In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1196-1197-1198-1199-1200

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1196-1197-1198-1199-1200

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1196-1197-1198-1199-1200

Ashton clenched his fists with all his might, and I could hear the sound of his fingers cracking. It was clear to me that he could barely suppress his emotions, judging by bulging veins that could be seen on his forehead.

I caressed his hands in an attempt to console the pitiable man. It must be tough to deal with so many things over the past decade on his own.

A voice cut in out of the blue. “Can you guys get to the point already?” It turned out John had been eavesdropping on our conversation at the stairs. Suddenly, he craned over and walked down the stairs, glaring at me in the eyes with his face full of despise. “Is that the reason you insisted on coming here?”

Ever since Hannah had gotten married, John had grown increasingly aggressive.

“Did you swap the DNA report because you thought Rebecca would be a better pawn or were you afraid of Letty leaving you? Have you long figured out the relationship between her grandmother and the Murphys! Have you kept Letty by your side to get your revenge?”

“John…” I tried to stop him from carrying on. I was afraid of the future that might be in store for me, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish my sentence. I knew it was only a matter of time before the truth was revealed.

Ashton looked at me with his abysmal pair of eyes. After staring at me for a few seconds, he looked elsewhere and answered curtly, “Yes.”

That one-word reply was all it took to shatter my heart into pieces.

John, who was overly worked-up, suppressed his wrath and asked, “Kudos for being a man and bearing the consequences of your actions. Now tell me. Have you made use of Letty’s identity as a member of the Moore family to get Zachary and Cameron’s aid to go against Ezra?”

I secretly hoped Ashton would prove John’s hypothesis wrong, yet the man replied with a determined look, “Yes.”

“Wonderful!” Gritting his teeth, my brother looked at me and growled, “Did you hear him, Letty? He has been making use of you since the beginning! As long as you bring up the request to file for divorce with him, I’ll get everything done on your behalf! I won’t allow him to bring any of your children away from you!”

I had no idea if that was the thing I wanted; my mind was all over the place. I started panting heavily in an attempt to catch my breath.

“I won’t deny the things I’ve done, but it doesn’t mean you’re in a position to determine our next best course of action on our behalf.” Ashton deadpanned his reply, emanating an intimidating presence as he did so.

John was equally irked. He rushed over and grasped Ashton’s collar, yelling hysterically, “Stop getting full of yourself! Do you think you’re better than a hooker when you deceived a woman to acquire your current achievements in life?”

“I have never deceived Scarlett.” Ashton kept his words short and simple, making himself clear.

Seeing as to how things were about to spiral out of control, I quickly interjected, “John, could you please leave us alone for a moment?” Things were tough on our end because we had countless people coming after us. I couldn’t afford to have either of them pick on one another anymore.

“No way! I need to teach this jerk a lesson for putting you and the children’s lives at stake to achieve his goal!” John’s hand balled into a fist, about to throw a punch at Ashton.


My desperate plea must have reached my brother’s ears because John turned around and looked at me, moving his fist away from Ashton reluctantly after a moment. He then walked away and took a seat on the nearby couch. The frustrated man proceeded to remove his tie and unbuttoned a few buttons, slouching against the couch.

Silence fell in the living room, and I knew it was the peace before another storm. Perhaps I wasn’t particularly surprised after going through the swap of life with Rebecca.

Ashton and my relationship had started due to all sorts of misunderstandings and coincidences. As the person he held dear, I could feel the emotions associated with his words.

When I felt my dear children moving around in my belly, I caressed my baby bump gently. They seemed to be reminding me to live a life with no regrets and let bygones be bygones.

It wasn’t easy to forgive and forget the first time, but it wasn’t much of a challenge for many to do it a second time. I foresaw a future with the man in front of me, so the thing that mattered the most was the affection he had for me and my children.

“Ashton, I want to know this… Do you still love me? Does the affection you have for me have anything to do with the Stovall family and the Moore family?”

