Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 407 Soon

Chapter 407 Soon

Alice gathered with Blake, Mary, and West Two, their eyes meeting in a moment of shared anticipation. The weight of their situation hung heavy in the air, but amidst the uncertainty, Alice had a glimmer of hope to offer.

"I have news," Alice began, her voice steady and determined. "During his Astral Projection, West Two discovered that the wormhole leading back to our home is still intact. No matter what transpires in this war, we have a means of returning."josei

A flicker of relief washed over the group, a respite amidst the chaos. Knowing that they held a path home, even in the face of such dire circumstances, provided a vital thread of reassurance.

West Two, his eyes tinged with a mixture of curiosity and determination, nodded in confirmation. "Yes, during my exploration of the astral plane, I sensed the presence of the wormhole. It remains stable and accessible. We have a lifeline back to our world."

Blake's gaze hardened, a steely determination settling in his features. "That's good to hear. It gives us a measure of control, a choice in our destiny. No matter the outcome here, we won't be stranded in this ancient battlefield forever."

Mary's expression softened, a glimmer of hope illuminating her eyes. "Indeed, the knowledge that we can return home provides solace amidst the turmoil. It's a reminder that we fight not just for survival but also for the chance to reclaim what we've left behind."

Alice's voice grew more resolute as she continued, providing an update on the status of their camp. "On another note, our camp is holding up well. The barricades are secure, and our scouts have been diligently studying the terrain. We're prepared for the inevitable clash with the Nightmare Incarnates."

She glanced around at her companions, their unwavering resolve mirrored in her own eyes. "We cannot underestimate the corrupted enemies we face. They were once our adversaries, but now, twisted by the Abyss, they are even more dangerous. Our survival and the fate of humanity hinge on our ability to confront and overcome this threat."

West Two's gaze intensified, his voice laced with determination. "We must remember that our ultimate goal is not just survival but also the eradication of the Nightmare Incarnates. With the wormhole still accessible, we have the opportunity to strike at the heart of their corruption."

Alice nodded, her features etched with a mix of caution and resolve. "Indeed, we must be cautious and strategic in our approach. The knowledge of the wormhole serves as a beacon of hope, but it should not diminish our vigilance. We must fight with everything we have, for the fate of humanity and the future we seek to protect."

As they stood together, a bond forged amidst adversity, their collective determination ignited a spark of unity. The knowledge of the wormhole, the status of their camp, and their shared purpose fueled their resolve. They were ready to face the impending storm, their sights set on victory and the chance to return home, whatever the outcome of this war may be.

Alice leaned forward, her gaze fixed on a map spread out before them. Her finger traced the strategic routes and potential locations for the deployment of squads. She turned to Blake and began outlining her plan.

"We need to thin out their numbers, to weaken their forces. I propose sending out several squads on strategic missions to engage the Nightmare Incarnates, taking them down one by one. If we catch them alone, we have a better chance at defeating them."

Blake's brow furrowed as he contemplated Alice's suggestion. He shook his head and interjected, his voice filled with caution. "I understand the intent behind your plan, Alice, but our recent studies have revealed that the Nightmare Incarnates move in packs. They rarely venture alone, making it difficult to isolate and engage them individually."

He gestured toward the reports and observations spread across the table. "These records show a pattern of coordinated movements and pack-like behavior. Attacking them head-on, even with multiple squads, would put us at a disadvantage."

Alice nodded, acknowledging the validity of Blake's point. "You're right, Blake. Engaging them in large numbers would only lead to heavy casualties on our side. We need to reassess our approach and find a way to exploit their weaknesses."

West Two, who had been quietly listening, spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "If they travel in packs, then perhaps we can use their predictability against them. Instead of meeting them head-on, we can set up traps, ambushes, and diversionary tactics to disorient and separate them."

Mary leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with a newfound determination. "Yes, we can exploit their reliance on group dynamics. By luring them into carefully prepared scenarios, we can break their formations and engage them on our terms."

Alice's face brightened with a mix of relief and excitement. "That's it! Instead of directly confronting them, we will use our knowledge of their behaviors to our advantage. Our squads will be equipped with the means to create diversions, to lure them into areas where we have the upper hand."

Blake nodded, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features. "Good. Let's gather our best strategists and start devising specific plans. We need to exploit their weaknesses, their reliance on numbers, and turn it into our strength."

With their new approach taking shape, the group began to discuss the intricate details of their diversionary tactics and trap-setting strategies. They knew that their chances of success hinged on their ability to outmaneuver and outsmart the Nightmare Incarnates.

As they poured over maps and formulated plans, a renewed sense of purpose filled the room. The next phase of their battle against the corrupted horde was about to begin, and with careful planning and calculated moves, they hoped to gain the upper hand. They were determined to thin out the Nightmare Incarnates, one pack at a time, in their relentless pursuit of victory and the safety of their kind.


Back at the Blue Marble Planet...

Aria sat in the cozy room, her hands cradling her round belly as she gazed out of the window. The warm sun rays streamed through the glass, painting the room in a soft, golden glow. She smiled as she felt the gentle kicks and movements of the unborn child within her, a testament to the life growing inside.

Her eyes shifted to the nearby bed, where Ashton lay peacefully, lost in dreams. His tousled hair cascaded over the pillow, and a faint smile graced his lips. Aria's heart swelled with love and tenderness as she watched his slumber.

Aria knew that despite this peaceful scene, Ashton was doing something incredibly important. He's holding the Celestial God prisoner in a dream, preventing him from interfering in the ongoing war.

Ashton had been asleep for a few months now. Aria won't lie and say that she doesn't miss his voice and presence because she does, but she also understands the gravity of the situation.

Why else would she delay the birth of their child if she didn't?

She rose from the rocking chair, its rhythmic creaking coming to a halt. Quietly, she approached the bed, her hand reaching out to brush a lock of hair from Ashton's forehead. His features relaxed under her touch, and a contented sigh escaped his lips.

Aria's gaze lingered on Ashton's face, etching the image into her memory. Their love had grown strong amidst the chaos of their world, and now they were bound by the anticipation of their child's arrival.

She whispered words of love and protection, her voice barely above a whisper as if the room itself held a sacred silence. Her touch trailed from his forehead to his cheek, tracing the contours of his face with tenderness.

With a final adoring look, Aria turned her attention back to the window. She continued to bask in the sunlight, feeling its warmth embrace her like a comforting embrace. Thoughts of the future swirled in her mind, the hopes and dreams she held for their growing family.

She then began humming a tune, giggling to herself as she felt the movement of her child...

As she rocked gently in the chair, her thoughts drifted to the world outside, to the battles that raged, and the uncertainty that loomed. But at this moment, within the haven of their room, Aria found solace and strength in the love she shared with Ashton.

She knew that their journey would not be easy and that challenges would arise, but she held on to the belief that Ashton would uphold his promise. With a peaceful smile gracing her lips, she allowed herself to embrace the serenity of the present, cherishing the bond they shared and the promise of a future filled with love and joy.

In that room, amidst the soft light and the whispers of love, Aria cherished the moments of quiet before the storm, savoring the precious tranquility that surrounded her and the life growing within her.

Aria continued humming a tune for her baby, feeling its movements gradually coming to a halt.

"'re just like your father, always sleeping." She laughed softly and endearingly. "Sleep well, my love. And please be patient. Soon, very soon...we will finally meet each other. I'm looking forward to it."

She glanced at the sleeping Ashton before turning back to the window and continuing her song for their child.

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