Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 188 Settling in the Royal Academy

Chapter 188 Settling in the Royal Academy

188  Settling in the Royal Academy

After completing the registration, Elder Hamwell had given Arthur an identity plaque that signified his status as the 13th Elite Disciple.

Anastasia drags Arthur to give him a tour of the Royal Academy as she leads him to the place of the Elite Disciples at the Core area of the Sect.


In the heart of the Royal Academy, Arthur stood, holding the identity plaque that would grant him access to the elite areas of the sect.

The plaque, made of an otherworldly jade-like material, was etched with intricate runes that shimmered as if alive.

'This inscription is interesting...' Arthur thought.

He had started to gain more interest in Rune Inscriptions. He recalled the Guide Book that Suo Hao had given to him.

'Hmm, I need to look into that sooner or later. It's a skill I can't neglect especially with the Grand Dao Seal lying around in the depths of my soul rent free.'

Anastasia smiled at him, excitement dancing in her eyes. "This plaque is your key to the core of the Royal Academy. You can go to any of the mountains, access exclusive resources, and, more importantly, the essence energy there is the most abundant. The mountains are brimming with spiritual essence veins."

Arthur examined the plaque, "I see. So you'll be my guide then."

"Sure, follow me my Prince!"


She led him through the vast academy, its grandeur extending as far as the eye could see.

Glistening palaces, ancient trees, and students in martial training filled the view.

Along the way they drew many stares filled with wonder and curiousity.

This was the First time the disciples of the Royal Academy were seeing the most esteemed princess chatting happily with a man.

And to many of her admirers what irked them as they secretly stalked Arthur and Anastasia was that the Princess was even acting a guide!

So the question on many people's mind was, "Who is this idiot that doesn't know how to treat fair jade."

Only a few knowledgeable ones discerned Arthur's identity.

"Isn't that Prince Arthur?"

"I gues he is. He looks more mature now, but what is he doing here?" josei

"Yeah. Don't tell me he is here to join the academy? Everyone knows he is just a waste."

Each room was equipped for a different aspect of training, from meditation to physical exercises.

"These rooms are designed for cultivating different aspects of your strength," Anastasia explained, leading him into a room that had holes on the walls and said, "This is a place you can test and train your speed and agility. It is divided into ten levels. Most of the elite disciples can face the seventh and eighth level unharmed."

Arthur took in the room's appearance and asked, "What level are you then?"

To his questions Anastasia only chuckled and said, "Not telling."

As they ventured through the palace, Anastasia shared more about the Royal Academy's unique features.

She described the Five Elemental Mountains, explaining how each mountain corresponded to one of the five basic elements – fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning.

"The elemental affinity of the mountains allows for faster cultivation of corresponding elemental techniques," she elaborated.

Then she told him of the Starlight Cultivation Tower, which was said to be a haven for disciples who wanted to enhance their technique comprehension.

Arthur nodded in acknowledgement of the resources of the academy. He already knew of these things but he enjoyed listening to Anastasia and she was so excited so he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere.

Finally, Anastasia told him of the one that actually stirs up a bit of interest in Arthur– the Battle Tower. It had 99 floors, and becoming an Elite Disciple required conquering the 50th floor.

"Many aspirants challenge the tower, but only a few reach the higher floors," Anastasia informed him. "So far, only twelve have cleared the 50th floor. The top-ranked Elite Disciple made it to the 72nd floor."

Arthur took in all this information, his eyes shimmering some anticipation, "I see. He must be pretty strong right?"

"Of course he is strong. Even I can only last a few moves and that is if he goes easy on me."

"Really, he is that strong?"

"Yes, he is. Hey, don't tell me you are thinking of challenging him?"

"No, I'm not."

"Yeah, I thought so. You haven't had as much time to cultivate as the others after all so it's understandable."

Anastasia smiled, "Anyway, just be prepared. Many still believe you can't cultivate, and they might try to challenge your status as an Elite Disciple."

Arthur's expression remained unshaken, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Let them come."

"You sound so confident, Arthur. So tell me. How strong are you now."

"You'll never believe it if I told you."

"Try me!"


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