In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1191-1192-1193-1194-1195

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1191-1192-1193-1194-1195

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1191-1192-1193-1194-1195

I thought luck was on my side, but I might have been wrong because Mitchell showed up in the confined space about half an hour later.

The man showed up in a bathrobe with a glass of wine in his hand. The moment he entered, he muttered to himself, “I have been wondering the reason behind Emery’s arrogance. It turns out she’s affiliated with Ashton’s woman. I had all sorts of fun with different women back in the day, but I have never messed around with a pregnant woman. Since Ashton is such a proud and arrogant man, I can’t wait to spend a night with his beloved woman!”

Shoot! Emery’s story about Mitchell popped into my mind upon hearing his sentence. Countless women have fallen victim to him before!

I should have known the Ziegler family was one of Ashton’s targets. After all, only a few renowned families were capable of bending the laws in K City. Since Mitchell had gotten his hands on me, I might be doomed because of Emery’s provocation and the grudges he held against the Fullers.

After Mitchell’s last sip, he strode over in my direction, a gleeful grin on his face.

I failed to get away from him in time because I was heavily pregnant. Consequently, the powerful man got on top of me after rendering me incapable of motion.

“Armond, I know you’re around somewhere! If you allow him to get things his way and hurt my children, I will not submit myself to you!” In the nick of time, I had no choice but to reach out to Armond for help. I praying his feelings for me would suffice for him to rescue me.

Slap! A brutal slap was delivered across my cheek, taking me by surprise. As a result, my head spun, and I felt lightheaded before I collapsed on the bed.

“You better keep this in mind! I hate it whenever a woman calls another man’s name when she’s in bed with me!”

Mitchell started unbuttoning my shirt after yelling.

“Please! Don’t hurt my children!” I tried retaliating against him, struggling against his grip to bring myself away, but I was no match for him in terms of strength.

Just as he was about to get his way, the image of my children suffocating crossed my mind. Immediately, I bit his hand with all my might.



He slapped my face again, and I lost the strength to retaliate.

When I was on the verge of giving up, someone broke into the confined space and sprinted over to my side, dragging Mitchell away from my body.

I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt someone place a blanket over me and looked up to see Ashton. He had come to my rescue.

“Are you okay?” he asked in a hoarse voice. Dark circles could be seen around his eyes—perhaps he had been pulling countless all-nighters over the past few weeks. Since I wasn’t around, I was certain he had neglected his wellbeing again.

I shook my head in an attempt to assure him I was fine.

He heaved a sigh of relief and helped me up on the bed before turning around to confront Mitchell with his chest held high.

It was evident it wasn’t Mitchell’s first time trying something silly with another man’s woman. He spat on the ground and warned arrogantly, “Ashton, I’ll kill you for hitting me!”

His statement made Ashton’s abysmal pair of eyes glint angrily. After a few seconds, he asked with a contemptuous look, “Which hand of yours hit her?”

Mitchell was startled by Ashton’s response, but he composed himself and burst into laughter as he hauled himself from the ground. “What? Are you going to break my arm? Do you really think you can afford to pick on a member of the Ziegler family? Stop getting full of yourself! You’re only able to run your business in J City just because of the support of a few angel capitalists and the Moore family!”

After another few seconds of silence, Ashton looked in the direction of the entrance and instructed, “Enter!”

At his command, Joseph and a few bodyguards of his appeared.

“Mr. Fuller, what do you need?” Joseph asked in a respectful manner.

Staring at Mitchell in the eyes, Ashton enunciated his instruction, “Break his arms.”

“D-Don’t you dare! I’m my father’s favorite! Don’t you try anything silly against me!” Mitchell stuttered when he realized Ashton was serious.

If the vicious man could get away after getting his hands on several innocent women, I was afraid Ashton would offend the Ziegler family for real if he went through with his plans. So, I urged, “Since I’m fine, shall we forget about the matter?”

