I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 606

Chapter 606: Kotomine Kirei VS Bazzett

Listening to Liangyi and Mi's words, El-Melloi II felt that his cognition had been refreshed again.

What will he say?

holy grail?

Competition rewards?

Oh... Einzbern, Tohsaka, Matou. The three families have spent hundreds of years of painstaking efforts, and I don't know how much they have paid to complete the ceremony. Why is it like a cabbage in his hands?

There is a lot of pride in the words.

It's like a person said with a distressed face: "There is too much money, I can't use it up... Can someone help me find a way?"

Way to go TM!

What can I do? what can i think

It's like a Shenhao said to the beggar: "I have too much money and I don't know how to spend it. Please help me find a way."

How does the beggar answer?

You should say: "Oh, since you have so much money, why don't you buy more steamed buns?"

What kind of monster is this?

Who is he?

What's your real name?

He is in urgent need of a Ruler now, come to see through the real name and read out the real name of the person in front of him who calls himself "Liangyi Hemi".

Countless Servants woke up from the Wheel of Suppression, and came to the earth to fight each other for the Holy Grail... In his hands, it was like a Chinese cabbage, one after another...

He always feels... I don't know when the third or fourth Holy Grail may appear...

"I see..." El-Melloi II just wanted to leave early, go back and think carefully about what happened: "I will think carefully after I go back next time."

"Yeah, that's good." Liangyi and Mi nodded and said with a smile: "If I succeed in thinking about it... Maybe I will find a way to summon Iskandar in the future."

Liangyi and Mi also like the role of Iskandar very much...or most of the characters in this world still quite like it.

It's also interesting to call out and take a look at the situation, right?

Of course...it should not be summoned in this world, but in other worlds...it will be interesting to see the reunion of Iskandar and Waver in this world after the summoning is done.

Although... At that time, Iskandar probably didn't know the person in front of him.


Oh, and the ability to summon Servants.


Listening to Liangyi and Mi's words, El-Melloi II is no longer surprised at all.

After being courteous again, he took Flat and others who were unwilling to leave and left.


"Welcome to the Holy Church..." Looking at the red-haired young woman who walked in...his old friend Bazzett, Kotomine Kirei turned his head and said with an indescribable smile: "At this time, I should Say [Long time no see], Bazzett."

"..." Bazzett looked around at the still dilapidated church and said, "Cuchulin... isn't there?"

"Exactly..." Kotomine Kirei shrugged and said, "He has already moved out, of course... if you want to see him, isn't it impossible?"

Kotomine Kirei lifted the clothes on his arms, revealing the command spells on it, and said, "If you want, I can call him over right now, a touching reunion with the past Master, no People will deny this scene."

There was an unrepressed smile in Kotomine Kirei's tone.josei

His true nature has already been revealed in front of the woman in front of him, so there is no need to hide it anymore.

Now he is not in the slightest of confusion, and he has only one pursuit for the future...

And now... a woman who satisfies his heart and can bring him pleasure... walks over on her own, is there anything more interesting than this?


next moment.

A raging flame burned directly beside Kotomine Kirei.

In the instant before, Bazzett used his own special magic - rune magic!

A raging flame burned towards Kotomine Kirei's body!

"My heart magnifies the Lord—"

Kotomine Kirei pierced through the flames, and a black key appeared in his hand, rushing towards Bazzett! His cassock already had some basic defensive capabilities such as reinforcement, water resistance, and fire protection. Of course, it couldn't completely block the flames, but it could completely break through before the flames burned him!

"Huh..." Bazzett let out a slight breath.

Fingers across the runes one by one in the void.

The battle she was expecting finally started, although there was something unexpected... Cu Chulainn was not here!

Thorn, Sigel, Lagu.

During the distance that Kotomine Kirei rushed over, she had already used three runes.

Thorn- This is the rune of protection, which can weaken the effect of the chant of baptism to a certain extent, and can also bring her a certain degree of defense bonus.

Sigel - This rune has more uses, but here she chose to increase her power.

She knows Kotomine Kirei's moves very well... especially the Bajiquan, which is very strong!

And what she is good at without using the backlight saber is frontal combat and rune runes-once the battle starts, the chances of her being able to use rune runes again are very few.

Kotomine Kirei won't give her a chance, if that's the case, of course she has to increase her strength!

Lagu- This rune can make one's consciousness clearer and insight sharper. In close combat, nothing is more important than this.

When she saw Kotomine Kirei rushing over, she judged that this distance could only allow her to use three runes, so let's use these three!

Plus your own equipment, and enhanced magic...

ready to go-

Several black keys aimed at her vitals and flew towards her without mercy.

Heart, throat, and legs for movement!

clang clang clang —

Wearing leather gloves, she accurately opened the black keys one by one, and at this time, Yan Feng Kirei finally came to her!

A sliding step shortens the distance in an instant!


Bazzett's pupils shrank slightly!

Something is wrong!

Kotomine Kirei in front of him... something is wrong!

The body stepped back slightly, crossed his hands in front of his chest, but—Bazet was still directly sent flying by this punch!

There was no obstruction behind him, and Bazzett, who was already in front of the church, was sent flying several meters away!

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