In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1186-1187-1188-1189-1190

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1186-1187-1188-1189-1190

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1186-1187-1188-1189-1190

Ashton had never stopped expanding the corporation ever since he was appointed the person in charge of Starlight Group. He had acquired OrbitTech and merged it with Quinn Corporation after receiving funds from globally renowned angel capitalists. If he has been aware of the truth all this while, why did he get married to me? If it weren’t because of his grandfather’s offer to have him inherit the company, would he have chosen to marry me?

After a long while, John showed up at the entrance. He stood there for some time in silence before making his way over. He took a seat by my side and asked gently, “Are you feeling okay?”

I couldn’t bring myself to form a complete sentence, too shocked by the new piece of news I had just received.

Nonetheless, John was conscious of the things I had in mind. He caressed my hand and assured me gently, “Please don’t take the words I said just now seriously. I didn’t mean it. As long as I’m around, the Stovall family will always be your strongest backings. Just stay with us and allow us to keep you safe. No one will try to pick on us.”

I took a deep breath, calming myself down before I looked at John and gasped out my reply, “I wish to talk to Ashton in person.”

“That will not be possible.” John made himself clear he would not give in to my request. “You’re not supposed to return to him because he’s not the only one I’m wary of! He has offended the mafia, and I will never allow you and Summer to be exposed to such uncertainties!”

John’s right. They had the audacity to come after us in M Country when Ashton’s plan to acquire his revenge had yet to be revealed, let alone when the plan blows up.

But… the thing I care about the most is Ashton’s feelings. Since John said Ashton held a grudge against those who had brought upon his parents’ demise, I wonder if he hates me as well… My heart

skipped a beat as all my concerns came flooding out at once. I felt lightheaded and thought I could hear the ambient noise in the living room. Clenching my fists with all my might, I suddenly felt a strong urge to get to the bottom of the incident.

John noticed something was wrong and immediately tried to console me. He took my hands into his own and said, “You need to calm down. Try and refrain from getting overly worked up for the children’s sake.”

As I caressed my baby bump, I couldn’t help but furrow my brows in confusion.

In the end, I decided to stay with the Stovall family for the time being. When John realized I was serious, he finally returned my phone to me. To my disappointment, I hadn’t received a single missed call from Ashton even after I checked my call log a few times.

Perhaps Ashton was of the same idea with John and thought it would be better to have me stay with the Stovall family, or perhaps not.

Ashton’s decision to dominate the market after acquiring the capital he needed had slowly spiraled out of control. I began seeing pictures and videos of him on the headlines of different media pages. Judging by the man’s pale and haggard look, I was sure he had been having it tough over the past few days.

After I settled down at the Stovall residence, we entrusted a doctor from a private hospital to deal with my prenatal check-up. Therefore, when Lydia showed up at the doorstep, I was shocked.

When the woman paid a visit, I was in the middle of a short break in the garden with Emma. Thus, I asked the maid to show her the way to us.

“It’s never an easy task to reach you, huh?” Lydia had put on a white tulle dress that made her seemed like a young lady from the neighborhood.

Emma suggested, “Please have a seat.”

“I’m fine. Thanks,” Lydia replied with a courteous smile before looking at me. “Scarlett, I’m sure you know the reason I’m here, don’t you?”

“I’m guessing it’s because of?” The only mutual connection we had was Jackson. Perhaps she was there to persuade me to give up the custody over Summer.

Lydia responded with a self-deprecating smirk and asked, “Since you’re aware, I’ll be frank then. Ms. Stovall, what will it take to get you to stay away from Jackson?”

“What do you mean?” Confusion washed over my features; I couldn’t figure out why Lydia had become worked up out of the blue.

Meanwhile, Lydia, who had come prepared, reached for her phone and unlocked it before handing it over to me. The news Emery once showed me could be seen on the phone. It was the news that could turn Jackson into an outcast of society through his relationship with Nick.

What’s going on? I asked Emery to stop! Why has the news made it to the public?

