In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1251-1252-1253-1254-1255

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1251-1252-1253-1254-1255

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1251-1252-1253-1254-1255

“Scarlett, you’ve always been so impatient. Sit down first and we can have a chat.” Armond blew a smoke circle, looking infuriatingly unperturbed. Seeing his unchanging expression, I felt a wave of anger wash over me.

I had run out of patience. Taking out a letter opener that I had hidden in my pocket just now, I pressed the blade against my chest and said, “I want to see my children now. Otherwise, you can take my corpse and threaten Ashton with it!”

“Letty, what are you doing? Put down that letter opener immediately!” John tried to grab the letter opener from me in shock, but I ducked away deliberately.

“Don’t come near me!” I hissed, backing into a corner. Even John looked rather apprehensive now.

Unexpectedly, Armond’s face changed a little when he saw this. The change was almost imperceptible, but I saw it anyway.

“You wouldn’t dare, Scarlett. Are you willing to abandon your children like that?” Armond asked testily, his eyes narrowing.

“So what if I’m unwilling?” I retorted, giggling coldly as I held the knife against my chest, looking as though I might plunge it into my flesh. “Everything was my fault to begin with. As long as I die, my kids will be alright. I don’t want them to live the rest of their lives in danger. I might as well die earlier to make up for all the harm I’ve caused them!”

“John, I’m sorry. Tell Ashton to find our children and take revenge for us!”

As soon as I finished speaking, I raised the letter opener up in the air, preparing to bring it down into my chest.

Armond and John yelled out at the same time. “Stop right there!” “Letty, no!”

In the end, John was faster and managed to strike down the letter opener from my hand. As he grabbed hold of my hand, he kicked the letter opener a few meters away, where I was unable to reach it.

“John, let go of me! If I don’t get to see my kids today, I’ll bite my tongue and commit suicide!” I struggled futilely, my eyes trained on Armond.

Seeing that John had managed to get me under control, Armond let out a visible sigh of relief. However, he only took another two drags of his cigar before putting it out irritably.

“Letty, can you please calm down?” John begged, panting slightly. I was still squirming frantically in his arms.

Armond couldn’t stand it anymore. “That’s enough!” he snapped. We glanced over and saw the most disgusted expression on his face, as though someone was holding a pile of dung under his nose. “Scarlett, what remained of my interest in you has completely disappeared!”

With that, he picked up the telephone on his desk. He pressed down on the speed-dial button and ordered almost immediately, “Bring the children over.”

Very quickly, a dark-skinned caregiver walked into the room, carrying an infant in her hands.

Immediately, I rushed over and snatched the child from her, cradling it in my arms as though he was a precious jewel.

The child was a little chubbier than before, but his nose and eyes looked exactly like Ashton’s. This was my child alright.

It had been one month since I lost a vital part of my life, and I had finally found him again.

The baby didn’t look afraid of me at all. He waved his arms affectionately, trying to get even closer to me. Blood relations were rather amazing—despite having been apart for so long, we had not lost the bond between us.

“Scarlett, I’ve come to my senses now. After giving birth to your children, you’re the same as those boring women I’ve loathed my entire life—normal, low-class, and completely devoid of any taste and interest,” Armond said scathingly, as though the very sight of me was an affront to his eyes.

I looked at him before turning to look at John. After exchanging glances, we both turned and started walking towards the exit.

“Stop right there…” Armond drawled, leaning back in his chair. “Do you think you have it all just because I’ve extended this little bit of kindness towards you? I don’t think that’s a good habit to have.”

Hearing this, John swiveled around to look at him. “You’re a scumbag who’s worse than a sewer rat, and you want us to thank you?”

“Wow, listen to the shit that is coming out of that mouth of yours! I can’t stand it.”

John’s retort had angered Armond. He stood up and left his desk, choosing to sit down at the sofa. As he sat down leisurely, his eyes were flashing with murderous rage. “What do you think this place is? A supermarket? Did you really think I would let you walk out of here so easily?”

“Dear me, no. It’s been a long time since I’ve condescended to go to a supermarket, so I’m not as familiar with its layout as you are,” John retaliated with a perfectly cool expression. His eyes danced with malice as he stared right back at Armond, waiting for him to snap.

In love, never say never chapter 1252

Although Armond had a twisted personality, he wasn’t very good at responding to verbal attacks. John’s mocking statement made his veins bulge green with anger. He was so furious that he couldn’t speak—instead, he snapped his fingers loudly and called his bodyguards into the room.

In barely a few moments, John and I were completely surrounded.

“Originally, I was going to let you off the hook on account of my relationship with Scarlett. Since you’re so desperate to die, however, you can’t blame me for what I’m about to do.” Armond stared coldly at John, his eyes flashing with murderous rage. “Take him away.”