In love, never say never chapter 1197

Standing in front of the lamp, Ashton’s shadow enshrouded my view as though a giant was right in front of me. We used to be one, but our future would depend on his answer.

After a long while, he looked at me with his brows arched in confusion. He placed his hands on my shoulders and announced, “Scarlett, I love you to the extent I have been deceiving myself to forget your identity as the granddaughter of the person who brought upon my parents’ demise. Vengeance

used to be the only thing keeping me alive, but your presence has given me a brand new reason to live.”

I returned the favor and placed my hands on his shoulders, replying in a hushed voice, “Can you please put the grudge you held aside for the time being for our family’s sake?”

The only thing keeping us apart was the secrets we had been keeping to ourselves. Since we had let the cat out of the bag, I wished not to allow anything to get in the way of our relationship anymore- neither of us wished to be apart from one another.

Nonetheless, moving on was easier said than done. Ashton, who had been pretty patient, went dead silent.

I refused to give up just yet. I placed his hand on the baby bum[ and uttered softly, “Ashton, Macy is dead, and Jackson is heavily injured. Armond has gotten you over because he wants to figure out if we’re on good terms with one another. If you keep going after him, we’ll all end up dead. Is that really what you want?”

The man before me remained silent. It would be extremely difficult for him to get rid of the pent-up grudge that had built up within him over the past three decades.

Although I was conscious of his feelings, leaving him to hold onto the anger was a risk we as a couple couldn’t take.

I took a deep breath and moved away from him to collect my thoughts. After regaining my composure, I looked at him in the eyes and said, “I know I’m supposed to support you as your wife, but as a mother, I don’t think it’s wise to stay by your side because our children’s lives are at stake. If you insist on exposing us to unnecessary risks, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave.”

When I was eighteen-year-old, I married someone who wouldn’t take me seriously. When I was in my mid-twenties, I forsook everything and devoted myself to our relationship. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bear to lose my children when I was in my mid-thirties.

At that point, John couldn’t take it anymore. He yelled, “It’s not up to him anymore! The ones behind the scenes must have been alarmed after we waged war against the Ziegler family. We have reached the point of no return. In short, filing for divorce is the only option available to keep you safe.”

I was reluctant to give up on our marriage that had lasted for a decade, yet John’s words worked like a charm and reminded me of our dire situation. If it was merely a showdown between Ashton and his foes, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Unfortunately, it had morphed into a feud between two families, and that included my children and me.

It was evident Armond, who had gone into hiding and showed up out of nowhere, came prepared. As Ashton had broken Mitchell’s arms and waged war against the Ziegler family because of me, Armond could easily verify my relationship with Ashton. Perhaps he wouldn’t show me any mercy the next time he got his hands on me.

When Cameron and Zachary walked into the foyer, they were startled by the silence in the spacious living room.

“What’s going on?” Cameron, who was quite a distance away, asked before making her way into the living room.

When we heard her innocent question, we snapped out of confusion and snapped back to our senses.

I returned to my seat and massaged my swollen temples, feeling exhausted. “It’s nothing. Why are you guys here in the middle of the night?”

Cameron and Zachary exchanged glances casually. “We’re merely here to visit you and Summer because it has been quite some time since our last meeting.”

It wasn’t the best time to visit. It was evident those were merely excuses they had made up to disguise the actual goal of their visit. Perhaps they had come for Ashton.

Should I consider myself lucky or not? They’re trying to keep me in the dark with Ashton for my sake, yet it feels like I’m the outsider when they’re my biological parents.

“It’s not necessary to keep it from her anymore.” Halfway through his sentence, Ashton turned around and looked at me. “She has already figured out everything on her own.”

In love, never say never chapter 1198

Stunned, Cameron knitted her brows and gave Ashton a reproachful look. “How can you get Letty involved when she’s now pregnant?”

Zachary patted her on the hand and consoled her, “Come on, forget it. Let’s think about how to solve it first.”

Then, he turned to look at us and said earnestly, “The Ziegler family and Ezra want to have dinner with us tomorrow.”

