I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 607

Chapter 607: Backlight Saber


Bazzett stood up slowly, his arm felt a little numb...as if it was broken.

Plus that sound just now...josei

I guess it's cracked, if not broken...

However, it still works!

Bazzett wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, his arm still works!

I can still fight!

No, no, it's not that he can still fight, but that his strength has not been affected in the slightest!

It's just a little visceral pain... that's all—

"Kotomine Kirei... you bastard..."

"My soul's savior is happy..." Kotomine Kirei didn't have the slightest intention of answering, reciting a hymn, and took out several black keys in his hand, and drew out from Kallen's side When Bazzett was coming, he was already fully armed.

Contrary to Bazzett's expectations...

Kotomine Kirei's strength is stronger than anything she has ever seen, even much stronger!

The reason is very simple, because... there is a master of Bajiquan in this land! The students he taught didn't study seriously because they didn't know why, but Kotomine Kirei was different!

He went to Li Shuwen to study seriously!

Kotomine Kirei is a genius in itself... It can be said to be an all-around genius.

But because of my own lack of enthusiasm, I always stop at a place that is one step away...

But as long as he learns, he will continue to work hard... Bajiquan is the same, and now his Bajiquan... is far from "one step away", according to Li Shuwen.

【My boxing is just getting started, yours is still far from getting started...】

Leaving aside whether Li Shuwen's statement is self-effacing or what, in short...Kotomine Kirei took it seriously!

Great progress in strength is a matter of course!

His Bajiquan itself is not considered weak, but now...it can be said to be stronger!

"He is my joy."

"He is safe for me."

"He is my strongest refuge."

Kotomine Kirei rushed over again, he was the one who had the upper hand, and he was the one who took the initiative to attack!


Bazzett also successfully adjusted his stance. Bazzett himself was very strong, and a large part of the reason why he was knocked into the air by Kotomine Kirei at the beginning was due to his surprise.

He never expected Kotomine Kirei to become so strong.

But if you already understand it, of course you won't be careless!

"My God my soul seeks Thee."

"My Lord, I dedicate myself to Thee."

The collision of fists.

The unknown force accompanied the collision, making Bazzett go numb all over—

skeleton. His internal organs were hit hard, and he gradually lost control of his actions. Kotomine Kirei's Bajiquan was even weirder than she imagined.

If it continues like this, she will be in a bad situation.

Kotomine Kirei knows her too well...

But what she knew was the former Kotomine Kirei, and now, both in terms of character and ability, there was a huge difference from the Kotomine Kirei she knew.

"I adore you, I adore you, Lord! I dedicate my life to you!"

Baptismal chant—

This time it's finally done!

Kotomine Kirei's punches became even more powerful, but Bazzett was affected by the baptismal chant, and was in a trance for a moment—

Although it was only for a moment,... it was enough to determine the winner.

The baptismal chant, the only magic publicly disclosed by the Holy Church, can also be said to be the strongest, and it can also be said to be omnipotent...

There are thousands of hymns in the Holy Church.

These poems are also understood by countless believers in the watch world in normal times, and they are used to recite them in normal times and during worship.

However, this power is used in battle—that is, the chant of baptism.

Countless poems have the same or different effects...

When the enemy you are facing is far stronger than yourself, there may be nothing you can do, since it is poetry. These need to follow a specific melody and all of them will be effective when they are recited.

In the Magic Association, there is a saying of "subsection", the less the "subsection", the faster it will be activated.

And although the "section" of the baptism chant is not long, it can't be called short at all.

Just cover his mouth while fighting.

And the original Bazzett thought so.

In a high-intensity battle, Kotomine Kirei couldn't possibly have the spare time to chant hymns.

What's more, he himself is not particularly good at this line of work... He just knows how to use it. The real ones who are really good at it should be those priests in the Holy Church who seem to have no fighting power...

Although these people seem to have no combat power except for baptism chant.

But things were beyond her expectations, Kotomine Kirei was surprisingly strong, not only had the upper hand in the battle, but also recited the baptism chant under such circumstances...


no solution anymore...

A blue light shone by Bazzett's hand.

Kotomine Kirei, who had just recited the baptism chant, was about to attack when suddenly his pupils shrank slightly, and he stepped back.

Along with Bazzett's uppercut, the beam of light rushed directly into the air from top to bottom!

"Oh...it's really dangerous." Kotomine Kirei stepped back a few steps and said with a smile: "However, this magic dress of yours can only be activated when the enemy is satisfied with using the trump card...but unfortunately, the baptism Chanting is not my trump card!"

"Hoo hoo..." Bazzett panted slightly, his body trembling...

In the middle of the body, waves of strength are constantly rushing around, that is... Kotomine Kirei's Bajiquan!

These forces made her go limp...

However, she still managed to stand up reluctantly. She also knew very well... Although the backlight sword can be activated without satisfying the "trump card", the effect is greatly reduced, and it loses the ability to kill with one blow. a lot of.

But she had to use it just now, if she didn't use it just now, she would be forced into a desperate situation, and now...

It's just that one backlight sword has been used, as long as there is one left of this thing, it will be fine!

Even Cu Chulainn hasn't really seen it yet... just facing Kotomine Kirei, how could she allow herself to fail here!

Kotomine Kirei smiled at Bazzett's appearance, and smiled happily: "A scene like yours struggling to the death... I can't get enough of it..."


"Oh...otherwise, why do you think I didn't kill you before the Fifth Holy Grail War, but took away your Command Seals?" Kotomine Kirei said with a smile: "It's because this matter is too interesting And let me forget to start!"

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