I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 646

Chapter 646: train - launch

Barthumello has multiple magic eyes in his hand to collect the invitation letter of the train...

Liangyi and Mi are very clear about this—

The current London is not peaceful, so it is very simple for Barthumello and her brigade to stay in London, and they also have part of the responsibility for maintaining the tranquility of London.

Among them, the people who gathered were of course those who had invitation letters.

After these people make trouble, not only will they be killed, but the money they brought, all kinds of magic dresses, and... invitation letters will be confiscated.

Then sell it to other families in the Magic Association who didn't get the invitation letter to collect the magic eye train, but wanted to participate.

And this is the goal of Liangyi and Mi, to get one of the unsold invitations from her—

"Don't say that~" Liangyi and Mi smiled and said: "Anyway, it's useless in your hands, and I don't have to... Now I have two in my hand, just I want to make the trip more comfortable for the next few months, so I hope to have a third one, how should I put it...don't look at me like this, I am still very disciplined...huh?"

After saying that, Liangyi and Mi were stunned for a moment, and he subconsciously took the thing thrown by Barthemelo, which was the invitation letter for the magic eye to collect trains!

"I'm surprised that it was given to me so simply?"

"Of course it's not free—I need your help when the magic eye collection train stops."

"Kill the passengers?"

"That's right—too many of those people are harmful to the world. Killing all of them while we still have combat power will improve the stability of the world by several levels. What's the answer? YES Or NO, I don't need another answer."

"Although I really want to give you the answer of YES at this time, it is still NO."


"However, it is still possible to catch them all."

"What do you mean?" Barthumello frowned: "Not to kill? Catch?"

"Yeah." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "If possible, I would like to try not to kill people, although the enemies should be dead disciples or magicians... Generally speaking, it's okay to kill, but after all, they are very similar to human beings. It will be bad if it goes smoothly, and I probably won't be able to bear that kind of situation."

"Ha, so you choose not to kill but to capture?"

"How, my proposal."

"Very well, then you can take the invitation letter. I accept the proposal, and leave if you have nothing else to do." Barthamelo suddenly changed his tone: "However, don't say what happened today."

"I see, thank you for your invitation letter, but ah, Barthumello—is it really okay for you to tell me such an action?"

"Anyway, this is an action that can be guessed with a bit of brain." Barthemelo glanced at Liangyi and Mi: "However, it is because of this that it is dangerous? Those people... know that our Magic Association is going to punish them. They still came over despite the siege—these old guys who have lived for hundreds of years know the power of our Clock Tower, and even so, they still came over!"josei

"Absolutely confident..." Liangyi and Mi thought for a while: "Even in the current situation, they still have their own [I can escape] no...it should be [The Clock Tower has nothing to do with myself]. ..”


"I know, I will be more careful then, leave first, let's get together later when I have time."

Looking at Liangyi and Mi who left, Bathomelo frowned slightly, and sighed: "Don't you want to kill people... I really want to ask him what's going on with my Clone brigade, but this kind of question You don’t need to ask, you will know the answer, you must say that it was made by the Servant, not yourself? No... Maybe that guy wouldn’t say that? Should that man be called gentle? Or weak..."

Indeed, many people can guess that the Magic Association will act this time.

But... there's actually a difference, because it's not just the Magic Society that's acting—

This time the Church of the Holy Church was also involved.

This is a joint operation between the Magic Association and the Holy Church!

They have sent some magicians and agents to sneak into the magic eye collection train with invitation letters and kill all those who are about to get off the train.

Then... During these three months, when they were isolated from the world, they began to gather the magicians and agents, concentrated at the end of that station, and gave a hard blow to those who got off at that time!

Of course, they will not do anything to the magic eye collection train, and Luo Jiean, the dead apostle behind the magic eye collection train, will also cooperate with their actions!

This time, it can be called a lore!


"Very good, it's done." Liangyi and Mi Yang smiled at the invitation letter in Yang's hand, "There will be three now."

This kind of invitation with wheels and eyeballs as seals also has a special magical effect.

It is also very laborious for ordinary people to forge, and the number is limited, so the person who makes it will be able to tell at a glance whether it is true or not...

"Hmm! In other words, we have three rooms available!" Oda Nobunaga nodded in satisfaction: "Hmph, let others envy you when the time comes!"

"There's nothing to envy about this kind of thing." Liang Yi sighed: "Next you said you want to take us to the Magic Association? When are you leaving?"

"Well... Anyway, it's okay now if there's nothing to do." Liangyi and Mi nodded and said: "This place is actually quite big, and there are quite a lot of interesting places. Of course, there are also many forbidden places."

A few days passed like this.

Soon, the day many people were looking forward to - May 5th.

It seems that the owner of the magic eye collection train likes this number very much. The first time Liangyi and Mi came was June 6th.

And this time it's May 5th...

It lasted for more than three months, and the notification letter stated that it was expected to reach the end on August 8.

Compared with the situation when Liangyi and Mi came here before, there were only about ten people here at most, and they didn't speak much to each other.

But... when the number reaches hundreds, even these people will start to cuddle with each other under the current situation...

When everyone was surprised "how did you come here"...I was also discussing to maintain a cooperative attitude during this trip...

After all, there are not only dead disciples, magicians, and even... priests from the Templar Church.

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