In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1246-1247-1248-1249-1250

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1246-1247-1248-1249-1250

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1246-1247-1248-1249-1250

John nodded. “Uh-huh.’“

It took me a while to realize what was going on. Ashton would forgive me for risking my life provided I was safe, but now that something unknown had been injected into my body that might harm my life, he wouldn’t let it slide.

I stared at the phone helplessly.

After consoling John, now I had to console Ashton. I must be the most miserable person in the world right now.

I placed the phone next to my ear before speaking sincerely, “Mr. Fuller, your wife has realized her mistake and promised never to repeat her mistake ever again. Will you be kind enough to forgive her?”

Silence ensued. After all, Ashton could hold a grudge longer than John.

“What should I do to appease your anger? I can do anything you wish.” I went all out.

John pretended to cough lightly beside me. “Oh, this is X-rated!” he teased.

I glared at him to make him stop.

Finally, Ashton spoke, his voice hoarse. “Tomorrow, ask John to buy a collar and leash at the pet store tomorrow.”

“Mm? You want a pet? Is it a dog or cat?”

“It’s you.”

I stiffened in shock. A flush crept up my cheeks when I saw John gazing at me curiously. I turned around slightly and covered the phone before agreeing to Ashton’s request. “I’m not against spicing

things up, but there are shops who sell those things specifically. Why should we involve a pet store?”

I could understand that men were fascinated by new stuff, but this was an intimate affair, so we shouldn’t be fooling around.

“What are you talking about?” Ashton returned. “You said anything, right? If it happens again, you shall wear the collar and stay by my side as an obedient pet. You won’t be able to escape.”

“Ah? Oh, I see.” The flush deepened in my cheeks as I was utterly embarrassed.

“What else could it be?” Ashton responded in all seriousness.

“Nothing. That was what I meant, too. Anyway, sure. I’ll ask John to do that tomorrow. Can we talk now?” I hurriedly changed the topic.

“Go ahead,” came Ashton’s reply.

Sighing in relief, I explained about my plan which I had told John earlier.

“As long as we work together, there’s a chance that we might find our son. What do you think?”

Ashton fell silent and deliberated before replying, “Let’s wait for the results to come out tomorrow.”

“But we’re in M Country. If we don’t prepare ahead, we might lose the chance.”

After seeing those children forced to separate from their parents at a young age, I grew increasingly determined to rescue my son from their clutches.

Marcus was a changed man, and Armond was cruel. I couldn’t keep praying for a miracle to happen.

“Did you just forget what you promised me earlier?” Ashton’s voice was calm but assertive.

I fell silent as helplessness washed over me.

In the end, Ashton caved in. “Fine. I agree to prepare in advance, but before we can do that, let’s wait for the test results. We need to make sure you’re fine or your illness can be treated before carrying out the plan. Your health is of utmost importance.”


I had been reckless countless times, so perhaps it was time to calm down and wait for the good news.

The next afternoon, the plump hospital director entered my ward with a specialist trailing after him.

After flipping through my medical report, he sighed and told me apologetically, “Ms. Stovall, I’m sorry to inform you that there’s no cure to the toxin in your body.”

“No cure?” John snorted and shot a disapproving look at the director. “You’re useless.”

In love, never say never chapter 1247

He walked slowly towards the doctors, looking as ominous as a ghoul that had just crawled out from the depths of hell. “What a bunch of charlatans,” he sneered. “How dare you call yourselves the best doctors that M Country has to offer?”

Suddenly, John stretched out his hand and grabbed hold of the white-haired director. Lifting him up from the ground, John gritted his teeth and said in the most threatening voice he could manage, “I don’t want to hear any more of your rubbish. If you can’t cure her illness, I’ll make sure this hospital closes down!”

I started coughing violently. “John…” I called out weakly. I tried to sit up in bed, but lost balance and collapsed back onto it.

“Letty!” Seeing this, John flung the doctor aside and ran over to help me up. “How are you feeling?” Turning to the doctors, he hollered, “What are the lot of you waiting for? Give her some medication immediately! Can’t you see how much pain she’s in?”

He roared so loudly with every bit of energy he could summon that beads of sweat had formed on his brow.

I opened my mouth as if to say something. Before a word could bubble to the tip of my tongue, I suddenly tasted the potent stench of blood at the back of my throat. The next moment, blood had spewed out of my mouth and splattered all over the floor. In an instant, John’s white shirt was covered in splotches of bright red as he held me.

“You’ll be alright, Letty. I’m here—nothing will happen to you…” John tried frantically to wipe the blood from my face, comforting me as he did so. He turned around and threatened the doctors again, “I don’t care what sort of method you use. If Letty doesn’t survive this, I’ll make sure to bury you lot alive with her. Men!”