As soon as he spoke, two bodyguards made their way over to John.

However, Armond had forgotten that John was a good fighter too. When he last saved me, he had managed to beat a fat, disgusting man with one flying kick. Before the bodyguards even touched him, John had already responded. He sent one of them sprawling onto the floor with a kick, before rounding behind the other one and throwing him onto the floor. The bodyguards lay on the floor, stunned.

“Humph…” Armond scowled at his groaning bodyguards. He still seemed rather unruffled. “I’ll admit that I have underestimated you. But do you really think you can get out of here by beating my bodyguards alone?”

With his skills, John could easily take down five people by himself. With the need to protect my baby and I, he might have a slightly harder time, but victory would still be his.

Since Armond had allowed him to come along, he must have made preparations in advance. If we caused a commotion here, the security guards in the rest of the building might come running. Faced with such a huge number of them, we might not have a chance.

At that moment, a voice that I had been anticipating rang out from the doorway.

“And what if there’s me?” Ashton walked into the room, his black coat sweeping against the floor even as it hung from his tall, broad frame.

Armond gazed at him, his brows knitting into a frown. After thinking for a while, he turned to look at me. A look of realization appeared on his face. “Were you lot tricking me?”

“That was pretty fast of you. As expected from you, Armond,” I said loudly, abandoning my pretense of weakness.

John would never miss a chance to add insult to injury. He crowed, “If you have the time, I advise you to train your subordinates better. They couldn’t even do something as simple as spying inconspicuously. Did you really think they could pull the wool over my eyes?”

Although he made the process sound rather simple, it had actually been far more complicated than that.

Armond had captured me before releasing me, because he wanted Ashton to see me being tormented before his very eyes. This was a leverage he could use against Ashton.

In reality, the toxins had found their way into my body, and remained there even today. However, Ashton had found an antidote so I wouldn’t die. All this while, I pretended to be on the brink of death. Risking exposure, Armond’s man had changed my medication to reduce my suffering and improve my condition. This proved only one thing to me—Armond would never let me die.

If I died, Ashton would go berserk and go after Armond for revenge, and there was nothing in it for Armond. My life was the best ransom for the baby. Because of this, I had pretended to commit suicide in front of Armond, and as expected, he had fallen for it completely.

“From today on, Armond, you will never be able to use me to threaten Ashton again.”

Pretending weakness was the best way to make your opponent let his guard down.

As long as I wasn’t afraid of death, Ashton would never have an Achilles heel.

Here, I had to thank Armond for this. The moment before my knife pierced my flesh, I had seen deep fear and despair on his face. That one moment had led me to this revelation.

Armond’s eyes darted frantically between the three of us, still looking rather suspicious.

Very quickly, a cold, merciless smile returned to his face again. “Haha, so what about it? You might not be afraid of death, but your two daughters are still in my hands. If you dare to step out of the room, I promise that neither of them will live to see tomorrow’s sun.”

“Oh, that reminds me. The two girls should thank their grandpa.” John took out his phone from his pocket and waved it at Armond. “The patriarch of the Moore family gave this to the baby—it’s a satellite phone. It looks like a normal smartphone from the outside, but it connects to other phones by radio through orbiting satellites instead of a terrestrial network like normal phones do. All this time in M Country, we’ve been using this to call home. Did you think you would be able to trick us by installing a signal blocker outside the Stovall residence?”

In love, never say never chapter 1253

“You can’t blame him for that. You can take the rat out of the sewer, but you can’t take the sewer out of the rat. Why would he care about these sort of technological innovations?” Mocking others felt very good indeed. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling more relaxed than I had ever been. The fearful feeling in my heart had disappeared completely.

Armond’s expression changed again, this time to a very ugly one. His humiliation gave way to anger, and he stood up abruptly.

At that moment, the other bodyguards were approaching the conference room. There were more than thirty of them, and they took out nearly a third of the room space, blocking the exit from view.

“I hate it when people trick me. You brought this upon yourselves.” As soon as he finished speaking, Armond nodded at the bodyguards, and they quickly got into formation, preparing to attack

“The Interpol and the special forces of Chanaea are already downstairs. I advise you to think carefully about what you’re going to do next. Are you going to stay here and bicker, or are you going to take the opportunity to escape now? You love making people choose, but it’s finally your turn to make a decision now.”

Ashton’s voice wasn’t very loud, but it reverberated through the quiet room. The bodyguards looked rather stunned.

Ashton would never forget his grudges. Armond had tried to trick us so many times, and it was time for him to get a taste of his own medicine.

He could go with the Interpol, or be extradited back to his country. Either way, he would be rotting in jail for many years to come.

