps the planet alive - Gaia.

The instinct that keeps humans alive - Alaya.

However, compared to these, the image of the little loli among those fans is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Although Gaia will not show any changes, and because it is revealed using the template of the gate of truth.

So form is the appearance of truth.

And Alaya...

It does not yet have such means, and it does not even have the intelligence.

So the result is a matter of course.

In the eyes of Gaia, which does not belong to it, it is its essence—the rule.

And in the left eye of Liangyi and Mi is what he guessed, what he thinks is the form of Alaya.

And in the right eye, it is the essence that he has given up his own cognition to see.

Alaya's arm connected, conveying its message.

it wants...

Wanting that world of C is just like the evolutionary instinct of Gaia, it also wants it.

And as a price...

It can give Liangyi and Mi an ability.

Liangyi and Mi slightly closed their right eyes, and when they opened them, they looked like little lolitas: "It was really tiring just now...Okay, I will give you the world of C , anyway, I don't have any thoughts of becoming a restraining force... But, when will you give me what you said?"

Alaya looked at Liangyi and Mi and nodded expressionlessly, his outstretched arms conveyed its message.

'Now you can. '

"That's a good relationship...With this thing, many things are much easier...It's great."

Liangyi and Mi nodded in satisfaction.


Both Gaia and Alaya stretched out their hands.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"It's very simple, this kind of thing can't be done by Alaya alone." Gaia said to Liangyi and Mi: "But gathering my abilities is the power of all restraints, and this kind of thing becomes possible .”

"Is that right...By the way, is it possible for the world of C to expand to humans in the future? Even a part of it..."

Alaya shook his head, but still didn't speak, or it didn't have the ability to speak.

The arm connecting Ryogi and Mi conveys another message.

If the world of C is to be opened, it first needs a door from the outside world—

I don’t know how long it will take Alaya to consume this new program to create a world of C...and it needs to be recognized by some people, and I don’t know how long it will take to create it...

In a world like the rebellious Lelouchi.

Those ruins are the product of which civilization did not know how many years ago.

It is almost impossible to reproduce this already mysterious world to a certain extent...

Even if there is, it will be thousands of years later.

That is to say...josei

Before that, although Alaya had quietly evolved, but in this world, no one except Liangyi and Mi knew what had changed, and no one would notice any difference.

There will be no Code or Geass in this world...

At least not now.

As for when it will be, it depends on human luck.

But... being able to come into contact with the world of C like that, contacting the restraining power itself is not a correct thing... The restraining power in this world still has the weapon "heroic spirit" in its hands...

Even if a door is created, existence called Servant will appear to destroy it.

With the previous experience, this time Liangyi and Mi have become acquainted.

Soon I used the world of C, this useless thing for myself was replaced by a very useful thing...

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