I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 792

Chapter 792: Ultra Creature Kaz

"You say it's...a phantom?"

Seeing DIO turned into flying ash, Ryogi and Mi frowned and took a few steps back in the direction of Kujo Jotaro, the situation is not good...

This guy actually landed in heaven!

Just a little bit... just a little bit!

"The Joestars are like **** on the road to my fate, but—at the end, Jotaro helped me, haha... just now! The place after time was stopped by Jotaro Kujo Just happens to be where gravity is at its best! And there - I'm in heaven!"

DIO laughed and said: "However—seeing that you guys are playing very happily, I left a phantom in place for you to have fun. At the same time... well, it can be regarded as getting acquainted with me. This can be called a The power of God."

"God? Just you!?"


With the dazzling light, Katz rushed to the front of DIO: "It's just a vampire, no matter how evolved it can't change this fact! Go to hell!"

"Hmph, do you like light very much?"

Listening to DIO's words, Katz's expression changed.

"Then I'll give it to you! I'll give you what you want most—the brilliance of the sun!"

The sun... has risen!

Accompanied by DIO's words, some gears in this world seem to be turned. It should have been late at night, but now—the sun has risen!

"No... Impossible!! This... How is it possible for the sun at this time...!?"

Katz looked ugly, looking at a dark place in the distance and wanted to run over.


The body is petrifying.

After running about half of the distance, he was already on the side of the road, completely turning into a stone with his running posture!

"Hmph, after all, I'm still afraid of the sun." DIO laughed and said, "But—I, DIO, don't care about the so-called sun's brilliance anymore! Even the sun must follow my order. Words to rise!"

DIO pointed to the sky and said, "Ah, since that's the case, let's just let the sun 'never set', what do you think? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Bastard... bastard... this guy actually got such a powerful force?" Kujo Jotaro said with an ugly expression.

"Really... Never set? Then try." Liangyi and Mi stretched out their hands and said, "I'm curious, can you really make the sun never set?"

DIO frowned: "Tsk... You guy... Sure enough, it seems like Puqi said that he has the ability to see through the effects of other people's doubles..."

Of course... DIO can't make the sun never set... To change this level of reality, his soul energy is not enough—

There are thirty-seven souls in his body.

Thirty-six of them were the souls of sinners, and one was his own.

Now, one has been consumed.

Just to make time move forward by one day... He cannot change reality without restraint, that requires powerful soul energy.

However, even so is enough, this power can be said to be invincible!

"Now, I'll finish off the man named Katz first—I'll take care of you two later!"

Then, the next moment a cloud of wind blew up!

Bringing Katz into a dark corner without sunlight!

"That is-?"

"Master Katz—!?" Vaum, who had lost both legs, gasped.

Time moves forward slightly.

When DIO ascended to heaven, Caesar was distracted for a moment!

Waum broke away from the ceiling in an instant, then snatched the Aizhe red stone from Dongfangzhang's assistant with his teeth, approached and wrapped himself in the wind and ran towards Katz's direction!

no feet?

It doesn't matter!

Just step on the ground with **** legs!

Hands and feet! Waumu, who gave up his dignity, ran over with Ai Zhe Hongshi enduring the pain at the fastest speed!

Then saw the petrified Katz, immediately took him to hide in the corner, then smashed the door with the wind and hid in!

tick tock —

Katz felt the breath of life fall into his body.


He opened his eyes!

There is no sun in front of him, it looks like he is in some kind of room.

Waumu separated his wrists, blood dripping on Katz's body woke him up!

"Master Katz...you are awake!"


Katz was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the Aizhe red stone hanging on the sharp horn of Waum's head, and was immediately overjoyed.

"Waum! You snatched Aizhe Redstone??"

"Yes, Master Katz..." Vaum said with a slight breath.

However, his condition at this time is not good.

Ripple's power was already very strong, before he had time to deal with it, he left and ran over. The fast running allowed Ripple's power to penetrate deeper!

His legs were disappearing little by little like dust!

"Waum... well done!" Kaz smiled and picked up the Aizhe red stone from Waum's head, then took out the stone ghost face with concave holes that he had always carried with him, and then used The bone blade cut Waumu's lower body completely! After isolating the ripples, he threw Vaum into it and said, "Rest first, Vaum, I'm about to become an ultimate creature, and I'll come back after I kill that vampire called DIO!"

"Yes...Master Katz." Vaum closed his eyes slowly, feeling very tired.

There is only one stone ghost face with a hole.

In other words, only one person can become an ultimate creature!

That is - Kaz!

"Afterwards, I will make a brand new stone ghost mask, so that you can become an ultimate creature, Vaum! Let's—let's bask in the sun all the time!"

As he spoke, he put on the stone ghost mask inlaid with Aizhe's red stone, and just as he was about to go out, the walls and ceiling of the room were lifted.josei

DIO appeared there—

"Do you think I can't find you if you hide? Just die here——what—??" DIO's expression changed.

The sun passed through his body and shone on Katz!


Ai Zhe's red stone shone against the sun! The stone ghost's face popped out a bone spur and pierced into Katz's head—

next moment-

Kaz's whole body is emitting light! !

オラオラ オラオラオラ!

"Haha...is this... the ultimate creature..." Vaum closed his eyes contentedly watching the scene in front of him.

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