Ashton looked at me in shock, his eyes searching mine for answers and reasoning. After giving it a thought, he instructed, “Bring him out and break his arms outside. I don’t want to intimidate Scarlett.”

In love, never say never chapter 1192

Joseph stopped hesitating and brought Mitchell out along with the bodyguards because Ashton had repeated his instruction and made himself clear.

“Don’t you dare try anything silly! Otherwise, get yourself ready to bear the consequences of your actions! Argh!”

Mitchell’s shriek could soon be heard reverberating around the confined space. I could vividly imagine his arm being twisted by brute force. Consequently, I started retching in disgust.

Even after one of his arms was forcefully broken, Mitchell continued warning Ashton, “Why don’t you take me out? As long as I’m alive, I’ll come after you! Argh—”

Suddenly, he stopped shrieking out of the blue. As silence fell, I knew Mitchell must have passed out due to the racking sensation he felt when they tried to break his other arm.

Overwhelmed by a sense of insecurity, I grasped Ashton’s arm and asked, “Where’s Jackson? Have you found Emma?”

Emma was the most innocent of them all. She was abducted when she had nothing to do with the vicious man, so she must be horrified.

On the other hand, although Jackson wasn’t stabbed at a fatal point, I was afraid he might be heavily injured. Despite the grudge he held against me, he had still rushed to my rescue in the nick of time. Once the emotions I had been suppressing came flooding out, torrents of grief streamed down my cheeks.

“You need to calm down.” Ashton wrapped his arm around me in support. He then said with a helpless expression, “I’m not aware Jackson has been hurt.”

Startled, I questioned, “What? Hasn’t John sent you?”

He shook his head and replied, “Armond was the one who dropped me a text of the address and the photos of you being unconscious.”

W-Why would Armond get in touch with Ashton when he was one of the masterminds behind the abduction?

We were on Mitchell’s territory, so Ashton knew the Ziegler family had been alerted about the situation. Thus, once he got me a bathrobe to cover myself, he brought me away without further ado.

Fortunately, Emma, who had been imprisoned in another room, was fine. Ashton had reached there in time to save her. I was relieved to see that she had been brought into the car ahead of me.

As soon we departed, I snatched Ashton’s phone away from him and called John. I knew my brother would never stay out of it because his bodyguards had been there when we were abducted in front of the clinic.

John picked up seconds after the call was made. “I’m in the middle of something. You better have good news for me.”

Judging by the petulant manner, I knew he must have thought it was a call from Ashton. “John! It’s me!”

“Letty? Why are you using Ashton’s phone? Has he abducted you?” John got worked up and probed further, “Are you okay? What about Emma? Is she hurt? Are you two hurt?”

He bombarded me with all sorts of questions. I hurriedly shared the summary with him and denoted, “It was Armond. Emma and I are fine. How’s Jackson?”

At the mention of Jackson, John went dead silent. A few seconds later, he said, “He was rushed to the hospital, but the doctor said we need to get ourselves ready because he bled excessively.”

The news hit me like a truck, and my mind went completely blank as I started panting heavily.

Sitting outside of the operating theater, my heart wrenched. I clasped my fingers and begged God to be merciful. Jackson’s life shouldn’t be taken away when he had done nothing wrong.

When Ashton showed up and insisted on bringing me over for a round of check-ups, I dismissed him. Eventually, John showed up and brought up the same request. Although I knew it was for the sake of my children, I turned both of them down.

Jackson was the one who had spent the most time by my side. When something happened to Macy, I couldn’t keep her company. I couldn’t afford to leave Jackson when he needed me the most. No matter what, I wouldn’t leave anymore.

Three hours into the operation, after Lydia showed up, the doctor walked out and notified us to get ourselves ready for the worst. Ashamed, I avoided Lydia’s gaze. She was about to say something, yet she changed her mind and took a seat opposite me in the end.

Everyone was on pins and needles when the doctor walked out of the operating theater after some time. We immediately surrounded him, hoping for some piece of information. He asked, “Who’s the patient’s family member?”

