I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 624

Chapter 624: Valuable Reward

Chapter 624: Valuable Reward

Xiao Qin hummed a song with the blue morpho still on her straw hat as she headed to the top of the mountain, then suddenly the sound of rapid footsteps came from behind.

“Isn’t that…”

“Ah, I’ve been searching for it for over three years, I never expected…”

It was the old and young entomologists. Of course, the old one wasn’t very old (he was nearing retirement age) and the young one wasn’t very young (he recently graduated from university). Each of them had a exploration equipment while holding an insect catching net in their hands.

“That’s definitely the one.” The old entomologist’s beard was still shivering, “Nymphalidae family, Morpho genus. Very few ever appear in subtropical environment at high altitudes. A colleague found two of them in Armenia, which was an extremely rare case, also known as the Blue Moore Armenian butterfly.”

“We, we’re rich!” The young scholar, who once looked at me and my female classmates with disdain, said while trembling.

“The $500,000 being offered by the wealthy American on the butterfly collector forum all belongs to us. I, I want to buy a sports car first.”

Damn brother, it’s slightly frightening how fast your expression changes! Before, you were righteously reprimanding us for being degenerates. But now when there’s a rewards, your eyes immediately bulged out, and your tongue is hanging out of the mouth like you’re having a rabies attack.

Also, you said this butterfly is worth $500,000USD? There’s no way it’s worth that much money, do you think those rich Americans have nowhere else to spend their money?

The older scholar raised his hand to stop the younger scholar from continuing. His eyes seemed to be blaming him for spilling the beans on the value of the butterfly to me and Xiao Qin.

“Um, students.” The older scholar politely said to us, “My student is a bit mentally unstable after he was abandoned by his girlfriend. He keeps thinking about winning the lottery and getting rich, or picking up alien technology or something, he was just talking nonsense earlier, don’t take it seriously.”

“It’s not nonsense.” The young scholar stared at the blue butterfly like it was a gold bar, “A Jiao, that woman who didn’t know my worth, she will definitely regret it. I will first use $100,000 of the $300,000 to buy a sports car, then invest the remaining $200,000, it won’t take many years…”

The young scholar drooled as he had a longing for his bright future.

“Wait.” The older scholar was angered by his student’s words, “Didn’t we agree that I would take $300,000 and you would take $200,000?”

“Don’t be too greedy, your retirement pension is already more than my salary, besides I would definitely catch the butterfly first.”

The young scholar held his insect catching up and revealed his true nature as he said:

“When I catch it myself, who knows if I will share the money with you.”

The old scholar was seething with anger, he waved his fist around and said, “People always say a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime, you unfilial student.”josei

The young scholar also didn’t show weakness: “Hmph, after all, I was the one who found the forum by using a vpn. Besides, your English skills aren’t up to par, so how would you even have found the reward without me?”

“Ptooey, you beast.” The elderly scholar grabbed his insect net and bagged it over the young scholar’s head.

“First come, first serve.” The young scholar easily removed the net from his head and said while aiming at the blue butterfly on Xiao Qin’s head.

Xiao Qin frowned as she looked at the two arguing entomologists.

“Ye Lin classmate, what are they doing, it’s so ugly…”

That’s right, it’s an ugly sight. Take this young scholar who just graduated from university, didn’t you also criticize me saying that you no longer have any hope for the next generation?

Also, don’t get any plans on the blue morpho. The butterfly didn’t land on grass or flowers, but on Xiao Qin’s head! Anything that falls on Xiao Qin’s head belongs to her, and now that I know this butterfly is worth that much money, it’s even less reason to give it to you guys.

$500,000… if Xiao Qin and I split it equally, it would be $250,000 each, or ¥1,500,000!

Huh, why is my tongue sticking out too? It must be due to the hot weather.

“Little girl, I’ll give you ¥100,000, so sell me the butterfly on your straw hat.” The elderly scholar suddenly made this request, “You don’t have connections, so even if you get the butterfly, you can’t find a buyer.”

You just said nobody was offering $500,000 to buy the blue morpho, now your eating your words once you’re in an unfavorable position?

“Don’t listen to him.” The young scholar shouted, “This old bastard doesn’t know English at all, so I’m the only one who could get in touch with the buyer, cooperate with me.”

“Fuck, you’re going against me?” The older scholar cursed vulgarly.

The young scholar spat on the ground, “Damn right I am. Nowadays the only real father is money, the $500,000 is all mines!”

“Damn squirt, don’t think old people are easy to bully.” The older scholar rolled up his sleeves, “I’m an honorary member of the Martial Arts Association, I’ll give you a taste of my tiger and crane fist.”

