In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1296-1297-1298-1299-1300

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1296-1297-1298-1299-1300

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1296-1297-1298-1299-1300

I pursed my lips and gave no reply.

Indeed, a woman who took the words “quote your own price” at face value seriously should not be smart enough to hoard Fuller Corporation’s stocks. However, I needed to thank Thora for indirectly giving me an excuse. Otherwise, I would not be able to find a reason to reject the extra two billion she offered for no reason.

Our gazes locked for a while before Thora suddenly looked like she remembered something. She stood up abruptly, grabbed her bag, and turned around. After she took a few steps, she froze in her tracks and glanced back at me coldly. “I’ll change your mind.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I pretended to look listless and leaned against my chair, looking like an ignorant hooligan.

Not staying for long, Thora exited the room.

Immediately afterward, I dialed Ashton’s personal number.

When he picked up the call, he spoke before me. “Did Thora look for you?”

I smiled and nodded. “You’ve already guessed it?”

“Pitcoin is so profitable now, but the Ziegler family can’t dabble in it. Considering how strong-headed Thora is, she’ll definitely not let this opportunity go. But since this is such a risky investment, she can’t possibly involve her company in it. Naturally, she’d want to use me. Since you’re the second-largest shareholder in the company, there’s no one else who she’ll look for,” explained Ashton calmly.

However, I was still puzzled. “Didn’t the Ziegler family collaborated with the Trivett family previously? Why didn’t the Trivett family rope them into partaking in such a profitable opportunity?”

It was only after listening to Ashton’s explanation that I understood the reason why the Trivett family fell out with the Ziegler family. It was all because of Mitchell.

Carolyn, the youngest daughter in the Trivett family, was a lively, smart, and beautiful girl. Everyone in the family adored and doted on her. It was also precisely because of that that her personality was quite wild and proud—she could not stand any injustices at all. Back then, Mitchell’s horrible reputation was already known to all. To protect her, the Trivetts carefully prevented her from meeting him. They even chose the second-best elite school in the city so that they could avoid the unfortunate incident of Mitchell taking a liking to Carolyn.

However, K City was not exactly a large place. The children in the upper-class society usually frequented the same few places. At the birthday party of the son of a listed company’s president, Mitchell met Carolyn and a conflict broke out. Yearning for revenge, Mitchell stopped the Trivetts’ car the next day, kidnapped Carolyn, and forced himself upon her.

After the incident, the Trivetts sent Carolyn overseas and cut off all ties with the Ziegler family.

“Mitchell really sabotaged his family a lot, huh?” I could not help but lament.

“He’s irrelevant. Mentioning him will only ruin our mood.” Ashton sounded like he was short on time and immediately changed the topic. “Thora won’t give up so easily. She might have some other tricks up her sleeve, so be on your guard.”

“Okay.” I knew that he was worried, but I did not want him to tire himself out excessively. Hence, I said jokingly, “You’ve personally tested Millie’s capabilities. The Stovall family has also sent a bunch of bodyguards to protect me. I doubt anyone can harm me. On the other hand, are you sure that you want to be involved in Pitcoin?”

Pitcoin was quite a shady transaction. Naturally, I did not support it. If Ashton had other plans in mind, I needed to know them well so that I could react accordingly when I was up against Thora.

“What do you think? With both our capabilities combined, is there a need for us to seek such quick profits?” Ashton’s light-hearted tone made me feel much more relieved.

It was rare to see Ashton so proud. Laughing, I said, “I know what to do now.”

After a slight pause, an ingenious idea surfaced in my mind. “Since Thora wants to be involved in Pitcoin at all costs, why don’t we play along with her and sabotage her plan?”

When Ashton heard that, he suddenly chuckled.

“Why are you laughing?” I was a bit puzzled. After all, in my point of view, it was always better to make the first move.

In love, never say never chapter 1297

“I’m thinking that after you gave birth to Audrey and Gregory, you can read my mind so well. We share the same idea of sabotaging the Trivetts,” replied Ashton with a smile.

It was a great honor to get Ashton’s approval. Feigning smugness, I said, “Yeah, I’m very smart now, so you best be careful. If I discover that you’re being unfaithful… Well, let’s just say you’ll be in a world of hurt!”

“Okay, that’s enough. I have a meeting later. With regards to dealing with the Ziegler and Trivett families, I haven’t thought of the exact plan yet. So, you should just observe the situation for the time being.”

Immediately after he spoke, I could hear Joseph urging him over the phone. The call ended then.

I placed the phone down and glanced at the WhatsApp chat on the screen, feeling glum. That man even timed his calls precisely, not wanting to waste a single second.

Forget it, I’ll let him off the hook this time. After we finish settling this mess, we’ll have nice days to look forward to in the future.

Barely three hours after Thora left, loud arguments could be heard from outside the law firm.

As the law firm was registered under Stovall Corporation, no one in their right mind would dare to seek trouble there. However, the argument persisted for a while, even prompting Brooklyn to intervene. Despite so, he did not manage to resolve it and the conflict simply continued.

Unable to hold myself back, I opened the door to take a look.

Brooklyn and a few other employees were in the corridor outside the pantry. They were surrounding a bespectacled man wearing a grey suit. He looked quite grim, more like an unsatisfied client than a troublemaker.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with a smile, walking over and maintaining my composure as the boss.

When everyone heard my voice, they glanced at me. The man adjusted his glasses and scrutinized me with a gloomy gaze.