In love, never say never chapter 1193

“I am!” Lydia and I broke the silence at the same time. After we exchanged glances, I gestured for her to carry on with the conversation. “I’m the patient’s wife.”

The doctor nodded and carried on in a serious tone, “The patient was stabbed, but he is no longer in danger. However, he needs to pull through the next forty-eight hours. Otherwise…”

He paused, seemingly at a loss for better words to explain Jackson’s situation in a less impactful manner.

“Doctor, be frank with me. As a fellow doctor, I’m ready for what’s awaiting me.”

Sighing, the doctor stated, “There’s a huge probability he’s going to turn into a vegetative patient because his carotid artery has been severely damaged.”

Once the doctor delivered the news, he tapped Lydia’s shoulder lightly and made his way past the crowd.

I started shuddering in fear, my mind going completely blank once again. The image of Jackson leaving with Macy by his side crossed my mind. My eyes started brimming with tears, but no tears seemed to fall.

“Please leave us alone.” Lydia’s seemingly harmless request took me by surprise.

I knew she wanted me to get out of her sight after the misfortune I had brought upon Jackson. As there was nothing I could do, I begged her, “Dr. Alder, please allow me to stay here and keep Jackson company. The doctor said the next two days are extremely crucial. He needs someone to be by his side. On top of that, you need to take care of your child. If I’m around, I can—”

“What can you do?” Lydia directed another rhetorical question at me before I could finish my sentence. “If anything happens to you, should I take care of you or him? Haven’t you achieved your goal to turn his life upside down? Do you wish to witness his demise? Ms. Stovall, please stop crossing the boundaries!”

I couldn’t bring myself to rebuke her statement. In the end, she walked away and left me behind.

Although I was reluctant to leave, she was right—I couldn’t even take good care of myself, let alone take care of others.

Once we reached the entrance of the hospital, another intense fight between Ashton and John broke out.

Subconsciously, John showed me the way to his car, but Ashton got in his way and stopped him.

“You might have saved her, but it takes more than that to prove yourself worthy! If it weren’t because of you, the Ziegler family wouldn’t pick on us either!” John glared at Ashton, squaring himself up against the other man.

“If you could take care of her, how did Mitchell get his hands on her? Since nowhere is safe, I’d rather have her by my side!” Ashton showed no signs of stepping back at all. He was ready to take John on.

I stood in the middle of the duo, feeling like a statue when they would yell at one another and try to bring me away with them. They seemed to have forgotten I could feel the pain, and I had no intention to stop them because I thought it was a punishment I deserved.

When I reached my limit, I let out a hiss and shuddered in pain. Subsequently, Ashton and John moved away from me at the same time.

The former’s hoarse voice could be heard when he repeated himself, “Come with me.”

However, John wasn’t about to give up just yet. He said, “Letty, don’t let him deceive you! You know deep down that you’re one of us!”

“Come again?” Ashton raised his volume, indicating he was infuriated for real.

My brother pushed Ashton and demanded, “Have I said anything wrong? You’re a liar! All along, you have been making use of the affection she has for you to get your revenge!”

“Give me a break!” Not being able to take it anymore, I subconsciously walked in the direction of Ashton.

Before I could move any further, John rushed over and stopped me. “Letty, are you having doubts against my words?”

I heaved a long sigh and announced, “John, please allow me to return with him. I’ll spend a night at his place to sort out the things that are supposed to be sorted out since a long time ago. How about you pick me up tomorrow morning?”

John still had his doubts, but after much consideration, he moved away and said, “Alright, I’ll allow you to spend a night at his place, but only under the condition of me tagging along.”

In love, never say never chapter 1194

Halfway through his answer, he looked at Ashton when he felt the man’s eyes boring into his back. He demanded, “What? Can’t you even accommodate another person?”

I had no intention to deal with the bickering duo any longer. Thus, I sneaked my way into the car and urged Ashton to get going. I needed to get myself checked and return to Jackson as soon as possible.