I wasn’t even given a chance to defend myself as Lydia added snarkily, “Honestly, I’m surprised you have resorted to such petty tricks to get the better of Jackson after being acquainted with him for years.” After pausing for a few seconds, she continued, “Since things have turned out as such, we have no choice but to deal with it. I’m here on Jackson’s behalf because his life and career have been adversely impacted. Why don’t you name your price to set him free? As long as it’s not giving up the child custody, he’s willing to give you everything else you want.”

In love, never say never chapter 1187

Emma, who had been observing the two of us, noticed Lydia was about to lose her cool. Thus, she interrupted us in a hurry, “Ms. Alder, you’re intimidating a pregnant woman. Please calm down and talk about it in a rational manner.”

Lydia tossed an annoyed glance at Emma before returning to her usual self.

I had gone through the comments of the news. Since Jackson wasn’t a public figure, only those from the industry were taken aback by the news. A lot of the netizens, including Jackson’s patient, said they were utterly disgusted. As a result, others had stopped consulting the man for his advice.

Perhaps God thought it was about time to put me through another trial—all the irritating things He had planned out for me were scheduled to occur at the same time. After I returned Lydia her phone, I got in touch with Emery as she watched me with the eyes of a hawk.

Emery picked up the phone almost immediately. “Hello?”

“Jackson’s news has made it to the headline.” I had faith in Emery and thought she would never play pretend in front of me. Although she hadn’t given her consent to remove the news, I was certain she wouldn’t defy my opinions since I had made myself clear.

Indeed, the woman on the line was equally surprised. “What? How’s that possible? I swear I delivered the instructions to omit the news! They would never defy my instructions. I’ll deal with it at once, but I need some time to figure out the things going on behind the scenes.”

“Alright, sorry to trouble you.”

“You need to stop being so courteous, Scarlett. I know you called to reprimand me. I’ll talk to you after I settle this.”

Immediately after she finished her sentence, Emery hung up the call.

I then showed Lydia my phone and said, “See?”

At my action, Lydia immediately knew something must have gone wrong in between the processes. She muttered with an embarrassed look, “I’m so sorry, but I can’t keep myself calm because of Jackson’s current condition.”

“It’s fine. How’s he doing?” I asked nonchalantly; I had no intention to blame her for being overly worked-up either.

Sighing, she answered, “It’s tough for him because of his odd relationship with his father. Their relationship has worsened because of the incident, but it’s worse for his clinic. As some of the patients’ privacy has been infringed, Jackson had to deal with a few lawsuits.”

In spite of the trouble on his end, Jackson’s attorney had been following up with Summer’s case as though there wasn’t anything else bothering him.

I grew upon hearing the kind of miseries the man had to go through. After I gulped a few breaths of air to calm myself down, I said, “Don’t worry. Since it’s my fault, I’ll get rid of it. Meanwhile, you…”

I understood her frustration. No woman could stand their husband having a thing for another man.

Lydia chuckled before she bemoaned, “It’s fine. Actually, Jackson’s past doesn’t really matter to me. He has been taking great care of me and the baby. I’ll always be there for him.”

I responded with a nod and acknowledged her point of view. After all, it was their relationship. As long as they had faith in one another, others’ opinions didn’t really matter.

Soon, Emery reverted back to me with a call and told me the one behind the incident was an assistant of the company.

Once the assistant managed to figure out the person involved was someone affiliated with Fuller Corporation, he had stolen the news and sold it to another third party. As soon as Emery figured out the truth, the company had terminated the said assistant.

Emery had pulled her connections to get the person behind the published news to remove it. It wouldn’t be much of an issue, but it would take some time to get rid of it.

Once I put my phone aside, John, who had returned some time ago, showed up behind Lydia and announced in a petulant manner, “Dr. Alder, thank you so much for your time, but you’re dismissed.”

As compared to the times he tried to chase those who would harm me away, John had been pretty mindful of his choice of words.

His sharp tone told Lydia it was about time for her to leave. After she bade me farewell, she walked in the direction of the entrance and departed.

