In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1291-1292-1293-1294-1295

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1291-1292-1293-1294-1295

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1291-1292-1293-1294-1295

“Nothing much. I was just putting on an act for you. You’re the mother of Ashton’s kid and the only goddaughter of Uncle Louis. No one should humiliate you in front of so many people. Since the Ziegler family wanted to make you lose face, firing an ordinary staff is not enough of a punishment for them.”

So I guess the fainted man who was brought out of the room was the guy who splashed wine on me…

Ashton and John had a very simple intention; they just wanted the Ziegler family to know that even though Ashton and I had divorced, they were still not allowed to humiliate me.

Actually, I had gotten back at them, but Thora’s subordinate was too reckless, causing Ashton to be infuriated. Hence, he took the matter into his own hands and made them pay. I sighed. They made me feel so useless.

Despite his nonchalant expression, I still could not forget the scenario I had seen in the garden. He confronted more than ten people, including Ashton, all by himself. Needless to say, it must have been a tough fight. Although he had achieved what he wanted in the end, the fact that he had risked his life for me was undeniable.

In this world, no one should risk their life for the others.

“I know you’re doing it for my own good, but please let me handle it by myself. Whether it’s you or Ashton, you should take care of yourself well. You can’t look after me forever; you need to think about yourself as well.”

John was still as laid back as ever. “Who says I can’t look after you forever? Almost half of our life has passed. I don’t mind taking care of you for a couple more decades.”

I sighed. “That’s not the point. What are you going to do with Emma? I don’t know why you’re treating her like that. Is it a method to test if she would leave? Or is it for other purposes? No matter what it is, I

think you should stop.”

Hearing this, the smile on his face froze. He looked down at his feet and frowned.

“John…” Seeing him being like this made me sad. “Emma is not Hannah. She has never thought of leaving you. Why can’t you have the courage to admit that you love her? Do you still remember the time when you came to me and talked about Hannah? Have you forgotten the heartache that you endured? Even though Hannah is a good woman, she never planned to spend the rest of her life with you. As for Emma, although she has her own issues, she loves you, John. And she’s the one who is going to be your wife for the rest of your life. Do you think it’s okay to treat her like that?”

He remained silent and narrowed his eyes slightly. I wasn’t sure if he was thinking over my advice.

After a long pause, he looked up at me and smiled wryly. “I know what to do. Don’t worry. I know what I want with my life. It’s getting late. I should call the nurse to give you the injection and let you go to bed early.”

With that, he stepped past me and went downstairs without waiting for my reply.

Looking at him leaving, I felt a sudden pang of sorrow.

John had so many worries that held him back, and I could not deny the fact that the root cause was somehow related to me.

After the nurse left, I called Holden.

“Hello there, Scarlett. You’ve called at just the right moment. I was just about to call and thank you for helping me out with the communication base station. I know you would never call me for no reason, so tell me what you need from me, and I’ll do everything I can for you.” Holden was exceptionally

enthusiastic that day. I reckoned that he had probably gained a substantial amount of profit from his cooperation with White Corporation.

Since he had pointed out my intention, I might as well skip the pleasantries and cut to the chase. “I know your social circle is bigger than mine, so I need your help to find someone.”

On the next day, I went to the office and asked Brooklyn to hire a personal assistant for me.

Since the law firm belonged to the reputable Stovall Corporation, we had received more than a dozen of applications by that very afternoon. I interviewed all of them myself and hired an overseas female professor. There was once a joke on the internet that said that humans were categorized into three types of people, that was male, female, and female professors. It was meant to tease those women who had better leadership skills and were more outstanding than the men.

Although some may find it offensive, I could somehow understand why the joke was made after spending a week with my new personal assistant, Millie. She was incredible in everything; there was nothing she was not capable of. In fact, even Brooklyn was impressed by her. Hiring her was indeed a correct decision as she saved me from a lot of trouble.

In love, never say never chapter 1292

After the banquet that night, Ashton seldom contacted me anymore. I knew this must mean that he was getting closer to his goal.

One night, I was staying at home as usual.

As I came out of the bathroom, I habitually went to the single-seater sofa near the balcony to scroll through social media. As soon as I picked up my phone, I noticed a shadow on the ground, moving toward me quietly.

Sensing danger, I kept my guard up instantly and mentally prepared myself for an attack.

Right then, a figure suddenly broke in through the window and charged toward the person beside me. When I turned around and looked at the commotion, I realized that it was Miller in a camo getup fighting with Ashton.

With his towering height and self-defense martial arts skills, Ashton should have been able to overpower Millie easily, but her attacks were equally swift and brutal. After a few blows, he still had not gained the upper hand and even had an obvious shoe print on his custom-made suit.