Armond and the bodyguards exchanged a glance. After confirming that Ashton’s words were true, Armond gritted his teeth and shot us a rancorous look, before leaving under the bodyguards’ protection.

The large crowd created quite the commotion as they left the room. The room only returned to silence a full two minutes later.

“They won’t be able to get away this time,” I said, looking at the direction they were heading towards.

The Interpol would be guarding every single building exit, and searching every floor for a sign of Armond. Unless he had invisibility powers, Armond’s fate was sealed.

“If we were in K City, he would have left this building as a corpse!” John spat, his expression full of dislike.

Ashton didn’t reply. Putting his arms around me and the child, he said, “Let’s get out of here first.”

On the plane home, I couldn’t help but feel like everything had been settled once and for all.

As I gazed as the child in my arms, I remembered the numerous babies in that house, and thought of Marcus immediately.

“Where’s Marcus?” I asked Ashton.

I didn’t exactly want to be his reason for redemption, but we had known each other after all, and I didn’t want his fate to be unknown to me.

“We’ve struck a deal. He will never return to the country again,” Ashton replied blandly.

“Was he involved in the successful execution of our plan this time?”

“Yes,” Ashton said, cocking his head to the side as he looked at me. He eyes were dark as ink. “He was the one who tricked Armond into thinking that I had been lured to the wrong side of M Country. That was how I managed to follow you guys to his hideout from the airport.”

“I never knew that. Then, why did he need to work with Armond back then, and lure me to M Country?”

Ashton suppressed a smile and looked at me haplessly. “Do you want me to say that it was because you were simply too attractive?”

“Huh?” I was rather confused.

“Marcus had no wish to see us together, but he didn’t want you to die either. When he heard that you were deathly ill from Armond, he found me and offered his services. He had only had one condition, and that was for me to save you,” Ashton said.

I suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Marcus had gone too far. He had taken the wrong path in life and hurt the people who meant the most to me. The moment he joined hands with Armond, he had struck off the debt we owed each other.

However, he never harmed me all this time. For that reason, I would never be able to forget him.

Ashton sensed my unhappiness and enveloped me in a hug. Patting me comfortingly, he said, “Don’t worry, you don’t owe him anything. I’ve already returned Marcus his wife and children.”

I was just going to scold him for being inappropriate with what he did, but Ashton said quickly, “It wasn’t me. It was Joseph who saved them while searching for our son. Anyway, Marcus thinks he owes me now.”

In love, never say never chapter 1254

I would never wish my past suffering upon others. Luckily, the man I loved followed my wishes and drew the line at revenge.

A sense of uneasiness still permeated my relief. “Marcus may not appreciate our actions.”

In Marcus’ eyes, Camelia and Toby were just burdens. I doubt he would see them as fit bargaining chips for my safe return.

“Well, that’s on him. We’re basically even now, so you shouldn’t feel bad for him in the future.”

“Quick, come over here. Let’s get rid of any bad luck that’s still on you.”

I didn’t know where Cameron had heard about this old wives’ tale. She had arrived bright and early at the Stovall residence, insisting on burning sage to get rid of any ill omen.

Amused, I gave in to her wishes.

A group followed my children and me into the living room. It seemed as lively as Christmas.

After I sat down, I spied an unusually lonely figure out of the corner of my eye.

Emma was standing at the foot of the staircase, smiling awkwardly but not daring to approach the crowd. She played with her hair from time to time to cover up her hesitation.

“Emma,” I called out to her. “Are you not happy that I’m home?”

Emma seemed shocked at the mention of her name. She replied happily, “Of course not! I’ve been waiting for all of you every day!”

I laughed. “Well, don’t you want to come here and see how the babies look like?”

A radiant smile appeared on Emma’s face. She came over excitedly and took the baby from my arms. She cooed to him, “Hello sweetie, your Aunt Emma is always going to remember how you look like. What a cutie pie!”

John must have given Emma a hard time over the kidnapping incident. She must have been suffering almost as much as we have. Now that it’s all over, we should just try to get on with our lives and make some happy memories.

“Hey, your kids are almost a month old, and you haven’t even named them. Some parents you are!” Emery teased, her usual tactlessness on full display.

Ashton and I exchanged a glance. He hinted for me to take the lead.

Actually, I had already thought of their names when we were in M Country.

I announced confidently, “Since they were born in winter, their nicknames will be Greg and Dee!”

“Greg? That’s a great name. Sweetie, oh, I should be calling you Greg now. I hope you’ll grow to become a strong man!” Emma cooed at my son happily. The baby boy wasn’t scared of strangers, and he had taken to Emma immediately as if they were truly related.

“Dee…” Emery said as she carried my daughter. “What about her full name?”

