I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

It was a sleepless night. Mostly. Leanna woke up at 10.30AM. She was already late, so she skipped the studio and went straight back to the Crossley Residence. When she came to the junction where she ran into Ron, she stopped for a few moments before driving down that path.

However, along the way she drove, there was grass everywhere and not a house or shack in sight. At the end of the road sat another branching path behind a steel fence. It meandered deep into the distance. She was about to check it out, but then, two guys came out. She saw one of them working in the Crossley Residence before. She quickly turned around and drove back the way she came from. I guess that's where Jethro is locked.

Leanna came to the residence and went upstairs only to run into Georgina, who just emerged from her room. Georgina chortled. "You stayed out the whole night and came back just to get changed?"

"I have changed my clothes, but thanks for the concern." With that, Leanna turned and walked into her room.

Georgina looked at her before pursing her lips and descending the stairs.

She got into the car, and her driver asked, "Where would you like to go, Miss Crossley?"

She told him where she wanted to go. Then, she looked at Leanna's car, musing over something.

Half an hour later, an angry Violet stormed into a coffee shop. She snapped, "I'm in a bad mood lately. This better be good."

Georgina sipped some coffee and said slowly, "I know. That's why I asked you out. So that you can calm down."

Violet took the seat across from Georgina and stayed silent. Her erstwhile friends were either laughing at her or wouldn't hang out with her. Georgina was the first to ask her out after such a humiliating incident happened to her. Violet got herself a cup of drink. "Spit it out. I don't have time to talk in circles."

Georgina put her cup down. "You should drink a bit. Look at you, all angry and fuming."

Violet cursed, "That b*tch just wouldn't leave my house, and my dad wouldn't kick her out because he loves her. How do you expect me to stay calm and drink?!"

"Violet, you're a smart girl. You should stay rational and see things through an objective lens."

"What do you mean?"

A smile had curled Georgina's lips. "It's easy to kick that woman out. Your father had broken up with her for years. Do you think she'd stay single for him that long? Even if she has no children from her prior marriage, she was still married at one point. Find her ex-husband and expose her past to your father. Then, he'll kick her out for good. He won't stand for that humiliation, after all."

Violet frowned. That's a good idea. Before this, she kept throwing tantrums and abused that woman in an attempt to chase her away, but that backfired. Her father loved that woman even more, and he even started showing contempt toward her. A moment later, she said, "Sure. I'll get a private investigator to

look into this. If this works, I owe you one."

"Skip the formalities. We're friends," Georgina responded.

"You didn't ask me out just to help me with my situation, did you? So, what's the sitch? I'll help you if I can."

Georgina picked up her teaspoon and stirred her coffee. "You know Queenie, right?"

Alarm bells rang in Violet's head. "What do you mean?"

Queenie might have bribed the panel of judges, but that was between her and Elliot. Violet had an exit strategy ready so that she didn't get dragged into the mess. Georgina shouldn't have known.

"Calm down. I'm on your side. There's a reason I'm telling you this. I just discovered something interesting."

"What is it?"

"You wanna know why that woman came to you all of a sudden? Wanna know why everyone is staying away from you?"

Violet frowned upon the words. "Why?"

Georgina's lips curled. "That's because Queenie sold you out."

"Impossible. She doesn't have the guts. And if Aidan found out I was behind it, he'd kill m—" Violet froze up, and her frown deepened. "Wait a minute. Queenie sold me out to Aidan, and he's the one who sent that woman after me. Is that what you mean?"

"You'll have to get all the details from Queenie. She ratted to Gordon, but I wonder if Gordon had told Aidan about it. If you don't believe me, ask your father. Your family's company might be under attack from the Pearsons."

Gordon was the head of the Pearsons, while Aidan was the head of the Pearson Group. Violet knew that much. "But even if I did bribe the panel, that was only an attack on Leanna. Why would the Pearsons come after me?"

"Do you have any idea how much the Pearsons have lost over this? Gordon needs to vent. So, he sought Queenie out since she was the one who gave him the recording. And she sold you out just to get out of trouble."

Wait. Something's off. "How did you know she was the one who provided the recording to Gordon?"

"I have my sources. Whether you believe me or not is up to you."

Violet believed her. I knew that b*tch wouldn't just show up out of nowhere. She then stood up angrily. "I'm going to find Queenie right now."

Georgina didn't stop her. She leaned back on her chair and sipped her coffee as she saw Violet off. Queenie wants to drag everyone down with her? Well, I'm kicking her down to hell first. And Violet's the perfect choice for that.

Violet told the driver to go straight to Queenie's house, but no matter how much she rang the doorbell, nobody came to take it. She shouted, "Queenie, you b*tch! You ratted on me?! I hope you die and never come out! If I see you roaming the streets, I'll make you wish you were never born!"

Alarmed by her shouting, the neighbors curiously spectated the scene.

Violet shot them a look. "What are you looking at? Your neighbor's an *sshole. I hope she dies!" she cursed further and kicked the door before she left the place. While she was on her way home, she contacted a private investigator and tasked him to look into that woman's past, just like what Georgina said.


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