Seeing that Ashton was not an easy opponent to deal with, Millie suddenly knelt down and rolled sideways before lunging at Ashton with the dagger that was strapped to her leg.

He was forced to retreat a few steps back while Millie continued to attack him before leaping up and aiming her sharp dagger at Ashton’s neck.

“Stop, Millie!” I shouted immediately.

She stopped in her tracks instantly. Ashton grabbed the opportunity to snatch away the weapon in her hand, threw her over his shoulder, and pinned her on the ground.

Silence filled the bedroom as he pressed the knife against her throat.

Worried that he might kill her, I quickly clarified, “She works for me.”

Ashton glanced at me for a second before lowering his gaze and spoke in a hushed tone. “Next time, remember to take down your opponents in one hit before deciding if you should let them live. If it weren’t for Scarlett, your life would be gone a second ago.”

Millie frowned and refused to admit defeat. “Same goes to you. If it weren’t for Ms. Stovall, you might not dodge my knife either.”

She had always been like this; diligent and quiet. But whenever she spoke, she would catch everyone by surprise.

“Can you guys talk with each other peacefully without the knife?” I asked. It was quite worrisome to see the knife as they talked.

Hearing my words, Ashton pondered for a while before releasing his grip on Millie and stepped away. The moment he took away the knife, Millie sprang to her feet as well.

“It’s a good dagger, but you’re lacking the skills to wield it properly.” He tossed back the knife to her as a hint of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

“If you’re not happy that you didn’t win against me, let’s fight again and quit the snarky act,” she retorted, not afraid to get on his bad side at all.

Ashton shot her a cold look, and the tension in the air was ramped up again.

I rolled my eyes and decided to distract their attention. I sat down on the couch and moaned in pain. “Ouch!”

Ashton immediately came over and embraced me. “Have you gotten the injection today?”

As soon he finished speaking, I threw my arms around his neck and grinned. “Hehe. Don’t be angry, Ashton. It’s my fault. I should have told Millie about our relationship earlier. That’s why she thought you’re going to harm me and attacked you just now. Can you forgive her for me?”

I bit my lip and looked at him with an innocuous expression, acting cute.

Ashton scowled and shook his head as if he was unhappy with my act.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to throw my dignity away. I held his face abruptly and left a tender kiss on his forehead. “Please don’t be angry anymore. Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

A smile slowly spread across his face at that before turning into a full grin, lighting up his dashing face.

Now that he had smiled, it meant that the matter was resolved. Ashton was actually quite particular about hygiene and cleanliness. Moreover, the suit that was stained by Millie just now was one of his favorite custom-made suits. Thus, if I did not please him enough, he would not have let it slide.

After the situation got under control, Millie chimed in, “I was forced to look at your public display of affection. Ms. Stovall, you should pay me for it. I’ll consider it as my overtime pay.”

In love, never say never chapter 1293

Millie did not seem to be joking.

I could not help but frown. “Millie, don’t you know how expensive it is to hire you? Yet, you still want me to pay you more? If this goes on for long, I wonder if I can still afford your salary.”

“Then, you should pray for this guy to visit you less often.” She took out her phone and showed us a QR code. “Ten million, and I won’t let anyone bother both of you tonight.”

“What? Are you serious?” I was getting a bit mad. “What about the medical expenses for the kick you gave my husband?”

She looked down, deep in her thought. Before she could reply to me, Ashton walked past me and scanned the QR code on her phone. “I’ll pay you.”

Beep! The transaction went through.

Then, he put back his phone and commanded, “Go out and guard the room.”

Millie glanced at him warily before looking back at me, staying still.

I massaged my temples and said, “You can leave now. I’ll call you when I need you. And don’t attack without my order next time.”

“I can’t do that. You’ve made it clear that I need to take action whenever someone is going to harm you,” she replied adamantly, sounding as if she was a righteous person.

However, in truth, she was still a wanted international mercenary last week.

“Okay. If that’s so, remember not to attack Ashton Fuller next time. No matter what he does to me, don’t do anything to him. Are we clear?” I could not understand why such a stubborn person could be the best female mercenary and got selected by Holden.

I had told Holden over the phone that I wanted to find someone who could protect me and that they had to be smart. But look at her now. She even wants me to pay her service fee whenever Ashton comes.

“Yes.” With that, she rushed out of the balcony and disappeared out of sight with a rope.

Ashton, who had been keeping quiet, went over to the window and pulled the curtains. “Where did you find this imp?”

“Holden introduced her to me. She’s as tactless as him,” I grumbled. “Speaking of which, why did you give her the money? That was an unreasonable request. If you continue to pay her like that, I’m afraid that even the Stovall family won’t be able to afford her anymore.”

