Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 190 Breezing Through The Battle Tower

Chapter 190 Breezing Through The Battle Tower

190  Breezing Through The Battle Tower

As Arthur stepped into the imposing Battle Tower, Anastasia stepped out and stood in front the other disciples, her eyes fixed on the towering structure.

'Whatever you said, this will prove it,' she said in her heart as she watched with expectations.

The audience around her was filled with anticipation, whispers of excitement, and even mockery fluttering through the air.

Inside the tower, Arthur entered a room where figures clad in armor appeared before him.

They were condensed from the essence energy of th Battle Tower but looked no different than ordinary people.

'This is no ordinary essence energy. But why does it feel familiar?' Arthur thought to himself. josei

"Master, this should be a higher quality of essence energy. One that can only be found from th immortal realms," Aixen replied to his Master's doubts.

'I see. That must be why it felt familiar,' Arthur said and then he got a bit excited.

'This means this tower is an immortal treasure!'

Before now he had an inkling that this tower might have a fortuitous opportunity for him but now he was sure.

'Maybe it can even match that of the Heavenly Dao Sword?'

A brief assessment told him that their cultivation levels were at the Grand Martial Realm, lower than his own.

With a flick of his hand, he sent a palm attack that dispatched them effortlessly.

The second floor lit up outside the tower, and murmurs of astonishment spread through the onlookers.

"What, so fast?"

"Hmm, interesting. It appears this Prince is not that weak."

"Maybe he used his strongest attack from the start?"

"We'll know as we continue watching. Let's see how many floors he will clear."

The spectators observed, captivated, as Arthur ascended the floors at an astonishing pace.

One by one, the floors lit up: 3rd, 4th, 5th... all the way to the 30th floor.

"What the hell?!"

"How can he be so strong? Could it be he had been playing the pig to eat the tiger?"

Gasps and whispers filled the air as people exchanged incredulous glances.

It was a feat that only geniuses at the late stage of the Grand Martial Realm could achieve, and here Arthur, who according to reports had only recently begun his cultivation journey, was surpassing expectations.

"It couldn't be that in this short time he had broken through from the physique transformation realm to the grand martial realm in this short time right?"

No one answered.

The crowd outside the tower couldn't fathom how he was progressing so rapidly.

Even Anastasia was startled. Although she knew Arthur would be strong beyond his realm she didn't expect this.

"Wait, he did say he could take on Martial Emperor Realm Powerhouses. Could it be-?" She didn't dare think further.

The most surprised of all was Prince Julius.

It wasn't until he reached the 50th floor that the true test began.

Or so they thought.

Arthur decided to employ his strength and speed concepts, both of which had already reached the pinnacle of their respective concept stage.

With the strength and speed concepts at their zenith, Arthur's movements became a blur. His strikes were impossible to predict or evade, and his speed left his opponents bewildered. Even Peak Martial King Realm cultivators would have struggled to match his swiftness.

He carved a path through the Martial King Realm opponents, his movement so fluid and unstoppable that it appeared as if he were dancing.

With one punch each he crushed the challenge. The floors melted away beneath his onslaught, and soon, he found himself on the 70th floor of the tower.

The crowd outside the tower, which had grown larger and more boisterous as word spread of his incredible feat, was on the edge of their seats.

The tower's challenges had taken a tremendous toll on those who attempted them. Most had reached their limits long before the 50th floor, and seeing Arthur continue on was a source of inspiration and astonishment.

Arthur's journey through the Battle Tower was no longer just about personal accomplishment. He had become a symbol of inspiration for the others.

As Arthur reached the 70th floor of the Battle Tower, the audience outside had become almost desensitized to his incredible feats.

The onlookers whispered among themselves, questioning whether he could surpass the record set by the number one elite disciple, who had reached the 72nd floor. After all, the challenges were only growing more formidable.

The 70th floor posed a significant challenge, housing three peak Martial King Realm opponents.

But Arthur's astonishing mastery of martial arts and concepts enabled him to obliterate these opponents with astonishing speed.

The spectators marveled at his flawless techniques, yet many believed he must have used a secret technique that would ultimately weaken him and force him to abandon the challenge.

Arthur had not yet revealed the full extent of his abilities. He had refrained from employing his sword techniques or even summoning his martial spirit, choosing instead to fight barehanded.

However, an inexplicable feeling within his soul urged him forward. The feeling of encountering a treasure grew stronger and Arthur knew that the fate gem was at play.

Hence, Arthur decided to introduce his sword into the battle. He felt a sense of impatience, as if a grand opportunity awaited him at the tower's pinnacle, and he was determined to reach it.

What unfolded next left a profound and indelible impression on all those present.

Arthur's mastery of the sword was unparalleled. He danced through his opponents, slicing through the air with impeccable precision.

In a whirl of flashing steel, he defeated the 71st-floor opponent in mere moments. He transitioned to the 72nd floor with extraordinary swiftness.

His mastery extended beyond just the sword. Each concept, each movement, had been refined to perfection.

The spectators outside the tower were in disbelief as they watched his incomprehensible display of martial prowess.

Time and again, they witnessed Arthur defy their expectations, and by the time he reached the 90th floor, a collective sense of awe gripped the crowd.

The elders, unable to contain their astonishment any longer, had congregated above the tower. They observed with intense interest, some of them conversing in hushed tones.

"Could it be that he has always been this powerful, hiding his true strength until now?" wondered one elder.

Another elder nodded, "It's as if he's on an entirely different level compared to any of the elite disciples we've ever seen. But how come?"

"Hahaha! I told you all that th means of the Emperor are not to be underestimated. How can someone the Emperor has chosen to make the Crown Prince be weak?"

While they questioned Arthur's sudden, seemingly boundless power, the young man himself continued his rapid ascent through the tower.

The elite disciples who were originally intent on challenging him now watched in stupefaction.

All those who originally opposed his current status were at this point in complete acceptance and even... submission.


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