By the time I was done with all the required check-ups, it was already eight o’clock in the evening. The doctor said the children were fine, but I would have to take a break and refrain from moving around.

After all the things those around me went through over the past few weeks, I knew I couldn’t afford to mess around anymore.

I made a decision to tell Ashton everything, but right when I was about to, someone uninvited showed up at the doorstep immediately after the doctor departed.

Seeing as it had only been a few hours since Ashton broke Mitchell’s arms. The Ziegler family had shown up to sort out the issue with him.

Mitchell’s elder brother, Zayne, had shown up. Perhaps he was confident of his identity as a member of the Ziegler family—he had merely brought his chauffeur with him.

After he took a seat, the man announced, “I’m here on behalf of my father!”

The patriarch of the Ziegler family, Jonelle, had built most of the skyscrapers in the central business district. He was renowned amongst corporate players and politicians. Thus, those from the upper echelon and the underworld would show him some respect. Zayne, who was older than us, was there on Jonelle’s behalf, so he was relatively arrogant and proud of himself.

Ashton took a seat by my side on the couch while John was on the opposite couch of ours. They had braced themselves for the upcoming conversation with Zayne, who seemed to be up to no good.

“Have you dropped by to express your apology?” John broke the silence and asked sarcastically, “Your brother instructed his men to stab a close friend of my sister. In fact, he tries to get his hands on my beloved sister. She’s traumatized by the things he had in mind. Uncle Louis is infuriated as well.”

Uncle Louis was a high-ranking official with great records; everyone in K City would be intimated should they have to face his wrath. Zayne, who had been emanating a menacing aura, was intimidated by John’s words. After he adjusted his glasses, he fell into a process of thoughts.

After a short while, Zayne regained his composure and glared at my brother, asking in a callous tone, “Let’s forget about the outsider and talk about our families’ affairs for the time being. Scarlett was perfectly fine when my brother asked her over for a conversation. However, Mr. Fuller broke my brother’s arms when nothing was done! Do you think the Ziegler family is an easy target?”

“Oh? Have his arms been broken yet?” John continued sarcastically.

Perhaps Zayne couldn’t take it anymore when he yelled, “He’s been rushed to a hospital abroad! My father almost passed out due to a heart attack because of the incident! Who should I hold accountable for all these occurrences?”

Those from the upper echelon definitely knew the methods to find their way around their foes. Although many had always considered Zayne a wimp, that was not the case. Mitchell was the one at fault, yet Zayne avoided mentioning Jackson. He brought up Jonelle’s condition instead, making it sound as though we were at fault.

John had always been an expert in taming rebels, so he didn’t bother concealing his sarcasm as he repeated, “Are you telling me you’re not aware of all the things Mitchell has done? My brother-in-law has been pretty merciful, considering the situation. He only broke his arms! If I was there, I would have dug his eyes out of their sockets with my bare hands!”

It wasn’t an exaggeration because John had always been known as a cruel man. He had never shown mercy to those who tried to pick on him.

Humiliated, Zayne turned around and confronted Ashton, “Mr. Fuller, are you of the same opinion with Mr. Stovall? Are you not going to compensate for my brother’s loss?”

Ashton deadpanned his reply, “I was aware he was a member of the Ziegler family when I gave the order to have his arms broken.”

It was evident that his statement was an attempt to provoke the Ziegler family.

As Ashton made it sound like it wasn’t a big deal, Zayne jolted up from his seat in anger. The man started panting heavily, to the extent his chest could be seen jerking involuntarily. He glared at Ashton in the eyes, yet the latter didn’t seem a bit intimidated. Subsequently, the color drained from Zayne’s face.

As John had always enjoyed gloating over others’ misfortunes, he went on and suggested, “Mr. Ziegler, you should get going and hire the best attorney in town to defend that brother of yours. My men can testify your brother is the mastermind behind the abduction and assault. I can’t wait to see if you’re able to save him from the Stovall family and get him out of the bars again.”