He removed his blazer and placed it on the couch before walking toward me. “It’s okay. If the Stovalls can’t pay her, you still have the Fullers. If that’s still not enough, you can ask her to find the Moore family. I’m sure they could pay her forever.”

“Yes, but…” My voice trailed off.

Wait a minute. Something’s not right. Why is he inching closer and closer? And why is his hand caressing my shoulder?

I shrunk away a little and looked at him in bewilderment. “Ashton, what are you doing?”

Smiling, he held my face and tucked my bangs behind my ear. Then, he said suggestively, “Ten million can buy us a peaceful night. Don’t you think that it’s worth it?”

With Miller guarding the house, Ashton came more frequently to the Stovall residence and stayed with me until dawn.

Within the same week, an emerging digital currency called Pitcoin became a hot topic in the financial world. Several prominent families in K City had invested in it. However, it was an extremely high-risk investment due to its volatile value. Thus, it did not receive the support of the national official institutions.

Nevertheless, the news about the cryptocurrency spread like wildfire.

“Trivett Real Estate Has Started Accepting Pitcoin Payments”

“The First Successful Payment Transaction Using Pitcoin At The Automobile 4S Store”

Louis was livid. Every day after dinner, he would gather the whole family in the living room and asked us to watch the news together.

“What are these television stations doing? Why are they letting Truman Bowen appear on television shows and brainwash citizens into buying Pitcoin?” he spat.

We were only two minutes into the news and his face had already turned red with anger. He looked as if he would do anything to get into the television and punch the stock analyst who promoted Pitcoin.

In love, never say never chapter 1294

“Don’t be so angry,” coaxed John. “In this era where the Internet rules all, who has the time to watch cable television, anyway? Just let him spout his nonsense. If no one watches or listens to him, nothing major will happen.”

“I disagree.” Emma rolled her eyes at him gloomily. As she watched the two person on the screen discussing excitedly, she analyzed, “You don’t dabble in stocks, so you don’t understand them. To those who exchange stocks, Truman is like God. All of them address him in a very respectful manner. For every single stock that he mentioned, countless people would rush to buy it. Now that he’s promoting Pitcoin, I’m afraid that the demand for it would soon exceed supply.”

“What does the fluctuation of the price of Pitcoin have to do with a mere stock analyst like him? Doesn’t he know that Uncle Louis’ subordinates are keeping an eye on Pitcoin?” John narrowed his eyes suspiciously, obviously doubting Emma’s words.

“Of course he has nothing to do with it. However, the person directing his actions probably wishes for Pitcoin to be highly sought,” rebuked Emma.

“Are you saying that Truman has been bribed by the Trivetts?” John, who was quite bright, immediately understood. After a slight pause, he continued, “Why is a designer like you so familiar with stocks, anyway?”

“What’s wrong? Are only men allowed to do business while women are barred from being well-versed in it?” rebuked Emma coldly, not holding back at all.

John was at a loss for words to retaliate. As the previous incident with the girls put him at a disadvantage, he could not come up with a reply. All he could do was glare angrily at her.

These two enemies could probably argue for eternity.

“Alright, stop arguing,” chided Louis, his face darkening. “The Trivetts are seeking collaborations with many people. Keep an eye on your own assets. John, I’m warning you. I can’t be bothered to care about the times when you’re almost breaking the rules, but if you dare to dabble in Pitcoin, I’ll break your leg!”

“I’ll never do that.” John chuckled appeasingly before deliberately changing the topic. “Don’t be so angry. I’ll talk to Truman tomorrow and instruct him to stop running his mouth on the television.”

“Don’t try to fool me with those tricks of yours. When negotiating with him, take note of how you do it. You’re my nephew, so don’t let others have leverage over you. Otherwise…”

I was not interested in Pitcoin or stock analysts. All I was worried about was whether the Trivetts would try to bring Ashton down through this.

According to what Louis said, this was not a legal transaction. I was worried if Ashton had no choice but to participate in order to take revenge. If others got dirt on him because of this, it would be hard for him to extricate himself from the mess in the future.

However, I did not expect Thora to meet me before Ashton made his decision.

When she walked into my office, I was in the midst of discussing Emery’s lawsuit with Brooklyn. After the first trial, Delilah was convicted of intentional assault and sentenced to a jail term of five years. As she was still pregnant, the jury decided to postpone the jail term to a year later. However, we all thought that this was not the result we wanted.

Someone like Delilah would not stop at harming others as long as she had the chance to continue. I had hoped that she would be thrown into jail immediately. After all, the environment there was much

different than bygone eras. Even though the prisoners needed to serve their sentence and work there, they could still enjoy basic human rights. If she was there, she would still be able to have her child.