Hearing this, his subordinates rushed into the room at once. The sight of men in black made the doctors gape in shock.

As one of the bodyguards pressed a knife to the neck of the male doctor, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. The female doctor, on the other hand, looked rather helpless. She yelped for a few times before shutting up when the bodyguards threatened to kill her.

In comparison, the director seemed rather unbothered. Stuttering slightly, he protested, “Mr. John, you need to calm down, please. It’s true that Ms. Stovall’s illness is incurable. However, her immune system is very weak as well, and she stands no chance against the toxin. This is why she was so susceptible to it. It’s very unreasonable of you to blame the doctors like this.”

Something flickered in John’s eyes. He shot an ominous glance behind him before turning around and helping me to lay back down on the bed. He then pulled the covers up to my chin before walking slowly towards the director again.

John was half a head taller than the director. The two of them gazed into each other’s eyes for half a second. Then, in the blink of an eye, John grabbed hold of his bodyguard’s knife and stabbed it into the director’s thigh.

The smell of blood became even stronger in the room, but John didn’t seem to realize. With a cold expression, he said, “This is just the start. If you don’t save my sister’s life, I’ll make sure to stab you in the chest next time.”

His fluent English, coupled with his handsome face, would have made any girl swoon. However, his words only came across as cruel and bloodthirsty being spoken in a room full of bloodshed and in his icy tone.

Though my vision was rather blurry, I could see the doctors shooting dark glances at one another. In the end, they finally conceded. One of the younger doctors stepped forward and announced that they would do their best to save me and increase my lifespan. With that, they hurriedly carted the white- faced, bleeding director away.

John shut the door and quickly returned to my bedside. He comforted me, “Don’t worry, Letty. You’ll be alright very soon.”

I coughed twice, loudly. Frowning slightly, I summoned up all my courage and whispered reassuringly, “You’re the one who should stop worrying. I know my body the best. I have a weak constitution to begin with; on top of that, I didn’t go through with my confinement period properly. I shouldn’t have come out before it ended. I brought all this upon myself. Don’t feel sad.”

John bowed his head and knitted his brows together, trying his best to hold back his emotions.

“John, can you promise me one more thing?”

There were only the two of us in the room, and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. My voice, though soft, was clearly audible.

John’s hand lay on top of my chest, crumpling my blankets into a twist. He still refused to look at me. “You must be very tired now. Have a good rest first. When you get better, let’s do it together. Go to sleep now.”

I shook my head stubbornly and refused to listen. “I’m afraid I might run out of time before that. John, this is my last and only wish. Find the child and make sure that he…” here, I coughed again, “…that he isn’t abandoned on the streets. Promise me that, alright?”

In love, never say never chapter 1248

“Stop talking right now!” John turned away abruptly. “I’ll go talk to the doctors about the recovery process. You have a good rest!”


Even as I doubled over and coughed, John pretended as though he hadn’t heard me. He quickened his footsteps and disappeared out of the door in a matter of seconds.

I stared at the door, hoping that he might change his mind and return. However, he left and didn’t come back.

I sighed deeply and stared gloomily at the ceiling. My last bit of hope had disappeared.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

A long while later, I detected a bright light shining above me. I opened my eyes slightly to see what it was.

What I saw was the snow-white fabric of a doctor’s coat. Apparently, a doctor was changing my medication.

Alarm bells sounded in my head, and I snapped awake immediately. The biggest hospital in M County would never trouble a doctor to change a patient’s medication by themselves!

“Who the hell are you…!” I struggled to open my eyes and see who it was. However, my vision remained dismally blurry.

When he heard me, the person who was changing my medication stumbled backward. When my vision finally cleared, I could only see the door swinging shut after him. There were way too many people here who were after my life. Even though I knew my days were numbered, I didn’t want to go before my time. I hung on and shouted for help as loudly as I could.

“Is anyone there? Please help…”

By the time John returned with the doctors and nurses, I had already wormed my way to the side of the bed, and was a few inches from falling right off.

“What’s going on? Didn’t I tell you not to move around? What do you think you’re doing?”

Summoning up what was left of my energy, I grabbed hold of John’s arm and shot a look at the infusion bottle. “The medication…someone touched it…”

Before I could finish my sentence, I collapsed in John’s arms and lost consciousness again.

I finally woke up three hours later, feeling much more energetic than before.

When he saw that I was awake, Ashton quickly ran to my bedside. It had only been a few days since we last saw each other, but his cheeks were covered with black stubble, and his eyes looked horribly sunken. He looked as though he had aged ten years overnight.

“You’re awake! Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?” Ashton’s voice sounded a little hoarse. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but he sounded as though he had been crying.

“I’m not hungry,” I replied, reaching out a hand to caress his cheeks. “You haven’t been taking good care of yourself, have you?”

