Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 189 Challenging the Battle Tower

Chapter 189 Challenging the Battle Tower: Fate Sense Tingling

189  Challenging the Battle Tower: Fate Sense Tingling

As Anastasia departed to her own quarters, Arthur settled into the tranquil ambiance of the mansion.

It was time for some serious contemplation. He had a clear path ahead.

Sitting cross-legged, he closed his eyes and focused his thoughts. He would concentrate on comprehending the powers of the Time, Space, Soul, and Fate Gems, and get more from the sources of mystical and powerful abilities.

Each held the potential to significantly elevate his strength, and he was determined to tap into their profound energies.

'I currently have the empath ability from the soul gem, the teleportation ability of the space gem, the fortune sense ability from the fate gem, and the time manipulation ability.'

'I have also comprehended the Dao of these gems to the Peak of the Intent level but it is already as strong as the Concept level power of the others.'

The ticking of time sounded distant to his senses, as he visualized the gems and the mysteries they held.

It would be a great task, but one he was eager to embrace. As unlike others he had an advantage no one else had.

As long as he wills it, the secrets of the Dao of time, space, fate, and soul would be opened to him to comprehend.

It would all then depend on his comprehensive ability.

Yet, there was another matter on his agenda.

The Grand Martial Arts Tournament loomed ever closer, a mere six months away.

His cultivation had made great advancement.

'I am currently at the Third Stage of the Martial King Realm. With all the abilities I have at my disposal I am already invincible among my peers.' Unravel the Unknown, Unleash the Unimaginable: N♡vεlB¡n.

Arthur wasn't bragging. His Dragon Souls alone is enough to stomp many. Even his Devouring Soul is enough or is it the Heavenly Dao Sword which is an Astral Soul that only those of the Immortal level could come in contact with?

His comprehension of concept level Dao have even surpassed most Martial Emperor Realm Powerhouses.

"But that is just the younger generation. My true target are those old monsters," Arthur touched his chin in thought.

Yes, what Arthur used as a means of measurement of his strength were the older generation and even the legends of ancient times where experts fills the realms as sands on the earth and countless extraordinary figures roamed the Nine Heavens.

Arthur had a premonition that he would be facing montrous opponents in the future. Because he would be eventually discovered by the Grand Dao.

But Arthur had already set in motion a plan for when he is finally discovered by the heavens.

As he deliberated, he considered the intricate art of Runes, another aspect of cultivation that he wished to explore.

But he decided to wait until after the opening of the Red Sky Secret Realm, an event that Anastasia had told him was only three days away.

With his plans roughly outlined, Arthur retrieved the book given to him by Eve.

Prince Julius's announcement drew a gathering of spectators, intrigued by the unexpected confrontation. As the crowd grew, Julius continued, "I heard the rumors, Arthur. They say you can finally cultivate. A late bloomer, I suppose."

With a half-hearted nod, Arthur responded, "You've heard correctly." josei

Julius attempted to cloak his humiliation with praise, "Well, it's good to see that the Hartfield Royal Family is regaining some prestige. A Prince who can't cultivate is a shame to us all. But now, with the Empire's favor, you should breeze through the Battle Tower, right? Surely a Prince like you can make it to the 50th floor."

"After all, you weren't called the Great Prodigy for nothing as you have easily comprehended complicated martial arts before the age of seven. But alas your constitution derived you of the glory you ought to have," Julius sighed as though he was regretful.

Arthur glanced at Julius, his eyes flickering with amusement. He leaned closer to Anastasia and said in a hushed tone, "Hey, I can hear a fly buzzing. Did you hear it too?"

Anastasia stifled a laugh, realizing that Arthur was deliberately ignoring Julius's thinly veiled mockery.

Her concern faded as she saw his nonchalant attitude. She knew Arthur had his reasons for entering the Battle Tower, and it wasn't to seek recognition or approval from Julius or anyone else.

The jest about a fly buzzing left the surrounding crowd stunned and some even barely could hold their laughter, further eroding Julius's pride.

But before Julius could respond, Arthur walked past him as he whispered, "Get ready..."

Anastasia gave Julius a polite nod and then rushed to catch up with Arthur, relieved that the situation didn't escalate further.

As they entered the Battle Tower, Arthur felt the weight of countless eyes on him.

He knew that many doubted his abilities, suspecting that he was merely riding the Hartfield family's coattails, a Prince who had previously been unable to cultivate.

Within the vast hall of the tower, they found the entrance to the Challenge Chamber, a formidable set of doors adorned with intricate engravings of martial prowess.

With a deep breath, Arthur pushed them open, the crowd's noise fading into the background. The chamber was dimly lit, with an aura of anticipation hanging in the air.

Arthur and Anastasia were greeted by an elderly gatekeeper, a man with sharp eyes who assessed Arthur's presence with curiosity. "Hmm, you are here. As expected," he said, confusing Arthur.

Arthur met the gatekeeper's gaze, "You were expecting me?"

"More or less."

As Arthur was about to ask he raised his hand and said, "Just start your challenge."

Arthur understood that the old man didn't want to say anything more, so he nodded.

With a nod from the gatekeeper, Arthur entered the Challenge Chamber, leaving behind the world of expectations and doubt.

To him he was just making a trip to the highest floor.

That Arthur's target after all, he wouldn't live up to his title as the Immortal Invincible if he could not even clear the tower.

As the doors closed behind him, the crowd outside fell into silence, waiting with bated breath to see what the former Prince Arthur could achieve within the Battle Tower.


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