I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Leanna didn't have much else to do at the Crossley Residence. She merely came back because she was worried Lloyd might think she wouldn't return after she stayed at Aidan's place the night before. But thanks to this trip, I have finally found out where he locked Jethro up.

She emerged from her room, and her attention turned to Lloyd's bedroom. She had a feeling the safe didn't just contain the watch. Something more important was in there. But I've gone in there once and escaped out of pure luck. I cannot risk it further.

She composed herself and left for the studio. Daniel was there when she came in. She said hi to everyone and entered her office.

Zoe took the chance to get away from Daniel. She, too, went into Leanna's office.

Leanna had just sat down when Zoe came in. She asked, "What's wrong?"

Zoe leaned on her table and sighed. "I don't know. I just think he's annoying."

"He's annoying?" Leanna asked.

Zoe nodded. "Yeah."

"What kind of annoying?"

"Um…" Zoe mused over it. "I just feel annoyed every time he comes near me, every time he talks to

me, and especially every time he's being nice to me."

At that, a smile had curled Leanna's lips. She said, "I used to be in the same place."

Zoe's eyes shone. Finally, someone who can understand me. "When?"

"Back when Aidan started wooing me."

Why do I even ask? Zoe thought to herself.

Leanna wasn't afraid to say she felt annoyed because Aidan made her confused about her feelings. On the one hand, she wanted to stay as far away from him as she could, but on the other, her heart would flutter every time he was nice to her. Zoe felt annoyed because she liked Daniel, but at the same time, she was afraid of being hurt, so she was annoyed by him making a move on her.

Zoe fiddled with some files and sighed. "I just think he's unreliable."

Daniel had a lot of secrets, so Leanna wouldn't convince her friend to date him. Though, relationships were complex. They might even start going out over one little spark of the moment.

A while later, Zoe asked, "So, what's Louis up to? He seems to be busy lately."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. He's signed on with a film company now."

That perked Zoe up. "Really?"

Leanna nodded. "Yeah. And it's been a while."

"So, which company is he affiliated with? A subsidiary of Pearson Group?"

"I don't think so. I didn't ask. Aidan would tell me if Louis signed on with one of his companies."

Zoe then asked, "So, has he started with any work? Or is he doing something else?"

"No, I don't think so. I asked him to put studies first, though."

"This is it!" Zoe gushed, "Louis is handsome. He's born to be a star. Your whole family's hot, and now you're dating Aidan. To be fair, that *sshole is handsome as heck. I bet your kids are gonna be super cute. I wanna be their godmother."

Leanna smiled. "Sure."

Zoe realized the sadness lingering in her voice. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. "It's in the past now, Nana. Let it go. You've gotten back together with him. You guys will have another kid soon."

"I hope so," Leanna mumbled.

Zoe stopped talking about that subject and diverted the conversation. A while later, someone knocked on the door—it was Daniel. Zoe quickly whispered, "Don't let him in."

Leanna nodded in acknowledgment. "Do you need anything?"

"I wanna talk to Zoe."

"She's not here."

Huh? But I saw her go in, he thought to himself in bewilderment.

Leanna continued to lie, "She's unwell, so she has gone home. If you need anything, come back tomorrow."

With that, Daniel went silent. A while later, he responded, "Sure."

He walked off, and Zoe heaved a sigh of relief.

Leanna said, "I need to finish some drafts. Stay here. He might still be out there."

Zoe thought so, too, so she started scrolling through her phone. "Sure. I'll stay right here."

A while after work later, Leanna looked up and realized her friend was asleep. She stretched her arms and was about to lie down for a while. Just then, her phone rang. It was an unknown number. She went to the pantry to take the call. "Hi, this is Leanna speaking." There was no answer. She then looked at her phone. It's still connected. She put her phone beside her ear once again. "I'm hanging up if you aren't saying anything."

A while later, someone said, "It's me."

Leanna didn't expect a call from Queenie. "What is it?"

"I can be your witness if you want to sue Violet for bribery and slander, but you need to help me out."

"What are the terms?"

"Give me money and help me get out of Highside," she replied. "I know you can do that." She was still the prime suspect in Elliot's murder. She couldn't escape by herself. If she did, everyone would think she was the murderer.

Amused, Leanna asked, "And why should I help you?"

"I also have evidence that Georgina tried to sabotage you. I think that's enough chips to exchange favors."

"Keep your chips. I do not need them."

The answer surprised Queenie. Panicked, she asked, "They tried to ruin you. Don't you want to let them have a taste of their own medicine?"

Leanna said slowly, "You know, what you're doing right now is going to hurt me, not them. I know what they did. I have evidence of Violet bribing the panel and Georgina sabotaging me. Thanks for the offer, but keep it."

Queenie clenched her teeth. "Leanna, I know Ron helped you out a ton. For his sake, help me this one time."


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