John approached me and remarked sarcastically, “Go tell that psychopath to stay away from Summer because I will never allow him to bring her away when something’s wrong with his brain! Consider this a warning. He should stop pushing his luck!”

I couldn’t stand him insulting Jackson, so I glared at my brother, eyes filled with a silent warning to watch his mouth.

In love, never say never chapter 1188

Suddenly, Lydia, who was about to reach the entrance, brought herself to an abrupt halt. She turned around in a huff, yelling with all her might, “Hey, why don’t you get your facts right? Research conducted over the past century has indicated homosexuality as a normal sexual preference! Jackson is a kind-hearted and hardworking man! His presence has contributed to society’s wellbeing and public welfare! You’re the one adversely impacting the advancement of mankind!”

“Come again?” John got up from his seat and was about to rush over in a rage, but I stopped him and yelled in the nick of time, “John!”

“I’m so sorry, Dr. Alder.” Afraid Lydia would be beaten to a pulp, I hurriedly urged her to leave, “He didn’t mean it. You should hurry up and return to Jackson! Also, please express an apology on my behalf!”

Gritting her teeth, Lydia’s gorgeous face puckered in disgust because of John’s words. After shooting a fierce glare at him one last time, she marched out of the gate.

John, who was usually the most superior one in the room, couldn’t stand Lydia’s response. After he took a seat, he grunted, “How dare she get so full of herself?”

Emma and I exchanged short glances, unanimously deciding to ignore the man’s rhetorical question. After he unbuttoned his shirt, he asked, “Why haven’t you mentioned anything about the lawsuit regarding custody over Summer?”

Am I even supposed to tell you? If you were aware of the lawsuit, you would have sent someone to lure Jackson over and force him into submission…

I tried to shrug the idea off his mind and replied nonchalantly, “Everything is under my control. Do me a favor and stay out of this.”

At that, John turned around and looked at Summer, who was in the middle of a game with the housekeeper. Grinning, he announced, “Nope! I consider Summer my daughter! I will allow no one to take her away from me!”

I nudged him and uttered, “You better not try anything reckless because Jackson is a close friend of both Macy and me. If you do anything silly, Macy will come after you!”

John looked elsewhere, going dead silent when I brought Macy up.

Meanwhile, Emma, who had her curiosity piqued, asked, “Who’s Macy? Isn’t Summer your daughter? Why has the woman’s husband filed a lawsuit for custody over Summer?”

John rolled his eyes and grunted, “You need to stop poking your nose into our business and play the role of Mrs. Stovall!”

Emma shot daggers at him in return. The duo began bickering in the garden, causing things to turn lively all of a sudden.

Worried about Jackson, I had Emma tag along while I dropped by the clinic after we dropped Summer at her school.

I had acquired his address from Lydia when I visited the hospital. Although it was quite a distance away from the city, it was located at a strategic location.

We saw the signboard of Jackson’s clinic the moment we alighted from the car. The place, which was supposed to be an ordinary clinic, was ruined by the doodles left by the haters. The signboard had been shattered in half in front of the entrance.

As the entrance was wide open, Emma helped me into the clinic, but no one seemed to be there. The moment we walked past the corridor and reached Jackson’s office, I was overwhelmed by the awful stench of alcohol in the office.

After regaining my composure, I noticed a bunch of emptied cans on his table and the ground. Documents were strewn all over the place. Jackson, the drunkard with a disheveled appearance, slouched against the couch, sleeping soundly.

Since Emma had been brought up in a comfortable environment, she rarely had the chance to come across such a scene. Thus, she had a hard time maneuvering her way around the messed-up room. Jackson was roused from his sleep as she accidentally stepped on a bottle.

A pair of bloodshot eyes could be seen as he sat upright and opened his eyes. “Why are you here? Have you dropped by to see how pathetic I am because of you? Are you happy now that you’ve seen me in a slump?”

His sarcastic remarks barely got to me. He had always been a gentleman, so his attempt at being harsh had no deterrent.

