I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 612

Chapter 612: Xiao Qin’s Firepower

Chapter 612: Xiao Qin’s Firepower

“Ah, there’s a mosquito.”

Xiao Qin was getting up to look for me just as I returned to the camp, but she got entangled with a large mosquito that a brightly colored lower body halfway through.

It should be an invasive species that came with the imported lumber. If I think carefully about it, it should be the fault of Kyle, the main male protagonist of the Magic Cauldron series.

What, you’re asking why it’s not Ai Mi’s fault?

Stop, my sister won’t make any mistakes. Even though Xiao Qin made huge mistakes, I was able to deal with it with my ‘sister vision’ and now I’m not angry anymore.

Anyway, the invasion of foreign mosquitoes, migrant workers being owed wages, famine in Uganda, global warming… are all Kyle’s fault. I heard that at the end of the first season he will hugging Ai Mi while flying on the back of a dragon (of course, the dragon will be done with cgi), but I hope he falls of the dragon to his death.

Of course, Ai Mi, doesn’t like him either. I heard she told Peng TouSi to put Kyle’s phone number on a gay site and it used up his batteries.

Xiao Qin was mainly afraid of black bugs with shells, basically, big black beetles.

Apparently, she’s not afraid of ladybugs because it’s very colorful.

No shit, she used to stuff ladybugs in my nose when I was sleeping. Of course she wouldn’t be afraid of such a useful tool.

“It would have been good if the ladybug had five dots, then wouldn’t it become the national bug of China?”

She said to me once.

A five spotted ladybug? I think it’s possible with genetic modification, but would it be of any use other than selling it to foreigners as a souvenir? What if the foreigners aren’t friendly and squish the ladybugs, then do we have to prosecute them for insulting our country?

Currently, Xiao Qin was staring at the large mosquito that was flying around her straw hat and was mesmerized by the colorful pattern on its tail area.

Was she trying to determine if it qualified as a big black beetle and whether or not she should scream?

Why would you scream, you’re not even scared of bugs at all. I think you read too many shoujo manga and convinced yourself you were afraid of black beetles.

It’s entirely different to why the class leader is afraid of black mice. The class leader is afraid of black mice because a large black mouse almost bit off her little brother’s little brother, so she feels a mixture of fear along with self blame.

Xiao Qin thought about it for a while and it seems she couldn’t determine if it was considered a beetle, so she kept an eye on it as she walked towards me.

“Ye Lin classmate, the weather today is quite nice hehe.”

She chuckles as she kept an eye on the mosquito to see if it had changed targets.

Did you want the mosquito to target me, so you wouldn’t get bitten?

Or did you want me to kill it so you don’t have to dirty your own hands?

Stop standing next to me while giggling and thinking I don’t see the giant mosquito circling around your head!

I think you should give this precious gift to someone else.

Xiao Qin stood beside me for a while before she realized the mosquito wasn’t really interested in me, so she could only gloomily walk back to the picnic mat.

Then she sat by Xiong YaoYue and tried to give away the mosquito again, but it was stubbornly still circling around her head. If she wasn’t wearing her straw hat, it might have already dived down to feast on her blood.

By the way, it seems everyone’s blood tastes different to mosquitoes. When I’m with Ai Mi, she attracts more mosquitoes than me and can be called a human mosquito attractant.

Of course, Ai Mi wouldn’t let mosquitoes suck away her precious blood. If the bodyguards didn’t block a mosquito, then not only would they get their wages deducted, they would also have to chase after the mosquitoes that sucked her blood with a SMG.

They don’t use insecticide because it may be poisonous to their master.

But clearly a SMG is more dangerous.

As for Xiong YaoYue, she attracts around the same amount of mosquitoes as me. And even if she gets stung, she wouldn’t really get any swelling. Even if she was stung by an invasive species, she doesn’t have much of a reaction either.

Once, she even used the muscles are her arm to trap a mosquito that was sucking her blood and flaunted it to me.

If you use me as a reference, Xiao Qin and Ai Mi are about equal at attracting mosquitos. Xiao Qin sat beside Xiong YaoYue for a long time and it still had no intention of moving to a different target.

“No way…” Xiao Qin mumbled and moved towards the other girls in the camp.

Why can’t you just ask me directly to kill it? I guess deep down she still loves to play pranks.

As for how sweet the blood was according to the mosquito, here were Xiao Qin’s test results:

Xiao Qin > Loud Mouth

Xiao Qin > Little Smart josei

Xiao Qin > Eunuch Cao (when did he come back?)

