I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 793

Chapter 793: The Ultimate Biological Liangyi and Mi

"No...impossible! What's going on—?"

DIO looked a little ugly, although he didn't know what happened—


Not good!

Very bad!

What happened to the man in the pillar named Katz in front of him that he couldn't understand!josei

"Besides, the sun shines in, why is he still alive? Why is he still able to move??? Could it be that..."

DIO's expression was ugly, and he remembered what Katz had said before: "Ultimate creature!"

Stone ghost face...Ai Zhe's red stone, and...sunshine.

The man in the pillar...

This...does this mean that he is also possible! ?

DIO smiled, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and set his sights on Ai Zhe's red stone and stone ghost face: "Although I don't know what's going on - I'll accept these!"


Saying that, the expression of DIO who was just about to do something changed.

Stone face...

The stone ghost face is shattered!

In front of DIO's eyes, the stone ghost face and the red stone fell to the ground together!

“呵呵...哈哈...哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈——————————————— ————!!!!!!”

laughing out loud.

Laughter unscrupulously.

This is a long-cherished wish for thousands of years!

Katz had been waiting for this scene, waiting for himself to leave facing the sun for tens of thousands of years, and now...finally...finally! !

"Finally see you! Taiyang, hahahahahaha——!"

Kaz laughed wildly.

Slowly...he restrained his smile and looked at DIO who frowned slightly: "Indeed, the sun's light is very beautiful, very beautiful, but—under such a beautiful sunshine, there is an annoying The mouse is really disgusting!"


DIO didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to Ai Zhe Hongshi.

The stone ghost mask is broken?

It doesn't matter!

It's good to use his substitute ability to recover, his substitute ability is the ability to 'rewrite reality'!

It would be nice to give this broken stone ghost face perfect "reality"!


The next moment, a hand hit his wrist, and he rushed out with Ai Zhe's red stone!

"Liangyi—!" DIO looked ugly.

"Huh—have you snatched it? Ai Zhe Hongshi?" Kujo Jotaro looked at Ryogi and Mi and took a deep breath and said, "But...it seems a bit late..."

"Hmm..." Liangyi and Mi looked at the Ai Zhe Hongshi in their hands and fell into silence and entanglement...

"Bring me that thing—!"

Katz and DIO rushed towards Yangyi and Mi together!

Although Katz has become the ultimate creature, but-Vaum has not yet!

He and Waumu promised that to fight together under the sun, Aizhe Redstone is a must!

As for the stone ghost face...

As long as the stone ghost noodles are made later, it will be fine!

This thing was originally made by him, and the various models couldn't be easier for him—

Dio has a similar idea, he can fix the stone ghost face.

Of course...he didn't plan to do this before he got Ai Zhe's red stone. As for Ai Zhe's red stone...he could feel that it was impossible for his soul to make an Ai Zhe's red stone!

Rather than that, it's better to just **** Ai Zhe's red stone away!

Then I repaired the stone ghost face by myself!


The next moment, under Kujo Jotaro's surprised eyes, Ryogi and Mi ran out at full speed!

Reached a speed of tens of kilometers per hour!

This speed can be said to be his full strength now.


First the body of the man in the pillar, then the face of the perforated stone ghost—

He had already prepared all these, and the only thing missing was Ai Zhe's red stone, and now Ai Zhe's red stone was in his hands!

Originally, he was planning to return to his original world and become an ultimate creature in front of the two rituals, or he was thinking about something when he went back.

But now—there is no such time!


First of all, I hid in a slightly dark place and took out the stone ghost face and embedded Ai Zhe's red stone in it.

"That guy—!? Why does he have a stone ghost face? And it still has a hole?" Katz directly changed his wings and flew into the sky. Eagle's eyes saw Liangyi and Mi on the ground and his movements. The whole person swooped down suddenly!

"That's right, that's the perfect Stone Oni Noodle! But—I should have just made one of this Stone Oni Noodle!?"

The next moment, something that surprised him even more happened.

In the other hand of Liangyi and Mi appeared a light cluster-like thing.

I couldn't see what it was, but—he felt like the man in the pillar!

Then the light cluster was absorbed by Liangyi and Mi!

"Liangyi and Mi—!"

Dio opened the space and appeared in front of Liangyi and Mi.

However—at this time, Liangyi and Mi, wearing stone ghost masks, faced the sun!

The same scene as Katz appeared again!

The stone ghost face was completely shattered to the ground.

And Liangyi and Mi...looked at DIO!

"This body... the ultimate creature... I finally have this body in [reality]!"


DIO's expression changed.

Muscle fatigue relief, strength build-

take a deep breath...

"Ripple—! Sprint—!"


"Wryyyyyyyyyyyyy——!" DIO looked ugly, and Liangyi and Mi punched him **** the wrist.

The powerful force and powerful ripples made his wrists start to dissolve immediately!

"This... this is!? I shouldn't be afraid of sunlight or ripples anymore? Why...why was it dissolved???"

"It's very simple." Liangyi and Mi looked at DIO and said with a smile: "Even if my ripple hits a human body, it will have the same effect!"

It's like being burned by the sun.

DIO's wrist thus begins to liquefy and vaporize—


DIO looked ugly, and touched his body with the other hand.

The wrist returned to normal in the next moment, but—he had already discovered that Liangyi and Mi had been avoiding his palm, and had been aiming at his wrist and arm to attack.

This guy...

This family knows the weakness of his stand-in ability!

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