In love, never say never chapter 1195

It must have been a long time since Zayne was last provoked by someone as the frustration he felt was written all over his face. In the end, he gritted his teeth and glared at John before marching out of the villa.

When the man was about to reach the entrance, he paused and turned around, shooting a glance one last glance at me before departing.

John scowled, “Does he really think the Ziegler family can get whatever they want in K City? Since he has the guts to pick on us, I’ll be sure to teach him a lesson!”

“John, cut it out.” I needed to keep the saga under control for the time being because the things they might be capable of had exceeded our expectations. As there were way too many variables, it would be better to lie low for the time being.

My brother finally kept his mouth shut at my warning. After we exchanged glances, he glared at Ashton before bouncing up the stairs, leaving Ashton and I alone in the living room.

Mrs. Eriksen had not seen me for a long time. After she had everything sorted out in the kitchen, she approached me with a bowl of soup and offered, “Mrs. Fuller, why don’t you finish this?”

To be honest, I was envious of Mrs. Eriksen and her bright personality. The woman became thrilled simply at another person’s presence.

I took the soup she offered me and said, “Mrs. Eriksen, could you give us a moment? Ashton and I have something to talk about. Please tell the others to stay away from us for the time being as well.”

“Alright. Please, take your time. I’ll go get you something else to eat. You have been away from home all this while. I’m afraid you’re not getting the attention and care you need. Since you’re back, make sure you’re not leaving anymore, okay? Allow me to take good care of you and your beloved children!”

“Mrs. Eriksen, please leave us alone,” Ashton interrupted her, chasing her out of the room without a second thought.

Immediately after her departure, Ashton took over the soup and started feeding me.

The man’s gorgeous face was merely a few inches away from mine. It felt so surreal. I secretly hoped everything that had occurred was nothing more than a nightmare.

After I finished half of the food, he broke the silence. “Why don’t you go ahead and ask me the things that are bothering you?”

As I had returned to sort out the things between us, I stopped hesitating and asked, “Have you long figured out that the Murphys were the ones behind your parents’ demise?”

“Yes…” Ashton responded quietly.

“Are you aware that my grandmother is a member of the Murphys?” Once I directed the question at him, I held my breath in anticipation of his reply.

He continued feeding me, his eyes glued to my lips. “Initially, I wasn’t aware, but after I gained authority over different people and things, I started acquiring all sorts of information, including that.”

My heart sank at his words; he had verified Louis’ speculation.

I gulped down some air to calm myself before I asked, “Was Grandma the mastermind behind everything? Do you hate me because she’s my grandmother?”

Taken aback by my words, he paused and placed the bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of us. Staring dead ahead of him, he opened his mouth to ask, “Are you sure you’re ready for the whole, naked truth?”

I had a bad feeling about it, yet I insisted, “I’m sure.”

Although I might not be ready for the truth, I had enough of being deceived.

“I used to.”

His simple answer took my breath away. I clenched my fists with all my might to pull myself together.

A few seconds later, he orated, “Initially, everything indicated that your grandmother was the mastermind. After she reached J City ahead of others to distract the Fullers, the Murphys proceeded to lure my parents into a trap. Then, the moment they signed the contracts, they were involved in an accident. During their funeral, I overheard the conversation of my grandfather and your grandmother. They regretted not warning my parents when they were aware that the Murphys had been illegally mining petroleum. When my mother passed on, they found out she had conceived, but it was too late.”

Although I was clueless about the things that had occurred in the past, judging by Ashton’s expression, I knew he was adversely impacted by the incident.

“Actually, your grandmother was against the idea of the Murphys being involved in illegal activities. She had brought the sandalwood box away with her to intimidate the Murphys and get them to turn themselves in. When Grandpa figured out the truth from your grandmother on the day the incident occurred, it was too late because the Murphys had dispatched a team of hitmen to wipe my parents out

before the task force could reach them. They had long passed on before they could be rushed into the operating theater.”


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