I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 770

Chapter 770: Dio and Pucci

"Pucci should be right here..."

DIO looked at the church in front of him: "He should have gone back today, let's talk about it tomorrow morning..."

Although, at that time, because of the sunshine, he couldn't leave that church.

Father Pucci.

It was a teenager he discovered this year.

He is qualified!

Originally, it was a backhand...

Holding the idea of ​​"maybe it will be used in the future" and "maybe it's fate", I have always believed in fate very much, thinking that fate left an "arrow" in his DIO.

An arrow that can trigger miracles and awaken people called 'substitute ability'.

At the same time, he also realized that he was going to heaven and might need his help

"That boy is still too young, only fifteen years old, no, he should be sixteen now. If possible... I don't want the current incident to affect him. But... well, I can feel it, That arrow has been used, and that boy might have awakened some interesting abilities. Now there is still some time before he ascends to heaven, and I can still make some preparations—"

DIO walked into the church: "This feeling... must be fate. He should be the substitute who awakened in the past few days! He didn't wake up sooner or later...just when I felt the 'crisis' suddenly The substitute was awakened in no time—this must be the guidance of fate, fate told me—the clue to solve the upcoming crisis lies in that boy!"



DIO suddenly dodged his body and hid.

A snail appeared on the ground.

"This is...haha, so that's how it is, it's really interesting. It seems that there are some new substitute messengers here, and the fate is indeed on my DIO's side—"


"It's [weather]. My brother is not dead, because he is a twin, so I influenced him to awaken his substitute." Puqi lying on the hospital bed said expressionlessly.

sister died—

And he also awakened his substitute ability on that day—named "White Snake" by him. From the current point of view, it is the ability to take memory from others, and he has only used it once so far.

While waking up, he subconsciously took the memory of his dead sister out of his brain into a disc-like thing.

And just when he awakened, his twin brother also awakened the ability to stand in—

The specifics are still unclear, but the current performance is this, a large number of snails suddenly appeared in the town!

Sometimes it comes out from the mobile phone, sometimes in the middle of drinking, or even in the eyes of the security guards—

And the creatures who encounter these snails will start to slowly become snails without exception.

Continuous infection, this situation has gradually spread to the entire town!

"It's like I got the memory unconsciously, so is [Weather]. He unconsciously expected this kind of thing to happen, which triggered his own substitute ability."

"Since these snails want to climb my hand, I have no choice but to get rid of [brother]. I won't have any scruples in the future, even if you let me kill..."

"Once I deal with the weather, I'll go see [him], the man named [DIO]. [Why do people meet?] [He] must know [the answer]."

I want to know the answer, it must be the strongest force in this world, and it is also the undefeated truth!

"You want to meet me?"

The familiar voice instantly chilled Pucci's body.josei

The snail who wanted to climb into his bed disappeared at some point—

The sound came from the bed!

A strange breath came out from inside!


Puqi's expression changed, he quickly stood up and got out of bed, and saw the blond man on the bed—DIO!

"My constitution is allergic to sunlight, so I won't go out now." Dio tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes, and said, "You... want to see me?"


Puqi closed the window tightly, drew the curtains, then frowned, looked at the sunlight passing through the curtains, and directly covered it with a cup!

The double appeared behind him, grabbed both sides of the quilt, and stood there.

DIO didn't know when he came out from under the bed, sat on Puqi's original bed, looked at the substitute behind Puqi and said, "Oh, this is your substitute? Does it have any abilities?"

"Indeed...this is my stand-in ability." Pucci looked at the stand-in behind him and said, "The ability is to capture other people's memories and turn them into CDs, just like this."

Pucci held his sister's memory disc in his hand and said: "It will not disappear because of the death of the holder...that's all I know so far."

"I see... um... Maybe you can try to take someone else's double and see how it goes?"

"Take someone else's substitute...?" Pucci was slightly stunned and then frowned: "I know, I will try my best in the future, but before that I have one thing to know—[ Why do people meet each other?]”

"Do you believe in 'gravity'?" Dio said what he had said to this man before: "Do you think it is meaningful for me to appear here now?"


"The arrow I gave you seems to have been used well, so this kind of substitute appeared, and... now there is a subject that can be 'experimented' here."

"Are you talking about my [brother] [weather]?"

"That's right." DIO nodded and leaned on his chin and said, "I feel that I will be in danger in the future, and at this moment—I feel it, I feel that you have awakened the ability of a substitute, do you think this Is it a coincidence?"

"Fate...?" Puqi gritted his teeth: "You mean...all of this is fate? And my sister's death is also due to...fate, right?"


DIO nodded: "But it's not all. If you want to overcome fate and everything, then you need to obtain 'eternal peace of mind' so that 'going to heaven' is a must."

"What—? Heaven?"

Pucci's eyes widened. As a priest, he heard such words from DIO's mouth!

"That's right—!" DIO nodded and said with a smile, "So I'm here to find you, hey, Puqi...are you interested in coming? Come to my side and come with me...to heaven."

"In the end...how can I go to heaven?"

Satisfied, DIO raised his head and stretched out his hand: "There is a solution, the only thing left is...time."

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