I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 622

Chapter 622: Mountains As Witness

Chapter 622: Mountains As Witness

“Stop it~~~” Xiao Qin pretended to be angry and said , “Today you want me to call you brother, then tomorrow you’ll ask me to call you daddy.”

“Huh.” I didn’t really really react for a while.

Xiao Qin clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

“Winnie wasn’t wrong, Ye Lin classmate is a huge pervert. You might even be the world’s largest pervert.” josei

Who are you calling the world’s largest pervert?! And stop speaking as if you’re very proud.

“So, as the girlfriend of the world’s largest pervert, I have to raise my pervert level…”

What the hell is a pervert level?

Xiao Qin now sounded like she was a bit hurt.

“In order to please Ye Lin classmate, I’ve held back my feelings of disgust and downloaded a bunch of super perverted H manga to study. In the end, I still haven’t reached Ye Lin classmate’s pervert level… I still haven’t worked hard enough!”

If it’s disgusting, then don’t read it! I can’t even stand some of those H manga, even though I’m a boy going through puberty.

Xiao Qin held both her hands together in fist like she was praying.

“I will work my hardest to satisfy Ye Lin classmate’s perverted needs, so…”

“So I will call you brother or daddy, whatever makes Ye Lin classmate happy…”

She had tears in her eyes once again.

“I can satisfy Ye Lin classmate in any way possible, but in exchange… please at least spare our future kids.”

She urgently made the request to me with a serious expression.

I’m pissed. I told you to call me brother because it’s the dying wish of a siscon. How could you twist something so noble into a perverted request…

I like younger sisters, but not because I want them on my bed!

Also, did you really think I would have desires for my own daughter?

“Shut up! How could I, to my own daughter…”

“You can’t to your son either.” Xiao Qin interrupted, “Ye Lin classmate is bisexual, so both a boy or a girl would be in danger… but please endure it and take everything out on me, the mother.”

Whose mother are you? Stop talking as if you’re a mother, three months ago, you weren’t even qualified to be a mother at all.

Also, why are you worrying about something that far into the future? Haven’t you already resolved yourself to push me off the cliff and end my short and sinful life?

The evidence is that you still haven’t lowered your hands. Currently, her hands were separated and were back in the position like she was going to push me over the edge.

I never expected her to raise her hands even higher, than cup them around her mouth and yell as loud as she could towards the mountain ranges:

“Ye Lin, I like you!!!!!!”

The echoes reverberated around the mountain ranges for a long time and I was left momentarily dumbstruck.

So this was what she meant when she said she wanted to go to a place with no one around, but it’s embarrassing if the other students heard because of how loud you shouted.

“Let’s let the mountain be witnesses. I will love Ye Lin classmate forever!!!!”

I think I saw this scene in a shoujo manga, something about vowing to the mountains… Xiao Qin probably think it’s romantic.

“Not just this life, but we have to spend the next life together as well. If we die, we will reincarnate into a fairy tale world where I am a kitten and Ye Lin classmate is a dinosaur!!!”

I don’t think a fairy tale world can accommodate a saber-tooth tiger! Please let Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Tom & Jerry, and Popeye live their lives!

And why am I a dinosaur? The dinosaurs are always the antagonist in fairy tales, also why would a feline live with dinosaurs? You should know that birds are descendants of dinosaurs, and felines are the mortal enemies of birds…

After blushing and shouting her statement, Xiao Qin took a breath to relax, then shouted to the mountains more bashfully:

“I’ve decided that in order for Ye Lin classmate to always like me, whether it’s the anus, whether I call him brother or daddy, I’ll meet his needs! As long as he’s willing to carry me on his back and travel with me in the fairy tale world.”

Please stop speaking as if the fairy tale world actually exists!


A sudden gust of wind came from behind and blew off Xiao Qin’s straw hat.

Xiao Qin’s short and silky hair fluttered in the wind, was it an illusion or had her hair grown longer?

Xiao Qin didn’t have any intention to save it as she watched the straw hat fell towards the cliff. Based on her surprised and delighted eyes, it seems that she thinks this was the mountain gods taking one of her personal effects to make her wish come true. They will also be monitoring her to see if she seriously fulfilled her vows.