At this, Cameron was apprehensive and criticized Ashton, “What you did today was too impulsive. How can you break the arms of the spoilt rich brat of the Ziegler family? He means everything to Mr. Ziegler. It’s no wonder they want to have dinner with us to set us up!”

“Hah.” John mocked obstinately, “That was just a light punishment. If I know that he’s targeting Letty again, I’ll snip his junk so that the Ziegler family won’t have an heir!”

“What…” Cameron did not know about my abduction, so she asked Ashton, looking concerned, “Did Mitchell bully Letty?”

“Yeah.” Ashton nodded. “He abducted her and even wanted to do those things to her. I can’t help it and maimed his arms.”

“Serves him right!” The look on Cameron’s face instantly changed as she commented angrily, “I thought that Ashton was blinded by his hatred and acted impulsively seeing how angry the Ziegler family was. It turns out that it was that b*stard who started it. Tsk. They can’t beat us in business, but they’re so good at hurling false accusations!”

Enraged, she got up to sit next to me and squeezed my hand, frowning. “Letty, that b*stard didn’t injure you, did he?

“No, he didn’t.” Shaking my head, I forced a smile to tell her that she did not need to worry.

Although Cameron was overprotective, it was not really a shortcoming too. If what happened previously had not happened, she would have always been a good mother.

As men tend to be more rational than women were, Zachary was not too shocked and suggested, “Ezra is very powerful. Even the businessmen in K City are at his mercy. We can’t turn down their invitation to the dinner tomorrow, so let’s come up with a way to deal with it.”

“No way! We’re not going!” John suddenly turned into an idealist that valued family ties as he added with a look of disdain, “Uncle Louis and Ezra aren’t the same kinds of people. Letty is a member of the Stovall family, so we don’t need to butter up to him. I don’t think he has the nerve to barge into the Stovall residence to grab her!”

“Young people like you are too impulsive.” Zachary sighed. “When we help Ashton in his business in K City, we and the Ziegler family are merely business rivals, and there’s no right or wrong in the world of

business competition. But now, the outsiders only know that Ashton has injured the son of the Ziegler family, and no one knows what the latter did to Letty. If we don’t attend the dinner, it’ll prove that we’re guilty and dare not to face the Ziegler family. Ezra will then praise the Ziegler family and criticize Fuller Corporation in front of the business community, which will impose constraints on the future development of Fuller Corporation.”

What he said was true, but John was still not convinced and replied agitatedly, “What do you mean no one knows? Fine. I’ll make sure every single soul knows what this a**hole has done!”

After that, he rose to his feet and added while straightening his clothes, “Wait for me here, Letty. I’ll get justice for you.”

Immediately afterward, he strode outside in a huff, without bothering if I was staying with the Fullers or returning to the Stovall residence.

Worried, I hurriedly texted Emma on WhatsApp, telling her to inform Louis, trying to prevent any more problems.

After John left, they did not manage to come to a conclusion whether to attend the dinner. As it was getting late, Zachary went home with Cameron.

Ashton helped me upstairs. When we were in the bedroom, he helped me wash up and get changed. He remained silent the entire time, but he did not show any sign of impatience. After he took off his suit jacket, he looked like he had lost some weight.

“Why didn’t you eat well when I was not around?” My voice was breaking as it spoke of distress.

In love, never say never chapter 1199

Ashton helped me to take off the slippers and sit down on the bed. “The food is tasteless without you.”

His words were void of emotion, but they brought a lump to my throat.

I had the same feeling too when I was in Stovall residence. After all, the person who had been with me for ten years had already become a part of my life; thus, his absence would make my life meaningless.

After tucking me in, Ashton got up and went to the wardrobe before walking back to me with two files in his hand.

He opened one of them and handed it to me.

Taking it over, I took the content out curiously and frowned when I read it. “Didn’t you give this to the Murphys already?”

The petroleum subscription agreement was the chance for the Murphys to make a comeback. Now I understood why Armond returned.

Knitting his brows, Ashton cast his gaze down and said nothing.