I could vividly recall the day Jackson acquired the license of a practicing psychologist. He was a sprightly young man that was the complete opposite of the man with a disheveled look in front of me.

In love, never say never chapter 1189

If I hadn’t complained about him with Emery, things would have never ended up as such. Jackson should resent me for his misery instead of taking things out on himself.

“Aren’t you going to take Summer away from me? Do you really think you currently possess the things it takes to bring her away from me?” Since there was nothing we could discuss, I decided to motivate him to talk through provocation.

He looked me in the eyes, intimidating Emma, who was behind me, with his rage-filled glare. After a few seconds, he responded with a sneer and looked elsewhere. “I should have known you’re a selfish woman ever since the moment you got into a relationship with that selfish man! I can’t believe Macy had sacrificed her life to save you! She’s such a fool!”

“Indeed, I have always been a selfish woman! Have you just figured that out?” I took a deep breath and suppressed the emotions I felt building up within me. I carried on with a strong front and rebuked, “Get

a grip on yourself and prove me wrong!”

“Scarlett!” Jackson sprinted over to my side. He had his eyes glued to me, behaving as though he couldn’t wait to knock me out.

His current look was far more vicious than the time he dropped by to confront me. Although I had been trying my best to keep a straight face, I secretly gulped in fear.

On the other hand, despite how Emma started stuttering in fear, she got in front of me, defending me as much as she could. “D-Don’t you dare try anything silly! O-Our bodyguards are right outside of the clinic!”

Jackson’s expression eased up as he looked at Emma in the eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he returned to the couch and said, “Get out of my sight at once. Stay far away from me in the future!”

Those words made it clear that was the end of our conversation. Thus, Emma and I had no choice but to leave for the time being.

I was determined to think of something to get him back to his usual self and regain his confidence.

After Emma brought me out of the clinic, we prepared to return home. John didn’t want me to be away for a long time.

We had dropped by Jackson’s clinic after dropping off Summer at the school. Emma had to bear the risk of being reprimanded by John if he found out. Thus, I shouldn’t cause her any more trouble.

The moment we reached the entrance of the clinic, I heard a familiar voice sarcastically greeting me, “Scarlett, I told you I would find you!”

When I looked in the direction of the sound, Mitchell’s bodyguards had rendered all John’s men incapable of motion.

I had merely encountered the man once. Therefore, we weren’t on bad terms with one another. I put on a calm front and asked, “What do you need from me, Mr. Ziegler?”

A familiar figure stepped forward before Mitchell could answer my queries. A strong murderous intent could be seen in Armond’s abysmal pair of eyes.

“It’s been a while,” Armond greeted with a scowl, intimidating others with his vicious look.

I held my breath and clenched my fists to suppress the fear I felt.

Isn’t Armond supposed to be abroad? What’s he doing here? Why is he by Mitchell’s side?

“Come along with us.”

After Mitchell delivered his instructions, his bodyguard walked in our direction and snatched Emma’s bag away from her. As soon as he found her phone, he mockingly thrust it into our faces before smashing it on the ground. Consequently, Emma’s phone shattered into pieces.

“Go!” They then dragged Emma and I into the van and abducted us against our will.

“What are you guys doing?” When Jackson heard the commotion and rushed out, we were about to get stuffed into the van. Although the kind man knew he wasn’t a match for them, he rushed over despite the differences in power. Sadly, he was no match for Armond, falling to the ground after getting kicked.

“No! Jackson, stay away from us! Go get the cops!” My mouth was covered, but I tried my best to yell as loud as possible. I knew Jackson could barely hear me, but I needed him to stay away from Armond. The risk associated with him rescuing us was too high.

Unfortunately, Armond had no intention to let Jackson make a getaway. Right after we were brought into the van, one of Armond’s taller bodyguards approached the defenseless man with a knife. A few seconds later, I saw the knife penetrating Jackson’s tummy.

“Jackson!” That was the last thing I saw because I passed out within the next few seconds.