Please don’t make an embarrassing vow to the mountain gods that includes the words ‘anus’ or ‘daddy’! Or are you saying one day you will be back and tell the mountains:

“I have indeed unmistakably handed over my rear to Ye Lin classmate. Although it really hurts, it’s all good if Ye Lin classmate is happy… also, I found Ye Lin classmate prefers me calling him ‘brother’ rather than ‘daddy’…”

In order to prevent the scenario above from coming true, my arm shot out like lightning while still sitting and accurately grabbed the brim of the straw hat.

I only felt fear after catching the hat. I didn’t move much to catch the hat, but my body still broke out in cold sweat.

“Ye Lin classmate, I’m touched.” Xiao Qin kneeled down so our faces were at the same height, then she hugged onto me while crying and laughing.

“You actually risked falling off the cliff to save my straw hat.”

Uh, you don’t have to get so excited. I might also be afraid, but we still had some distance away from the edge.

But I guess I was mistaken… Xiao Qin didn’t want to die with me, but she wanted to shout out her vows to the mountains. While it was an embarrassing vow, I could still feel how much she likes me.

Ah, it’s difficult. I had already decided to treat you as my younger sister in my previous mental battle, so how could I demote you to a girlfriend now.

That’s right, for me, a ‘younger sister’ is a higher existence than a girlfriend, because there are things I will tolerate for my sister which I definitely won’t tolerate for a girlfriend.

Although the normal upgrade route should be “girlfriend” → “wife” → “mother”… what’s up with being upgraded to a sister.

Anyway, I put the straw hat back on top of Xiao Qin’s head with mixed feelings and patted the top of it affectionately, mainly as an older brother.

Xiao Qin’s eyelashes shivered slightly, as if she was afraid of being hit, but also as if she enjoyed it very much and she even closed her eyes to enjoy my head pats.

Then a butterfly came along with a mild breeze and landed on the brim of Xiao Qin’s hat.

The two wings were as blue as the sea and the torso was pure black. It was both mysterious and elegant.

After landing on the brim of Xiao Qin’s hat, its two wings opened and closed gently. It allowed me to discover that the surface under its wings was not blue, but a mottled black similar to the dried leaves of a tree.

It should be a camouflage color, right? When it lands in the middle of the forest, it could close its wings so that its natural enemies can’t find it easily.

If so, when flying, wouldn’t the black on the underside of the wings and the blue on the upper surface of the wings alternate back and forth?

An entomological name suddenly appeared in my mind.

Morpho menelaus.

No way, there are blue morphos on Cui Song Mountain? It’s the national butterfly of Brazil and according to my dad, it only exists in Central and South America.

But my dad also said that when he came to Cui Song Mountain in college, he did see something similar to a blue morpho. He suspected it to be a rare subspecies of blue morphos, which may be even more valuable than a blue morpho.

Generally, a flawed blue morpho sells for ¥200 on Taobao including shipping, so it’s not considered a rare and exotic product.

But this butterfly was different. First of all, it lives at a latitude where it shouldn’t be and its color looks much more gorgeous than those photos I saw on Taobao.

You should know that Taobao photos will generally be edited. Adjusting colors is one of the foundations of Taobao art.

This subspecies of the blue morpho is already breathtaking without any photo editing. Perhaps it’s worth a lot of money as my dad predicted? Maybe the first person to catch it will be recorded in history as the discoverer of a rare species.

It’s quite likely, otherwise, why would those two entomologists keep repeatedly coming back to Cui Song Mountain to catch butterflies? Even if the special education school provides cheap accommodation, there’s still no reason for them to come every day every summer. There must be a good reason why they keep doing it.

I would estimate this butterfly can also be sold for tens of thousands of dollars, it’s equal to four months of profit for our online store.

At this moment, this expensive butterfly, somehow landed on Xiao Qin’s straw hat and it didn’t leave. It slowly opened and closed its wings as if it was a delicate ornament.

“It’s beautiful…” I muttered.

“……” Xiao Qin wanted to say something, but in the end she decided not to with a happy look. She must have thought I was complimenting her.

It’s not entirely wrong since half the reason why I find this blue morpho beautiful is due to Xiao Qin.

She was wearing a white tshirt, blue jeans, and a straw hat that felt natural. Regardless of what kinds of ridiculous vows she made, she still appeared innocent and lovely.

A gorgeous blue morpho landing on top of an innocent girl’s head, which perfectly complemented each other. As our language teacher would commonly say, “people love to enjoy the beauty of symmetry”.

I didn’t know what to do with the blue morpho kind of like how I don’t know how to define my relationship with Xiao Qin.

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