Ashton’s eyes still looked rather wet, but he plastered a smile onto his face and said, “I’m fine. Thank goodness you’re awake. Don’t worry, we’ve nearly figured out where the child is. Throw your energy into recuperating. Do as John says and stay put for now.”

“I feel much better now.” Ashton gave me the courage to face every challenge in life. I sat up and leaned against the headboard, feeling my headache lessen by almost half. Even my vision was getting clearer by the second.

I turned to John and asked, “Have you discovered who it was that tried changing my medication?”

“It was George from the Thoracic Surgery Department. Thank goodness you were vigilant and managed to scare him off! Otherwise, who knows what might have happened to you. We’re investigating the rest of the doctors in the hospital now. Whoever is behind this is a very frightening person! They even managed to bribe a doctor who has been working here for more than ten years!” John looked very agitated, as though he was gearing up to go into battle.

I nodded my head and didn’t stop him. I had fallen into the person’s trap once when I was giving birth, and he had nearly tricked me again today. I couldn’t allow this to happen a third time.

I asked Ashton, “You said you have new leads about the baby’s whereabouts?”

“That’s right,” Ashton said, nodding. He cupped my face in his bony hands and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. In a gentle voice, as though he didn’t want to startle me, he said, “We’ll find him very soon. When the baby returns, you’ll get better too.”

I knew the matter couldn’t be as simple as it seemed. Stubbornly, I pressed, “What sort of conditions did Armond lay out?”

He had done this to me and made sure that Ashton got a good look at his handiwork. Armond was after something for sure. He was no longer the same person as before—these days, he spoke only to increase the difficulty of the terms he was negotiating.

Ashton chuckled. Caressing my face, he said comfortingly, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll settle it by myself. Just return home with John quietly. I’ll handle the rest.”

In love, never say never chapter 1249

“Go home?” I turned around, looking at Ashton with an expression of consternation.

He nodded heavily in confirmation. “M Country is not our turf. If the other party decides to play a heavy hand, we might not have the resources here to go up against him. It’ll be safer if we go home first.”

I bowed my head and didn’t say anything.

I had come here for my child, but I had to return home empty-handed. How could I leave with peace of mind?

Ashton seemed to understand what I was thinking. He took hold of my head and turned it around to face him. As we leaned our foreheads against each other’s, he pleaded, “Believe me and let me settle this. Go home first and take care of our daughter. In three days—just three days—I’ll return with our son.”

“Letty, remember that you’ve only seen your daughter a few times since she was born. She needs her mother,” John reminded at the side.

They knew what my weak spot was. Left with no reason to refuse, I agreed to return home.

Ashton remained in the hospital that night, he left only after I fell asleep.

John had always been efficient at his work. After breakfast the next morning, we set out on the journey home. For safety reasons, he had booked the entire business class of the flight. When we got to the airport, we walked over to the boarding gate surrounded by a thicket of bodyguards. This, of course, caused some commotion.

There was still half an hour before we boarded the plane. John brought me into the VIP lounge, while the bodyguards and accompanying medical staff stood guard outside. Perhaps it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I felt a lot better than before. When I entered the lounge, I found, to my astonishment, that I could even walk by myself.

“Here, have some water. It’s time for you to take your medicine again.” John poured me a glass of water and passed me a medicine organizer.

I took the glass of water and medicine organizer from him. When I saw the vast amount of medicine tablets in the capsule, I felt rather deflated all of a sudden.

John saw the expression on my face, of course. Then, he patted me on the back sympathetically, he smiled and said, “You’ll get better.”

On the other hand, I wasn’t holding out hope, but I didn’t want to ruin his enthusiasm. Therefore, I changed the topic hastily. “Tell me the truth, John. What does Armond want Ashton to do for him?”

“Don’t worry your head about this.” John snatched the medicine organizer from me and shook a few tablets into my palm. “Right now, you need to recover first. Just hand the rest to us boys, got it? Here, take your medicine.”

He wasn’t going to tell me anything either.

I looked at the medicine, frowning with distaste when I thought about how horrid they were going to taste. After a pause, I finally pinched my nose and swallowed the tablets.

Just as I finished gulping down water, I saw a familiar figure flash past the entrance of the VIP lounge. When I glanced up in alarm and took a careful look past the screen, the doorway was empty again.

I patted my chest, feeling a little spooked out.

Thank goodness that was just my imagination.

Anyway, it was impossible for Armond to come here by himself, right?

However, reality gave me another huge slap in the face.

“Are you looking for me? I’m here, Scarlett.” I could hear Armond’s silky, cruel voice from behind the screen. Immediately, the tension in the VIP lounge heightened.

John’s expression was one of extreme alertness. He patted my arm, as though to tell me not to panic, before shooting a look at the bodyguard next to him.