I knew that he was hiding something else from me again.

Putting the file aside, I let out a long exhale. “Tell me everything that you’re hiding from me.”

“That’s all,” Ashton replied without hesitation.

“What’s this, then?” I asked while pointing at the other file.

At this, Ashton stared at the file in a daze for some time, seemingly thinking of something.

“What’s wrong?” I gave him a nudge.

Only then did he come back to his senses. He forced a smile. “What would you do if I tell you that it’s a divorce agreement?”

My heart skipped a beat as I frowned with a reluctant look on my face.

I could say those great lines for my children, but it did not mean that I could do it with ease. It was true that I could cut ties with him if we divorced now, but he would have to face the rivals that colluded with the backing of government officials all alone. Without the support of the Moore family and Stovall family, he would probably end up being on the losing side.

“Have you thought it through? If we divorce this time, you won’t be able to find me again.”

I pursed my lips while having an expectant look in my eyes, hoping that he would take a step back.

Looking down, Ashton said nothing for a while. Then, he took the file and opened it. Taking out the content, he passed it to me. I looked down at it and saw that, as he said, it was a divorce agreement.

It turned out that he had decided to choose revenge over our family a long time ago. He had chosen to bear the responsibility as a son, while my understanding and love were nothing to him.

“Look at the last page.” Ashton’s voice was attractive at night. It was uniquely charming and made me want to obey everything he said.

I flipped through the agreement and saw my signature on it.

That’s weird. When did I sign this agreement? Could it be the previous agreement? But it can’t be. The previous content is different from this, but this signature does belong to me…

“I got Joseph to find someone else sign this for us,” Ashton said in a low voice, “Does it look like your handwriting?”

Oh, so he got a professional to mimic my signature. No wonder I can’t even tell that it’s not mine. I nodded my head. “Yes, it does. I can’t even tell myself, but why do you prepare a fake divorce agreement?”

Looking at the file, Ashton smiled and reached out to pinch the paper before he unveiled another piece of document behind the page that I thought was the last.

Compared with the formality of the divorce agreement, the hidden document was somewhat informal. The word “Agreement” could still be made out easily. After looking at it for a while, I only found out that it was an assets transfer agreement that Ashton drafted. It stipulated that all assets of the Fullers would automatically be transferred to me if something happened to him within two years.

In other words, as long as I signed it, I would become the sole heir to Ashton’s wealth. Even our kids could not inherit anything.

Although this proved just how important I was to Ashton, it was not something to be happy about. Such a preparation from him only indicated that even he himself was not sure if he could escape unscathed during the course of his revenge.

I don’t want a two-year guarantee. What I want is a lifetime one.

While on the way to visit Jackson at the hospital, Emery called me on the phone. “Check your Facebook. John has gone crazy!”

Launching my Facebook, I found out that John meant what he said the day before and got people to gather the dirt on Mitchell after he left.

Those scandals, which were initially suppressed by the Ziegler family, were exposed by a magazine called 24-7 Entertainment. Of the top ten trending topics, six were related to the Ziegler family, putting them in the center of public attention.

Ashton turned off my phone as he did not want me to keep looking at it. “Zachary is right. John’s still too thoughtless.”

“Why?” I did not understand. “The fact that the topics about the Ziegler family become trending shows that they can’t do whatever they want anymore, isn’t it?”

It had been more than twenty years since Ashton’s parents passed away. Many things had changed, and statements made online could often easily make waves. So one needed to win the hearts of netizens to thrive. Admittedly, some people used public opinion for profit, but it was a very small number of people.

It was precisely because of this that Ashton could be so active under the noses of Ezra and the others.

“Putting aside the fact that Mitchell has been sent abroad, witnesses will be needed if those cases are taken to trial. As a future lawyer, do you think there’s a possibility of conviction in cases without witness and evidence?”

“Are you saying that the Ziegler family will buy off witnesses?” Although I had not passed the exam, my sense of justice as a lawyer-to-be screamed inside of me. “There would be victims who would rather ask for justice than the money.”


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