I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 616

Chapter 616: my name is solomon

"Fuyuki City..." Leif said with a slight sigh of relief.

It appears to have begun.

Chaldeas has gradually begun to observe the disappearance of the light of civilization.

However, if the first one is Fuyuki City, don't worry about it...

"Olga should be too sensitive this time." Leif smiled and said: "The former director once participated in a ceremony in the Far East... that ceremony is called the Holy Grail War, you all know about it, and The place where it happened is this Fuyuki City. In other words..."

"That is to say, due to various accidents, there is a possibility that the Holy Grail War will start again there, and the Holy Grail War...well." Roman said in silence for a while, thinking about himself It was Solomon who didn't know what to show in the battle and said: "Well... It is not impossible to wipe Fuyuki City off the map in the case of the Holy Grail War."

"That's right." Leif nodded, "And since Fuyuki City has been erased from the map, it is normal for the light of civilization there to disappear. And... Olga, this is an opportunity ah."

Leif smiled and said: "Tell the Magic Association about the matter here, and let them understand the necessity of Chaldeas correctly... Just leave the matter of Fuyuki City to them by the way."

"That's right!" Olga Marie was slightly relieved when she heard what the two of them said. Indeed, if Fuyuki City itself was so dangerous, it wouldn't matter if it disappeared.

Moreover, this matter can also be used as a bargaining chip to prove to the Magic Association that their Chaldeas do have their own uses: "As expected of Leif! He came up with such a good idea."

"Huh? Then... me... me?" Roman hurriedly moved over with a [baby wants to praise] expression on his face.

"You?" Olga Marie glanced at Roman with disgust and waved her hand: "You are completely incidental, go aside."

"Ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Roman was depressed for a moment.

"Okay! What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and go to work!"

"By the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. Kurokawa Kazumi came back just now." Leif, who was about to leave, suddenly remembered this matter and made a report to Olga Marie.

"Well, it's good to come back, so I can feel a lot more at ease." Olga Marie nodded and said: "Then, I will leave you to the Magic Association."

"No problem, leave this matter to me." Rafe said with a smile and walked out.josei


The main world—the original world of Liangyi and Mihe.

Fast speed, long time, does not equate to inaccuracy...

The speed of the train and the plane is faster than the other, but one stops at the platform precisely, and the other stops at the airport precisely.

Yuxing may be compared with an interstellar train.

Every time I stop at one of the stations on time...and then leave on time after the passengers are full—

The earth is a station of Yuxing.

However, there are two passengers on Youxing—the civilization of the planet, and... the remnants of civilization.

Every time it passes through a planet, it will destroy the civilization on it, and then go to the next...In countless times, no one knows how many civilizations it has destroyed except Youxing itself.

This interstellar train arrived at this planet accurately 14,000 years ago, and then dropped its sharp soldiers.

One of them is Attila - Yuxing destroyed the civilization where Attila was in the past, and then she survived and became the messenger of Yuxing, going to the next planet and destroying the next civilization.

There... is Earth.

Her first stop came to the moon, where she fought with Mooncell Automaton, and a part of her came to the earth as a clone to carry out a devastating attack there.

The civilization of the Age of Gods was shattered under the attack of her clone, the white giant Safar, and was almost destroyed by her.

Faced with her death and injury, the gods were powerless.

Finally, the light appeared—

It was the light of the planet, and a life with a holy sword appeared, and the light from the sword in his hand cut Safar in half.

At the same time, Attila on the moon, who has been linked with Safar, was distracted for a moment because of this. At this moment, she was isolated and locked up by Mooncell Automaton, and locked up in an unidentified field.

So time passed...

More than 10,000 years later, a nomadic people dug out a girl without the slightest memory from the body of the giant **** Safar. Then named it - Attila.

This is the birth of the world famous Whip of God.

Then, a few years ago...

Attila, who was imprisoned in the Mooncell Automaton, descended on the earth again, and descended on the earth as the king of the Huns, the heroic spirit Attila.

Why are you saying this at this time?


Just inside the moon, inside the photonic crystal Mooncell Automaton with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, Attila felt...

Not Yusei.

Although that thing is fast, there are only a few decades left...

Well, in Attila's eyes, decades may be no different from a day of human beings. After all, she does not have the ability to sleep at all, and has been staying awake for ten thousand years in a small space where she can't even stand up. Four thousand years.

Only a few decades, soon?

However, this is not Yuxing.

but something else...something else exists...

Descended on this moon, and at this time, the invasion of Mooncell Automaton has begun.


That intruder does indeed have a powerful force.

Even though she was locked in this unidentified area, she could still feel... Ah, maybe it was because that life was too close.

"Oh, that's it. This is the Mooncell Automaton." The voice came over, and it sounded like a man.

"I won't destroy you, don't worry about it, I'm here to [negotiate]! Not representing anyone else, but negotiating with you in my own capacity!"

"My name is Solomon! One of the seven crowned knights standing at the top of the heroic spirit, I came here as the King of Magic!"

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