Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

*Granny Luisa was hospitalized because she was upset? Cornelia asked anxiously, “Do you know which hospital she’s in? I’m going to see her right now.

Before Patricia could answer, the doorbell rang again. Cornelia turned her head to see in the video of the doorbell a gray haired Granny Luisa and a middle–aged woman standing in the doorway, it was Granny Luisa and her assistant.

Cornelia rushed to open the door, and as soon as she did, Granny Luisa hugged her tightly, “Nelly, I’m so sorry! I owe you and Granny Rebecca an apology”

“Granny Luisa, you’ve done nothing wrong. Please don’t blame yourself,” Cornelia hugged Granny Luisa back, then stepped back. “I heard you were hospitalized? How come you’re here at my place?”

“Nelly Granny Luisa couldn’t finish, tears rolling down her face.

Granny Luisa was born into a wealthy family and traveled with her family for business since she was a child. She was a typical powerful woman in her youth, having weathered many storms. In all the time Comelia had known Granny Luisa, apart from when Granny Rebecca died, this was the first time she had seen her cry.

Comelia felt a pang in her heart, “Granny Luisa…”

Granny Luisa wiped her tears and said. “It’s all Marcus‘ fault. You can’t be left with nothing after the divorce. You have to get what you deserve.”

“I don’t want it,” Cornelia shook her head. She didn’t want any further entanglements with Marcus. If she was going to cut ties, she was going to do it completely.

“Sweetie, you can’t let your pride blind you to the importance of money. For a woman, having money is what matters most. You don’t have to take Marcus‘ stuff, but you have to take what I give you,” Granny Luisa said.

Cornelia understood this. Money was crucial. If she accepted Granny Luisa’s gifts, she wouldn’t have to worry about her life. But she had her own beliefs, and she believed in her capabilities, “…”

Granny Luisa didn’t give Cornelia a chance to refuse, “I’ve already given you everything I intended to, I won’t take them back and you can’t transfer them. They’re yours. Now, I’m giving you some more money, so you don’t have to work so hard, don’t have to wake up early and go to bed late drawing comics

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Cornelia said, “I don’t find it tiring. Drawing comics is my hobby and I can make money from it. I’m already better off than many people.

“Then consider drawing comics as your hobby from now on. Regardless of what Cornelia said, Granny Luisa insisted on opening a bank account in Cornelia’s name and depositing a huge sum of money into it.

How much was it? So much that Cornelia felt her hand heat up just by looking at the number.

A total of 220 million dollars.

Even though it was only a small part of the wealth of the world’s richest family, the Hartley family, it was an astronomical figure that Cornelia would never be able to earn in

her lifetime.

“Nelly, take this. It will put my mind at ease,” Granny Luisa said.

In this marriage, Cornelia hadn’t contributed anything. Having so much money made her feel uneasy, but Granny Luisa’s firm attitude didn’t give Cornelia a chance to refuse. The only thing Cornelia could do was passively accept it, “Thank you, Granny Luisa.”

“Cough, cough…” Seeing Cornelia finally accepting the gifts, Granny Luisa’s tension was finally relieved, and she started to cough violently.

Cornelia quickly held her, “Granny Luisa, let me take you back to the hospital.”

Granny Luisa waved her hand, “I’m just short of breath because I’m nervous. I just need to rest a bit. Today is the day of Granny Rebecca’s case verdict, and I want to be there with you”

Young people might feel uncomfortable due to temporary tension, but for someone of Granny Luisa’s age, it might take a long time to recover from a bout of tension.

Cornelia was still a bit worried, “Granny Luisa, I’ve taken your money, now you must listen to me. You should go back and rest now, I think my friends will accompany me to handle the case. You don’t need to worry about me.”

Granny Luisa thought for a moment. Her current physical condition was indeed not suitable for too much tension.

“Alright, let them go with you. My legal team will also be there. If there’s any problem, I’ll help you deal with it. You don’t need to be afraid ”

Granny Luisa was very concerned about Cornelia’s life; she considered everything for Cornelia very thoughtfully


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