I pursed my lips before smiling at Ashton. Then, I turned to Emery. “She’ll share a surname with Summer, so her full name will be Audrey Stovall. As for our son, we’ll name him Gregory, as in Gregory Fuller. Since they were born during winter, we chose the name Gregory, hoping he’ll become a person capable of beating all odds in harsh situations, while Audrey represents the noble strength that will support both of them through the ups and downs of their lives.”

“Those are great names! Here, I bought matching anklets for them. Shall we put it on for them?” Cameron produced a jewelry box containing the two anklets before Emma and Emery placed them on the twins.

Once the anklets were secured, the man who had followed Zachary here suddenly stepped toward the center of the living room. He opened his briefcase on the table and took out two folders.

“Hello everyone, please allow me to announce some news.” The man cleared his throat as he commanded our attention. “As the legal counsel for the Moores, it is my pleasure to announce on behalf of Mr. Moore that Ms. Audrey Stovall and Mr. Gregory Fuller shall henceforth be assigned ten percent each of shares from the Moore Corporation. The net worth of said shares is approximately three point five billion.”

We all exchanged looks of delight after the lawyer’s announcement, ecstatic for the twins.

The lawyer then laid out the documents before me. He addressed me courteously, “Mrs. Fuller, the contract will go into effect once we get the thumbprints of the children on the documents.”

In love, never say never chapter 1255

He presented an inkpad to me as he waited for my next move.

I nodded my acknowledgement.

Glancing at the table, I couldn’t help but zero in on the ten percent and three-point five billion listed on the documents. My eyes burned at the sum.

After a moment of consideration, I lifted my hand and closed the contract before handing it back to the lawyer.

“Mrs. Fuller, what are you doing?” The lawyer’s smile was frozen in place.

As the lawyer-in-charge, I knew he would earn a hefty sum once the contract was finalized. I felt sorry for depriving him of his windfall.

I didn’t answer him but instead looked at Zachary. “I’m sorry, Mr. Moore. I’m grateful for your gesture toward my children, but we can’t accept this.”

Zachary frowned in confusion. Cameron cut in before he could speak, “Please don’t feel pressured. It’s just a small gift for the kids.”

A small gift of three-point five billion? It seems that Cameron’s sense of money is getting distorted by her wealth.

“No,” I insisted. “They’re still young, and I don’t want them to feel weighed down by such a large inheritance.”

If the twins grew up with such an exorbitant inheritance looming over their heads, I was sure that they would burn out under the pressure and the expectations.

They may choose to go down this path in the future, but as their mother, I don’t want to impose this without them having a say.

“We’ll just see how it goes,” replied Ashton lightly. His decision was, however, firm like mine.

We were coaxing the babies to sleep that night when Ashton hugged me from behind. He muttered reluctantly, “I’ve forgotten how it feels like to wake up next to you.”

I remembered what I had promised him earlier and blushed. “Then you can stay here tonight. This bed is big enough for two.”

Armond was on the radar of Interpol, so he would be laying low for a while. As such, K City was a lot safer for us now. We no longer needed to pretend that we were separated.

I looked at Gregory and Audrey, who were both sleeping beside me. And with Summer sleeping right next door, I wished that the moment could last forever.

Ashton suddenly loosened his hug and gently turned me around to face him. “I can’t. Now’s not the time.”

I knitted my brows, confused.

Ashton continued, “Don’t forget, Armond isn’t our only enemy. Do you know where Armond brought you to earlier?”

“Wasn’t it his old residence overseas?” I asked.

“If only it were that simple.” Ashton shook his head. Just then, Audrey kicked off her blanket in her sleep. Ashton turned to tuck her in before he spoke. “Armond was already wanted by the Interpol for his involvement in the underground organ trade. He could never have founded a company that easily. The place you were at was the headquarters of Illiad International in M Country.”

“Wait, isn’t that company owned by Bill Young? Isn’t he a philanthropist famous for donating billions every year?” To say I was shocked was an understatement. Why is a philanthropist working with someone like Armond?

“The donations are real, though I’m not sure where the money comes from.” Ashton stared at me intently. “Dealing with Bill is going to be a lot harder than dealing with Armond. So I think it’s better to keep up our facade.”

He paused before dropping a kiss on my forehead. Backing out of the room slowly, he murmured, “Take care of yourself. You’re still sick, after all.”

He left the room after giving me a smile.

I replayed his words over and over in my head. When I finally collected myself, he was already gone.

Ashton’s right. I’m not just dealing with poor health after my pregnancy; there’s also the toxin Armond injected into my body.

It was a slow-acting toxin targeting my internal organs, and there was no available cure. I could only control its spread via medication. While it wasn’t fatal or particularly dangerous at the moment, there might be severe effects as time passed. There was a distinct possibility of organ failure as well.


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