“Ms. Stovall, you have a guest,” announced the secretary as she knocked on the door. We raised our heads and glanced over, spotting Thora standing at the door.

Our gazes met and Thora flashed me a slight smile. Just like during the party, she seemed friendly yet distant at the same time.

Then, I turned my gaze behind her and noticed that she did not bring anyone along with her. I thought that it was quite bold of her to come here all on her own.

“Let’s wrap it up here. We’ll discuss the remaining details next time.” After dismissing Brooklyn, I invited Thora in. “Sorry for making you wait, Ms. Ziegler. Come in and have a seat.”

Immediately after sitting down, Thora made her intention of coming clear. “I won’t beat around the bush. I’d like to buy all the Fuller Corporation stocks you have. Just quote a price. I won’t negotiate at all.”

I heaved a sigh. Leaning against my chair, I scrutinized her with narrowed eyes. As expected of the most powerful woman in K City. She sounds like she’s certain of her success. It’s definitely a good experience to do business with her.

In love, never say never chapter 1295

Unfortunately, I was not a businesswoman nor did I have the intention to collaborate with her.

After a moment of silence, I smiled and made an outrageous quote, “Thirty billion, then.”

Thora immediately lowered her head and chuckled. “You’re so funny, Ms. Stovall. Fuller Corporation’s assets don’t even exceed a billion. It doesn’t seem appropriate that you’d quote such a price.”

“Is that so…” I placed my arms on the table and propped my chin up. After pretending to rack my brains for a while, I raised my eyes and asked innocently, “Didn’t you say that I can quote any price that I want?”

When Thora heard that, a stunned expression crossed her face and a look of suspicion flashed across her eyes. It was as if she was doubting my intelligence.

Her offer to quote my own price was merely empty words. People who made such an offer were trying to seek a sense of superiority while expressing their sincerity to collaborate. Furthermore, the quoted price had to fall within fifty percent of the reasonable range. This was an unspoken rule in the industry. Although the person that made the offer would have to sacrifice more, both would be willing parties. After all, no one would go against money.

However, I took her words seriously that day.

George had transferred Fuller Corporation’s stocks to me. Although I did not own as much as Ashton, the stocks probably amounted to around five hundred million, considering how much Fuller Corporation had developed. Yet, I quoted a price of thirty billion, which was six times the market price. Thora was polite enough to merely remark that it “doesn’t seem appropriate,” but others who were more hot- headed would have accused me of scamming them.

Thora calmed herself down and asked impatiently, “What about eight billion?”

It was the highest price within the reasonable range. Plus, she even threw in an additional five hundred million. I had to admit that it was quite a tempting offer.

However, the fact that she wanted the stocks at all costs implied that there was an ulterior motive behind her actions.

After thinking about it, I leaned back and spread my hands. “I’m not selling them.”

I paused for a while and looked at Thora’s unreadable gaze. Smiling, I said smugly, “Although my marriage with Ashton ended in failure, I’m not a fool. With his capabilities, Fuller Corporation will only become better and better. I can get far more than eight billion. Why should I pass such an opportune path of success to someone else?”

Thora probably did not expect a spoilt woman like me to be so difficult to deal with.

“Ten billion. And we’ll sign the contract today,” declared Thora, giving it her all. She narrowed her alluring eyes as a sharp look crept into them. “It’s true that Fuller Corporation has great potential to expand, but it’ll need a powerful force to back them up. Ashton can’t do that alone, but I can. Ms. Stovall, nothing in this world can be gain without putting in the effort. If you refuse to sell your stocks, Fuller Corporation might lose its best investor. By then, you might even lose your current five hundred million, let alone the ten billion I’m offering you now. It’s better if you consider it wisely.”

To be honest, her words were quite persuasive. If George hadn’t been the one to entrust them to me, I would have been tempted.

Looking at her sincere expression, I feigned a look of revelation. My ignorant act was quite convincing.

When Thora’s expression relaxed slightly, I smirked and continued with my stubborn insistence. “I’ve thought it through, and I still won’t sell them.”

Afraid that she could not hear me clearly, I deliberately articulated every single word. “Ms. Ziegler, you know very well that with the support of the Stovall and Moore family, I don’t lack money. I don’t need to sell my stocks to sustain myself. In fact, you just reminded me. Although Fuller Corporation is only confined to the national market now, you’re already yearning to buy its stocks at all costs. When Fuller Corporation catches the eye of investors and bankers at Wall Street in the future, I’m afraid that demand for its stocks will exceed its supply significantly. No amount of money can buy them. If that’s the case, why should I sell them?”

Thora’s face clouded over when she heard that. As she stared at me with her intelligent gaze, a look of fury flashed across her eyes. “You’re smarter than I imagined.”


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