I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Alien invasion?

Gaia Sauce + Gate of Truth Evolution—

Or Gaia sauce.

The World Evolution of Alaya Sauce + C—

It's still Alaya sauce.

But in short, they have all evolved. Of course, the essence of energy has not changed, but there are many more ways to show it.

The original power of this world plus the power of other worlds, and the new power produced by the fusion of the two powers.

The two existences feel more at ease about how to keep the planet and human beings alive.

In fact, as early as a certain fungus swallowed a certain setting called Steel Earth a little bit, they felt a lot easier...

As for those who have changed before swallowing...

It doesn't matter.

Preparing for cutouts—

Throw it away.

Just spit it out when the fungus picks up the settings again~~


Liangyi and Mi—

The main thing he obtained from the evolution of restraint was two abilities.

Gaia got the alchemy of evolution.

And the time positioning device that allowed Alaya to evolve.

To put it simply, you can know the flow rate of time in different worlds anytime, anywhere, and set something like an alarm clock for yourself.

And to a certain extent, it can temporarily slow down the time in a world.

Of course, you can only go slowly, not fast.

for example...

In the world where Chaldea is located, wait until the Temple of Crown Time is defeated.

This happens.

At that time, no matter what Liangyi and Mi were doing, the [alarm clock] he set before would ring in his mind - [The Temple of Crown Time has opened, the Temple of Crown Time has opened...]

Moreover, the alarm clock has two modes.

One is the normal mode, even if it is called, Liangyi and Mi can be turned off with just one thought

And another lazy mode... As long as Liangyi and Mi don't go to the world where he set off the alarm clock, or the event is over, it will keep beeping, keep beeping.

The service is very considerate and in place.

Clearly takes into account a person's procrastination.

give a thumbs up.

"Okay...then, everything is done." Liangyi and Mi stretched their waists, feeling that their mood has improved a lot.

Although the Atom god's substitute was lost.

Make him unable to see other people's hearts again, but... this is also a matter of time...

However, originally he was planning to wait until Dayuan completely disappeared in this world.

At that time, he also had enough strength, and even if other people wanted to deceive him, he would not have the capital...

Now, he can only say that he has a place in this world. Ordinary people will not provoke him for no reason, even if they want to, they will weigh the consequences...

However, after 2008, it became Liangyi and Mi to provoke others.

They may not even dare to take revenge.

Of course, there is no need for Liangyi and Mi to do this...

It's just... If there is no Dayuan in this world, many things will be much easier... For example, the magic dress of the Age of Gods. Now one by one is still a treasure, once the source fades away.

That is a piece of antique.

It's much easier to get something... However, these things have gone to other worlds, as long as they don't meet the peers of that world, they can exert good effects.

He is still looking forward to it.

Thinking about it, he put on his clothes and went out: "Style?"

As soon as he opened the door, he saw two rituals standing beside the wall against the wall.

"Is it over?"

"Well, it's all over..."

"That's good. If that's the case, I'm relieved." Liang Yi said and looked at Liang Yi and Mi: "How about telling me? What kind of dream did you have again..."

"Well, of course."

Liangyi and Mi talked and laughed.


JOJO Club—

"This manga is really amazing... It gives people an immersive feeling, and even makes me wonder if there is alchemy in this world..."

Anno Hideaki said with great emotion, put aside the manga of Fullmetal Alchemist in his hand, looked at the screen of the large computer linked to the underground in front of him, and sighed slightly: "In this case... how to It is expressed in the form of animation..."


"Huh? What's the matter?"

Anno Hideaki froze for a moment, looking at the screen in front of him.

A blue crystal pattern appeared on the screen—

"What is this... one, two, three, four, five... five..."

It looks like a square exists.

Each side has five by five for a total of twenty-five grids...

"How is this going?"

Anno Hideaki started typing on the keyboard: "Is there some kind of virus?"

Generally this is not possible, their servers are named - Trismegistus.

Obviously beyond this era countless times.

With the current superficial technology, even in the past ten or decades, it is impossible for this kind of thing to be popularized for civilian use.

The Japanese government may not have such a thing.

This kind of computer should only exist in laboratories in the United States... Of course, this is not necessarily the case.

Although, Liangyi and Mi told them that this was obtained from the US military...

This kind of place should be at the forefront of technology in their eyes.


It's too advanced, so advanced that it has a sci-fi feel.

If you don't pay attention, you will directly step into the era of science fiction.

In the current situation, as long as the staff in the JOJO agency know the situation of Trismegistus, let alone other things, as long as the salary is enough to feed and clothe.

In Anno Hideaki's view, there is no need to worry about job hopping.

Instead, weep and cry and stay...

Because, they seem to be witnessing the progress and development of the times.

It is very likely that things that the country does not have appear in their hands, and they use them at will...

According to your own mood, according to your own will...josei

As long as you have a good enough script in your hands.

What's more, their salary is not low, and it can even be said to be the highest level in the industry.

Just like now... Generally speaking, if there is a computer problem and a virus, you must call a professional to come over, but for Anno Hideaki and the others, there is no need.

Because they themselves are the most familiar with this.

Even if you find a professional, you will definitely be overwhelmed by this high-tech equipment.


Now it looks like it has a virus.

Fine cold sweat gradually appeared on Anno Hideaki's forehead...

Impossible...generally impossible...unless to say...what made this machine what it is now is higher grade equipment from the original manufacturer - the US military.

And there is...

"Could it be an alien invasion—?"

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