“Stop it with the seniority.” The young scholar also threw his insect net to the ground, “I participated in the amateur boxing league when I was in university, I’ll make you kneel for me.”

“You damn &$*#&%*…”

“You old *#%&#*%…”

The master and student soon wrestled together and rolled around in the dirt. One second, the student was on top of his master slapping him in the face, the other second the master was trying to strangle his student to death.

“The money is mine.”

“Nonsense, it’s mine.”

“All you will do is spend money on a sports cars, you good-for-nothing.”

“Ahem… don’t think I don’t know about your mistress outside. She’s the reason why your salary isn’t enough to spend.”

“Shut up, that’s my goddaughter.”

“Who knows if that’s the case…”

The young scholar could still ridicule when he was being strangled, how admirable.

However, as I faced these two who fought and showed their true nature, I seriously felt:

I have little hope for the previous generation and the generation before that.

“So scary…” Xiao Qin tugged my shirt and said, “We can’t quarrel over money in the future. Ye Lin classmate can manage all the money…”

What would it look like if Xiao Qin and I fought over money after getting married.

“Berserker mode.” “Yin Yang Sanshou.” “Bankai.” “Super Saiyan Second Grade.”

No, no, no, the house would get torn apart. Besides, us being married will always be a hypothetical.

It’s more likely we would have fights over allowance as siblings.

“Um, Ye Lin classmate can manage all the money.” Xiao Qin continued, “As long as… you give me a mouthful of food….”

Why do make it sound pitiful, who doesn’t have food to eat these days?

“It would be good…” Xiao Qin twiddled her fingers, “if you can also buy me a new dress…”

She looked at me as if she was getting my permission.

Stop trying to act cute, if you do it this way, a person who doesn’t agree must have a heart of stone.

Seeing Xiao Qin keep looking at me when I didn’t respond, I said, “Okay, okay, I’ll give you food to eat and buy you a new dress.”

“(^__^) Hehehe…” Xiao Qin smiled in satisfaction.

Anyway, with the butterfly on Xiao Qin’s hat, we will immediately become a nouveau riche. How should we spend the money? Should we first buy two egg pancakes and eat one while throwing away the other one or should we buy one with ten eggs and receive the worship of the bystanders.

A more reasonable choice would be to make the family’s online store business bigger. It just so happens another store wanted to sell some of his popular goods to dad for cheap, so if we scale up step by step…

If we earn enough money, we don’t have to run an embarrassing adult goods business anymore.

When the time comes, we have to change industries, or at least sell some goods that we can actually tell our friends!

But what industry would we change to, men’s clothing, electronics? Although I still hope my dad would go back to being a professor, it does not seem easy.

After Xiao Qin and I get the $500,000 or ¥3,000,000, the equivalent of winning the lottery, we also don’t have to pay income tax. It’s literally money falling from the skies.

Since Xiao Qin just said that I’m in charge of all the money, I can take care of her ¥1,500,000 for her since it seems she’s very bad at managing money anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, I won’t embezzle Xiao Qin’s assets. Anyway, whenever Auntie Ren marries, Xiao Qin and I will become a family.

I can’t waste money because I still have to take custody rights of Ai Mi away from Ai ShuQiao! If I don’t have any money, I can’t raise Ai Mi even if I do have custody rights.

Xiao Qin is satisfied as long as she can eat and wear a new dress. I’ve seen when Ai Mi goes shopping, all she says is, “I’ll take everything in this row.”

At least ask for a discount or a membership if you’re going to buy that many clothes! And she doesn’t even necessary wear the clothes she buys! Wardrobes 10 to 100 are filled with clothes doesn’t like, she usually only picks clothes from the first 9 wardrobes.

I still have a long way to go with such a wasteful sister, but as long as I get money, as long as I get this butterfly…

¥3,000,000 will turn into ¥30,000,000, which will turn into ¥300,000,000, which will turn into ¥3,000,000,000…

Mwahahaha, it’s the road to riches for me! I can afford to let Xiao Qin eat seafood and wear new dresses every day!

Although it’s still questionable if I could raise Ai Mi, I have confidence. My responsibilities include letting my sisters be happy, Auntie Ren doesn’t have to work so hard anymore, and my dad can also stay home.

Just when I was planning my future happy life, my first golden ticket, my blue morpho, my blue Moore Armenian butterfly, suddenly flew away for some reason…

It flew fast and so suddenly that I couldn’t even react.

No, no, yamete!!

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