The bodyguard nodded and pulled the screen aside. We finally saw Armond—he was seated directly opposite us, and it looked as though he had come alone.

John’s subordinates were well-trained. Immediately, one of them left quietly to assess to situation.

Armond glanced at the bodyguard contemptuously as he left. He snorted, but didn’t say anything—this was enough to let us know that he had noticed.

However, he didn’t seem particularly interested. Instead, he continued in the same horrible voice, “Scarlett, we’ve known each other for years. How long has it been since we had a heart-to-heart talk with each other out in the open like this?”

I was about to reply, but John jumped in before I could say anything. “Since you know you don’t deserve to see the light of day, why don’t you remain in your dark little swamp instead of coming out to disgust people? I’m warning you now—I remember everything you’ve done to Scarlett, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life keeping an eye on you! Until the day you die!”

In love, never say never chapter 1250

“Yeah, right…” Armond seemed unperturbed. He shook his finger at us in mockery. “Look how confident you are in yourself. Aren’t you afraid that you might have to bow down to me one day?”

“Go back to your swamp if you want to entertain those pipedreams. You’re an eyesore to society,” John hissed, gearing up to attack.

“I’ll go only if Scarlett tells me to. In my opinion, however, she won’t want to see me go because of her two daughters.”

Armond gazed at me with his dark eyes, which were so black that they looked like an abyss. The hellish aura radiating from him grew even stronger.

Had my worst nightmare happened after all?

Clenching my fists, I gritted my teeth and forced myself to remain calm. Knowing that I was very agitated, John turned to me quickly and said reassuringly, “Scarlett, don’t trust him. He’s lying to you.

After the last time, I increased the level of security around the house, and even hired a number of mercenaries for protection. No one can get to Summer and the baby.”

Tears were already swimming in my eyes. I fought them back and clung onto John’s arm, nodding seriously.

However, Armond plodded on. He snorted and continued, “How ridiculous. Scarlett, are you really going to buy what he says? Think carefully about this. If he’s right, how did my men manage to cart your son off before?”

This jabbed at the weakest spot in my heart.

I looked up at John, begging him silently for help.

Seeing this, John shot Armond a scathing look. He looked as though he wanted to pummel him. However, he was more worried about my mental state, so he took out his phone instead and gave our house a call. “You’ll stop worrying once you hear Summer’s voice. Don’t worry.”

However, the phone rang on and on, with nobody coming to answer it. John’s grip tightened nervously around the phone, his face clouding over horribly.

Armond laughed ominously. “Scarlett, I’ll give you another two minutes to decide. If you come with me, I promise that you’ll be reunited with your children, and you can carry on living with them. If you leave… humph! You know the consequences.”

I couldn’t remain seated anymore. I grabbed John’s phone and pressed the receiver against my ear.

Ten seconds of static later, I stood rooted to my spot, completely frozen.

“Well, have you thought about it?” Armond jumped out of his seat impatiently, dusting off his suit jacket. He seemed as though he couldn’t wait anymore.

“I’ll come with you,” I promised.

“Then, come along with me. The car is already outside. Come out by yourself.” Armond let out an expression of self-satisfaction as he turned to leave.

“Stop right there!” John snapped. “I’m going with Scarlett too.”

Armond shrugged and said with mock generosity, “Do as you wish.”

The prey was already in his hands. Why would he bother with another one delivering himself to his doorstep?

“No, John, you have to take care of the Stovall family. You can’t come with me,” I retorted.

“If you don’t return home, the Stovall residence will be nothing more than an empty cage. I have watched you being brought away once, and I told myself then that I’ll never let that happen again!” John looked very calm, but his voice was pressing.


“What a heartwarming scene between brother and sister!” Armond sneered. He stood at the doorway and pointed impatiently at his wristwatch. “Unfortunately, I don’t have so much time. If the two of you don’t come right now, you can bear the consequences yourself!”

In the end, John and I couldn’t argue over each other. We headed outside and into Armond’s car.

The moment the doors shut, Armond flung two blindfolds in our direction.

John and I weren’t stupid. Without a single word of instruction, we obeyed quietly and blindfolded ourselves.

Compared to the last time, I felt more peaceful now with John by my side, despite the fact that I couldn’t see anything. In fact, I was looking forward to meeting my son again.

After an hour, the car rolled slowly to a halt.

The bodyguards shuffled us off the car and into an elevator.

When we finally took our blindfolds off, we were standing in an office with modern decoration. Its design was minimalist, but that gave it quite an ambience.

Armond was seated in his swivel chair with a lit cigar between his fingers. I hadn’t noticed when he lit it up.

“Where are the children?” I asked boldly. I had only come with him for this reason, and thus jumped straight to the point.


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