I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 769

Chapter 769: Dongfang Josuke's head shape

It was not someone else who disappeared after chasing the man in the pillar.

It was Joseph's friend.

Cesar A. Zeppelin!

In the past few decades, he has been searching for the whereabouts of the man in the pillar alone, while refining his ripple ability.

He felt that his ripples had reached a bottleneck!

The man who is already very talented has discovered that as long as this bottleneck breaks through himself, there may be certain changes—

However, this bottleneck has troubled him for more than ten years.

While chasing the person in the pillar, he was looking for a way to break through.

Just now—

When he learned about the substitute, he vaguely guessed—

Although he couldn't see it clearly, he seemed to vaguely see something behind those people!

Combined with his previous thinking, he had an idea in his mind.

If... that's the case, it's more likely that he will defeat those people in the pillar after breaking through this bottleneck, but... he must do it now!

Because those people seem to want to do something to JOJO!

"I don't have a flexible mind like JoJo... If I met Ai Sidisi at that time, I might be dead now, but-I have not spent these decades in vain! This time... will definitely succeed of!"

He didn't blame why Joseph Joestar didn't go with him to find traces of the Man in the Pillar.

Because there is no need!

That was his hatred, his anger, there was no need to bring his friends to die—

That's right, he knew it himself when he chased him at the beginning, this might be sending him to death!

But... With the passage of time and the progress of Ripple, he gradually has other ideas—maybe he can kill those two people by himself!

For decades, he never resented Joseph Joestar for this.

It's just... I was a little embarrassed after seeing Joseph's face before, Joseph is old...but he is still young.

Although he looked older than his age at the time, he was only in his thirties or forties.

After all, one has ruined Ripple, but the other has been practicing for a strong enemy!


"Cesar..." Joseph has been in a daze since Waum left before, thinking that his best friend might have died, but he couldn't suppress the anger and self-blame in his heart.

He... escaped!

Ah, although I just thought that "that kind of thing has nothing to do with me", "the person in the pillar is not a big deal", "maybe we can still be friends", "it didn't hurt the people around me anyway", etc... a series of thoughts.

So did not catch up.josei

But...but it's different now!

If Caesar is dead. If his friend did die at the hands of the Man in the Pillar, then—there must be a fight!

"Mr Joestar—"

"Jousuke..." Joseph sighed slightly, took the water poured by Higashika Jousuke and said, "Really... I made you laugh."

"No, that...it's nothing." Dongfang Jousuke turned his head, didn't know what to say for a while, but scratched his head: "Then, let's go, and listen to who are those Liangyi and Mi, parallel world travel, this Isn't it interesting~~"

"Ah—yes!" Joseph cheered up and said with a smile: "Anyway, go and listen—"


"That is to say, you are not from this world... If you really can't beat it just now, are you going to escape to another world?" Kujo Jotaro looked at Ryogi and Mi and asked.

"Ah, that's what happened."

"Then, what about mine? Mr. Liangyi? What's the matter with me?" Dongfang Jousuke asked hastily, "I came here because of your stand-in ability, right?"

"Ah, it's very simple...Since it's a parallel world crossing, occasionally you will enter some unsightly worlds, such as yours." Liangyi and Mi said with a smile: "Your world is a bubble. A place like a dream, it’s not surprising when it breaks. When I entered, I didn’t enter the main body, but entered someone else’s body... According to what I saw in other parallel worlds, it should be you Characters like the final boss we defeated."

"Wow... BOSS..." Dongfang Jousuke's mouth twitched: "No wonder I can't find it...Since the people have changed, they are no longer committing crimes, so of course they can't be found... But the bubble? Then, I..."

"That's right, so I came up with the idea of ​​using a substitute ability on your body. It seems that you have merged with the young Dongfang Jousuke in this parallel world."

"Soul fusion?" Joseph thought for a while and said.

"No... I don't know, but... It may be a little sad to say this, but it's not a soul, it's not a spirit, it's nothing... It's just a dream. For Jousuke Higashika right now, for you... you It's not the fusion of another soul, it's probably... just a dream of 'another Higashika Josuke'." Ryogi and Mi shook their heads and said.

After all, unlike Lu Luxiu, the energy of the entire bubble world has been integrated into the body to create a soul.

Higashika Jousuke just passed away in such a small way.

Really, not even a soul at all.

"Really..." Jousuke Higashika nodded, and then smiled: "Well, forget it, this is not bad now, only in some future situations, some things can be done in advance! For example, that Kira Yoshikage! Although... it still seems that Ms. Suzumi can't be saved, she seems to have been dead for several years, but other people can do it!"

"Hmph...Call the Japanese police station to investigate first, and arrest him if we have time when our affairs are over." Kujo Jotaro said: "According to what you said, he The crime should have been committed by now, right? It’s not like arresting irrelevant people.”

"Ah, yes!" Dongfang Jousuke nodded and said seriously: "After all, I'm still young, so I probably wouldn't believe it even if I told grandpa, and I don't want grandpa to get close to such dangerous people... "

"Okay, this kind of thing is over." Liangyi and Mi smiled: "However, Jousuke, your hair shape is not the same as before. If it wasn't for the double, I almost didn't recognize it."

"Haha." Dongfang Jousuke smiled: "Isn't it? The previous hairstyle has my soul, that's my symbol! But...it's too short, my current hair. Sure enough, I still have to wear it Wait a minute and talk about it? When my hair grows a little longer, I can go to the barber shop I used to go to and change my hair style!"

Do you really want to do that hairstyle...

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