Xiao Qin > English class representative

Xiao Qin >>>>>>>>>>>> Zhuang Ni

As expected of a cursed lineage, even mosquitoes try to avoid her. I think it will die if it drinks her dark and cursed blood. If Xiao Qin was willing to lie next to Zhuang Ni for a while, the mosquito might even fly away on its own.

But Xiao Qin wasn’t able to persist and eventually left Zhuang Ni’s curse area.

“Even my mood is worse now. How can someone with such a dark soul have artistic skills on par with mines, it’s unfathomable…”

Are you saying you have a bright soul? Aren’t you walking around right now trying to find someone to push the mosquito onto? And apologize to Zhuang Ni’s art skills right now, no matter what her skills are a hundred times better than yours!

Finally, Xiao Qin came next to the class leader. The class leader had tied Obama to a tree and was trying to solve an issue with the fire bucket.

“Ah, it succeeded.” Xiao Qin shouted out in joy.

The mosquito shakily wobbled from Xiao Qin and moved above the class leader’s head.

But the class leader’s blood being sweeter than Xiao Qin’s was a bit unexpected.

The class leader looks cold and stern on the outside, but is she actually really sweet on the inside?

“Careful, there’s a mosquito.” Niu ShiLi raised his hands and killed the mosquito above the class leader’s head in a single clap.

Xiao Qin pouted in disappointment and walked back towards me.

“I worked so hard to transport it there…”

Can you transport mosquitoes? How badly did you want the class leader to get bit?

As she was talking, another mosquito flew out from the grassy areas and surrounded Xiao Qin again.

It might have something to do with Xiao Qin’s straw hat.

“~(≧▽≦)/~ How lucky, my ammunition got refilled so I get another shot.”

Thus Xiao Qin lured this mosquito and once again successfully moved it over the class leader’s head.

“Why are there so many mosquitoes.” Loud Mouth missed her attack and it was Niu ShiLi who killed it again.

Xiao Qin wasn’t discouraged and was motivated to try again. She purposely stood by the grassy areas and every time she attracted one or two mosquitos, she would ‘transport’ them to the class leader.

The class leader gradually caught on to Xiao Qin’s strange behavior.

“Xiao Qin, what are you doing walking back and forth?”

“No- nothing.” Xiao Qin, who was currently staring at the mosquito above her head, gave a half-assed explanation, “I was planning on helping people get some food…”

It’s more accurate to say you were helping mosquitoes get good. Class leader, don’t be tricked, you’re the food she’s talking about!

“Is it for Ye Lin and Winnie?” The class leader pointed to the beef on the grills that Loud Mouth laboriously cooked, “Take those to them. Almost everyone else is already full, so we’re relying on those two gluttons to clean up.”

“Sigh.” Xiao Qin sighed because the mosquito that was circling her hat flew away because of the charcoal fire.

The class leader thought it was because she called us gluttons, so Xiao Qin was too embarrassed to grab more seafood.

“These two skewers of squid are for you.” The class leader handed over some skewers, “Feel free to eat as much as you can, don’t be embarrassed. Everyone has something they especially love to eat.”

After Xiao Qin took the squid, she lost her motive for transporting mosquitoes.

When she used to bully me as the Little Tyrant, she would always get more excited whenever I glared at her with hatred and said “I will definitely get my revenge.”

Was she hoping the class leader would at least react to her prank? Would she have liked it if the class leader also pranked her back and said “I hate you” to Xiao Qin?

It’s boring when your opponent ignores you and doesn’t fight back~~~

She stood there eating the squid without even hiding it with a lonely look in her eyes.

She then saw the mosquitos that had flew away from them landed straight onto Gong CaiCai’s neck and took a clean bite.

Even mosquitoes know the weakest human here was Gong CaiCai?

“It hurts, I got bit again.”

Gong CaiCai went to slap the mosquito, but she wasn’t fast enough and allowed it to have its fill and escape.

“Hehehehehehe….” Xiao Qin made an almost silent laughter.

Gong CaiCai watched in fear as Xiao Qin went by the grass to ‘refill ammunition’, then transport them to Gong CaiCai.

“Class leader, help!”

Gong CaiCai couldn’t help but ask the class leader for help after she was bitten five or six times by the mosquitoes Xiao Qin kept transporting.

The class leader also seemed to realize Xiao Qin’s goal. She sighed and yelled out loud:

“Winnie, there are mosquitoes in the camp, I’m assigning you to exterminate them!”

“Nice, now I won’t be bored anymore.” Xiao YaoYue leapt up from the mat and pounced towards Xiao Qin. She finished off the largest mosquito with a loud and resounding clap.

“My Scud missile…” Xiao Qin wanted to cry.

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