Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

Steven asked, “So you’re saying Marc’s hidden your wife somewhere? You’ve searched high and low and haven’t even found a trace of her?”

Mentioning this topic made Zavier’s blood boil He was so pissed off, he could ve torn Marc to shreds, “So why the hell did you guys invite me to tonight’s


Steven explained, “We’ve been buddies for years. When we got married, we all formally introduced our wives to each other. Marc’s bringing his wife tonight to officially introduce her to us. It’s a big deal. We couldn’t do it without you.”

Lucas chimed in, “Yeah, it wouldn’t be the same without you.”

Zavier scoffed, “We’ve all met her. There’s no need for a formal introduction. He’s just showing off, deliberately trying to make me upset

Steven said, “We get how you’re feeling, but Hannah and Rosie haven’t met her yet, so the introduction has to be done.”

Rosie asked, “You guys have all met Marcus‘ wife? What does she look like? Is she as beautiful as Cornelia? But no matter what she looks like or if she’s as beautiful as Cornelia, I should wish them happiness and a long, loving marriage.”

“Thanks for your blessing!” A deep, pleasant voice came from the doorway. Everyone turned to see Marcus, tall and upright, standing there. There was no strange woman by his side, only his assistant, Cornelia.

Zavier continued to drink, ignoring Marcus and his wife completely.

“Marc, you’re finally here!” Steven greeted him with a smile, “You’re the man of the hour, and you’re late. That’s not cool.”

“Cornelia, it’s so good to see you today Hannah and Rosie immediately rushed over to Cornelia, hugging her tightly, “We’re so thrilled.”

They’d come to Riverton today to meet Marcus‘ wife. This was a private gathering of friends. Marcus brought his wife, so they didn’t expect to see Cornelia as well. Her appearance was a total surprise. Hannah and Rosie were absolutely elated.

Especially Hannah, who hugged Cornelia tightly, “Cornelia, you know what? I was just thinking, after I’ve done the rounds, I’ll text you to grab a late–night snack. And here you are! Is it because God heard my inner prayers and brought the lovely you to me?”

“Must be, that’s why God sent lovely me to your lovely self.” Cornelia was also happy to see them, I’ve missed you guys. Last time we met in Woodpine, we didn’t get the chance to chat properly”

Hannah said, “I’ve finished filming my drama, and I’m not planning to pick up any new scripts soon. I’ve got plenty of time to chat.”

Rosie said, “I don’t have anything particular to be busy with lately either. Why don’t we stay in Riverton for a few more days and let Cornelia show us around?”

Cornelia happily agreed, “Sounds great!” novelbin

Steven walked over and pulled Hannah away from Cornelia’s arms, “Honey, you should be hugging me, not Cornelia.”

Hannah glared at Steven as he pulled her away, “Steven, are you going to forbid me from talking to my girlfriends now?”

I’m your husband, how can you call me Steven? It’s so distant.” Steven said, then bent down to kiss her. Hannah instinctively tried to dodge, but Steven had already anticipated her move.

He held her slim waist with one hand, cradled her head with the other, and completely ignoring the others around. He quickly kissed her lips, demanding passionately for her to respond to his kiss.


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