I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 647

Chapter 647: Rose Ann's Conspiracy

"Tell me not to make a move... Has that old fellow Zbia calculated something?"

Casually eating a grape, Luo Jie'an said while looking at the speeding scenery outside the train.

She is aware of the joint action between the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church this time... Maybe it's for the sake of being dead disciples?

How can it be...

Dead Apostles and Dead Apostles are also different.

Some people focus on their own identity as a dead disciple, and they will first introduce "I am a dead disciple" when speaking outside.

However, there are actually countless magicians who have transformed themselves into Dead Apostles—

For a magician, the root is everything he pursues all his life, but... just a short life of less than a hundred years can't get there at all.

Find ways to prolong your life, this is what many people will do...

High-level magicians always have various methods, although they also come with different side effects. But for those who are half-baked...it couldn't be easier to find a Dead Apostle and make yourself his compatriot.

Such people abound in the Magic Association.

Even if they call themselves outside, they are still "magicians" rather than "dead disciples"...

Perhaps, they will not clarify their identities until they recognize the reality and understand the reality that it is impossible to reach the root anyway.

Relatively speaking, Zbia is on the side of the magician.

After all, he is the dean of the Atlas Institute, and he is also thinking and calculating "how to save mankind" now...

However, she is different, she is just a dead Apostle.

Dead Apostle Rose Ann.

This is who she is.

Even high-ranking Dead Apostles fear her presence.

"Well, but the design of the carriage is good. Compared with that time, it has made a lot of progress." Luo Jiean nodded in satisfaction, looking at something like a switch on the wall.

That is the switch of the enchantment. After it is turned on, the room enters a silent mode. No matter what happens outside, no matter whether the train is running or the noise outside, it will not come in at all.

You can hear it when you turn it off.

Occasionally, like now, it's also quite interesting to listen to the sound of the train moving forward.

The current train has a full twenty cars, including a dining car, a place for the auction and a place where the magic eyes are stored, and one for her exclusive room, and the first three locomotives.

In addition, there are two trucks and twelve passenger cars.

Compared with before, eight carriages have been added, all of which are the positions of passenger cars.

And in all places the reinforcement and increase of space are carried out.

Originally, there were only three rooms in each train car, but now there are eight.

In other words, she sent a total of ninety-six invitation letters.

Even so, it doesn't look crowded. Coupled with the use of imaginary number magic, each room has a space of more than ten square meters, which can be said to be very spacious in this train.


It's also a weapon!

After encountering hostile people, just turn off the imaginary number magic in that room. After walking to that space, you have already entered the magician's temple.

The consequences of trespassing are obvious at a glance, right?

As long as the imaginary number magic is turned off, everything in that space will disappear from this world and enter that imaginary number space.

This is tantamount to death.

Unless one has the very rare magical attribute of [imaginary number] and has a deep understanding of this attribute, otherwise, it is impossible to escape from that space.

Here...is her home field!


"My name is Leandro...Lord Roseanne."

"By the way, Leandro. How soon will we be there?"

"In about an hour, the location of the next stop is the agreed boarding place, and all those who want to participate in this magic eye collection train will wait there."


"An hour or so."

Liangyi and Mi looked at the time: "The time stated in the invitation letter is 12:00 noon today, and now it is 11:03. To be more specific, there are still fifty-seven minutes left."

"Oh, isn't this already fast?" Oda Nobunaga looked around and said, "Really, this guest house is really bad, although there was nothing when I came last time, but—this time there are so many people here Don't the guests do some entertainment?"

"Clang clang clang—"

As soon as the words fell, Oda Nobunaga was stunned for a moment, and the surrounding scenery changed.

From the dilapidated station to a banquet venue, tables and chairs appeared all around, and there were all kinds of food on the tables.

The people present were immediately attracted by the scenery.

"What is this...?" Director Okita stared at the surroundings in a daze, "That...don't you find a place to sit for a while?"

"Wake up! Idiot Okita, can't you see such an obvious illusion!" Oda Nobunaga patted Okita Souji, who was a little taller than himself, on the head and said.

"Indeed, it's just an illusion." The man with a gentleman's staff in his hand smiled and said: "But, it can really make everyone relax and immerse themselves in such an atmosphere. Although, for you A few of them seem to be completely useless."

As he said...his gaze fixed slightly in front of Ryogi and Ya and Oda Nobunaga: "It's not that you have cracked my magic, but that my magic has no effect on you from the very beginning... It's amazing thing."

Puchi -!

Okita Souji looked at the man in front of him and was about to say something when he saw an arm penetrated his chest and dug out his heart!josei

"Go to **** with the annoying guy!"

"This guy—?" The girl's expression froze slightly, and she put her hand on the sword at her waist.

The person who dug out the magician's heart in front of her... this feeling—is that the dead apostle I met here last time?

"Don't worry, this is also an illusion." Liangyi and Mi patted Souji Okita's shoulder and sighed slightly: "To be honest, I also want to see what your eyes look like now..."

For magic, this time is a bit annoying.

But...Although it is false that the magician's heart was dug out, the dead apostle who appeared in front of Okita Souji is real.

The dead disciple's pupils shrank slightly, not to mention the heart, there was no trace of blood on his hands at all!


As he spoke, a red light radiated from his pupils.

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