I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 617

Chapter 617: Getia and Mooncell

Landing on the moon is no longer an impossible task for humans in this period.

Although it can't be said to be simple, it is indeed something that can be done.


Not so with the self-proclaimed Solomon.

He really descended to this planet by relying on his own ability. This is not difficult for him.

In other parallel worlds, there is a King of Heroes who used a method called "jumping navigation" and brought his Master to a place about 1,500 light-years away from the earth in an instant.

A planet built around consumption.

And he just came to this moon from his Temple of Time, it's not a big deal.


The interior of Mooncell Automaton began to flicker.

Perhaps it is calculating how to deal with this matter now.

MooncellAutomaton does not have intelligence, or it itself refuses to allow itself to have intelligence.

It is just an observer, so what he needs is absolute objectivity.

If there is intellect, likes and dislikes, objectivity will not exist, and its nature of observation will naturally disappear.

But now an unexpected existence appeared in front of it—a life form claiming to be Solomon.

As Mooncell Automaton, who has been observing everything on this planet, he naturally understood the true face of this person when he saw him—the product of the resurrection of the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars on Solomon's corpse.

It is the living body in front of me.

MooncellAutomaton delivered the message exactly.

"Oh, you know my true face, haha...hahaha...hahahahahahahahahaha——" Solomon's face twisted: "That's right! I'm not Solomon, if I give myself a name, Let's call it Getia!"

human incineration—

This matter, he has given up in this world.

This is already impossible.

This is true from any angle, so now he has gradually withdrawn his arrangements on this planet for thousands of years.

He's now eyeing another being—

That is MooncellAutomaton on the moon!


Mooncell Automaton began to tremble, it understood the current situation, it ushered in a new enemy—

Since 14,000 years later, the current one can be said to be the most powerful enemy!


It is clear that part of Getia's ability to...

However, Getia doesn't know much about Mooncell Automaton.

MooncellAutomaton has the ability of concealment, it can hide the coordinates of the earth in this universe.

However, it is very aware of some life forms with "clairvoyance" ability on this planet, so it hides itself intact, if it is not actively exposed.

Even these existences with clairvoyance would never be able to discover it, just like in the age of mythology, those gods did not know that there was such a photon crystal on the moon.

And Getia's understanding of Mooncell Automaton comes from people's understanding of it in this world. Clairvoyance simply cannot see the future of Mooncell Automaton.josei

But — that's enough.

The celestial body that has accumulated the information of this planet for billions of years, whether it is energy or knowledge, is what he longs for.

However, the burning of human rights has been unable to succeed, so let's start a new future.

A new ideal, a new future.

There is plenty of time, and his purpose is also very simple, but—before then, he needs to swallow this Mooncell Automaton, this photon crystal with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, completely!

devoured into his temple of time—


Getia miscalculated something. That's the thing about Mooncell's combat effectiveness!

In the beginning, Mooncell really didn't have such ability, it only existed for self-protection and observation.

Therefore, it has the ability to see everything on this planet, and as long as it happens on this planet, it cannot be hidden from him.

Therefore, it has a powerful concealment ability, and the life on this planet cannot use any means to discover his existence—

If it wasn't for telling humans of its own existence!

Of course, it is necessary to declare your own existence, because Yuxing is about to come, and the lessons of 14,000 years have taught it that it cannot deal with Yuxing only by its ability. And You Xing failed last time...

This time, even more powerful enemies may be dispatched!

Therefore, a suitable Master is a must.

But... for 14,000 years, before the holy sword user killed the white giant **** of the earth, on the moon, it was itself that had been fighting the vanguard of the stars!

Moreover, even if Attila was distracted by things on Earth, it was still Mooncell who sealed her away at that time.

It is not bullied.

It has the ability to resist—

If Getia is indeed completed, the things that it observes in other parallel worlds will complete the incineration of human nature. Even the moon cells would be dangerous if they got the huge amount of heat accumulated on that planet, and they might be destroyed directly.

But not now!

Getia hasn't finished this move yet.

And you can only undo your own arrangement.

Now he is Getia without that light wheel, although he is still powerful and terrifying.

But it's not the one who fights against countless Servants with his own power in the Crown Time Temple!

And at this time, what appeared from the Mooncell was... Servant!

"Hehe...haha—I see, do you still have a function similar to restraint? But, so what? We are demon gods—"

The breath of blackness...then—

The Demon God Pillar appeared in this space, and soon, this space was full of strange shapes.

The tentacles of the Demon God Pillar poked towards the Mooncell, and then went deep into it—

While fighting, prepare to rewrite the data inside the Mooncell and take this huge photonic crystal as your own!

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