By the time I regained consciousness and opened my eyes, I saw Jackson drenched in blood. Immediately, I sat upright and started sweating bullets, fear pulsing through my veins.

In love, never say never chapter 1190


I only noticed someone else in the room when I heard another man’s voice. I turned around and noticed Armond on the couch. He had his back facing me.

I yelled hysterically, “Where’s Jackson? What did you do to Emma? They have nothing to do with this!”

“Don’t you think you should mind your own business?” Armond rebutted with an arrogant look. He approached me and narrowed his eyes, remarking sarcastically, “I’m suffering behind bars, yet you’re having the best time of your life with Ashton. You’re giving birth to twins soon, aren’t you?”

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his question. “What the hell do you want?”

The man took a deep breath and tucked his hands into his pockets. Holding his chest high, he announced, “Haven’t I said you belong to me? Do you really think I’ll allow you to give birth to Ashton’s children?”

I held my belly with my hands in an attempt to protect my innocent children, yet I was overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

I knew Armond meant every single word he had enunciated—he would never consider my innocent children. Since John was aware we had been abducted, it was only a matter of time before he could reach us. Thus, I needed stall for time until his arrival.

I gulped and forced myself to stay calm. When I tried my best to recall the things I had gone through over the past few days, I thought of something.

Looking at him dead in the eyes, I sneered and queried, “Since we’re both Ashton’s foes, why won’t you stop picking on me?”

I’m sure Armond has heard of Ashton’s plan to get his revenge. However, he must be clueless about the sort of feelings Ashton has for me. If I can convince him that Ashton holds a grudge against me, I may get to keep my children safe.

That was the only viable countermeasure at my disposal at that point in time.

Unfortunately, Armond responded with his brows arched in confusion because he seemed to be having a hard time telling the truth behind my double innuendos.

I knew he was about to fall for my words. Thus, I went on and added, “I have just gathered my thoughts over the past few weeks. Ashton had long figured out the Murphys were the ones behind his parents’ demise. As he held a grudge against my grandmother and me, he never once treated me as his wife over the two years we were married. When Cameron wanted to search for her daughter, he sent Rebecca, whom I hated the most, to take over my position when I was her daughter. Do you want to take a guess of the reason behind my miscarriage two years ago? It’s him! Do you think I still have a thing for him just because you have been abroad for such a long time?”

I was about to let loose of my emotions at the end of my speech, but I resisted the prickling sensation I felt behind my eyes and pulled through my act, hopefully with enough conviction.

Those were the things that wouldn’t stop showing up in my brain over the days I was away from Ashton. It had morphed into nightmares that would keep me awake in the middle of the night. I was afraid the affection he had for me was nothing more than a part of his plan. I was well aware that the vicious man in front of me would show me no mercy. Hence, I had to stop sulking and try everything I could to keep my unborn children safe.

“I might have conceived his children, but things were long over for us! In fact, I have conceived through in vitro fertilization. Since you can sneak your way back, why don’t you send someone to the hospital and see if I’m lying? Ashton hates me! He will never allow me to have his children! We fought over the same issue countless times, and I was grounded against my will because of it! It took me a lot of effort to get in touch with John to bring me away from the Fullers.” Sighing, I looked at him in the eyes and stated, “Armond, I’m no longer a young woman. Why can’t I have my own children? Since we’re both victims of Ashton’s actions, can we stop picking on one another?”

Silence fell upon the two of us for a few seconds after I finished my orated speech. It took Armond a few seconds to snap out of confusion. Staring at me with his abysmal pair of eyes, he said, “You care a lot about your twins, don’t you? I must admit, I was almost influenced by that emotional speech of yours.”

Heaving a sigh of relief, I asked, “Does this mean you’re going to spare me?”

“Hmph!” Armond scowled at me before turning around to leave.

Has he given in to my request or not?

After his departure, the room fell into silence once more. I finally regained my composure because the saga seemed to have ended.

As an escaped prisoner, Armond would have definitely sent his men to take my twins away from me as soon as he could. Since he hasn’t done anything, I guess he’s been convinced by my words…


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