Brooklyn strode toward me and whispered, “This client has a dispute with the Ziegler family. You instructed us to stay in line with our business and not offend those few families for the time being. I wanted to turn him away politely, but he refuses to leave. He even threatened that he’ll file a complaint against us to the lawyers association.”

I glanced at the bespectacled man and nodded in acknowledgment.

“So, It looks like you’re the boss here, huh?” asked the man with a solemn look.

“Indeed.” I smiled and pointed at my office. “Why don’t you discuss with me in my office? I still have other clients here, so it’s best to not make a scene.”

Thinking that the enemy of an enemy was a friend. I wanted to find out why exactly he came to the Stovall family’s law firm.

The man contemplated for a while before walking toward my office.

When he sat down, he said, “Since you allowed me to stay, it means that your law firm is prepared to accept my case, right?”

He sat in front of me with his legs crossed and hands placed on his knees. Twiddling his fingers leisurely, he did not look like an average man.

After casting my gaze downward and thinking about it, I asked calmly, “How may I address you, sir?”

“Bison Queen,” he replied.


Perhaps it had something to do with my recent tendency to be hasty, but when I heard the name, I could not help but raise my eyebrows in surprise.

The name “Bison” did not really suit such a gentle-looking man like him.

As if he could read my mind, he elaborated, “I know what you’re thinking about. It’s Bryson, not Bison. My name’s not that lame.”

I felt embarrassed that he managed to expose my thought so quickly. “I’m sorry.”

“Forget it, you’re not the first one to mishear my name. A rich guy like me doesn’t care about these trivialities,” remarked Bryson in a half-joking tone, not bothered by it at all. He then changed the topic. “Let’s cut the crap and go straight to discussing the lawsuit. Your law firm isn’t a fraud, right?”

I was at a loss for words.

As expected, one’s appearance was deceiving. Although he looked like a gentleman, I could immediately tell that he was a wealthy man the moment he spoke. What a drastic contrast…

In love, never say never chapter 1298

“Haha,” I smiled, adjusted my emotions, and turned to ask Brooklyn, “why did Mr. Queen file a lawsuit against Ziegler Corporation?”

Brooklyn looked at Bryson helplessly, then lowered his head and explained in a polite tone. “There is an investment company under Ziegler Corporation that deals with stocks and funds. Two months ago, Mr. Queen invested in some commodity futures that amounted to around two hundred million following the suggestion of a top investment agent.

However, in only one month’s time, he suffered a complete loss from this investment. During this time period, not even a single soul checked with him whether to sell off the futures to cut losses. After this whole event, Mr. Queen went to the investment company to demand an answer for his unreasonable loss. They refused to do anything about Mr. Queen’s loss citing the reason of the company not being responsible for unpredictable market changes.”

At the mention of his misfortune, Bryson was especially inflamed. He took off his glasses and ranted, “Damn it! I thought the Zieglers were an elite family and hoped to make friends with them. That was the reason I gave all that money to the Ziegler woman without worry. Who would have foreseen that it was a trap?

I went all the way to their company, waited a whole day, and that wretched woman didn’t even bother to appear. Whatever it is, I am a director of a listed company, so she’s definitely looking down on me! I will remember this! I am not a Queen if I don’t make them pay!”

I was taken aback. I have only heard one person speak in this manner, and that was John. There was someone like him in K City? Why haven’t I heard anybody mention him before?

Looking at Bryson, I suddenly felt a slight regret at not having met him earlier.

Based on my first impression of him, there was nothing especially remarkable about Bryson. Nonetheless, his daring attitude toward Thora made him a person worth befriending.

“Alright, I understand. Don’t worry, Mr. Queen. We will take up your case, and assign our best lawyer to you. If that arrangement doesn’t work for you, I shall represent you myself,” I offered generously.

“Really?” Bryson looked at me skeptically. He lowered his head; his cunning fox-like eyes flickered rapidly. “It seems what was said in the magazine was right…” He mumbled to himself.

He said it at a very low volume, but my ears caught the intriguing statement. Therefore, I gossiped unabashedly. “What did the magazine say?”

Bryson paused for a beat, then collected himself and put his glasses back on. Grinning cheerfully, he answered, “It said that the Stovall family had a bone to pick with the Ziegler family and that you were always on the lookout to stir up trouble for them.

Going by this logic, it made sense to contact the Stovall family. By the looks of it, the magazine had been spot on. I have already made it known since a month ago that money is not an issue as long as I can win the lawsuit against the Ziegler family and embarrass them. Up until now, you are the only one daring enough to take up my case.”

What Bryson talked about was probably the whole ruckus that John stirred up to deal with Mitchell. It was no longer a trending topic, but some small publications were still milking and sensationalizing this incident to sell their magazines.

Whoever gave Bryson the idea must have intended to land a blow on the Ziegler family by using the Stovall family, and they could avoid landing themselves in hot water at the same time. Yet, Bryson told us everything up front. He was evidently quite frank and not a manipulative person.

This type of people was actually the easiest to deal with.

I smiled and courteously replied, “The Stovall and Ziegler families did have a small misunderstanding. However, it’s not to the extent of having bad blood. Since both of our families are running businesses in K City, we are bound to have dealings with each other. It would be impossible to cut all ties. But let me clarify what I heard just now. You said that as long as we win the lawsuit, we can ask for any price. Did you really mean it?”

People who had dealings in the corporate world have to be cautious and versatile, especially those from prominent families. Even if two families could no longer tolerate each other, they would not make it obvious to the public. Saving face for one another is crucial because enemies could become friends under other circumstances. No one would opt to burn down all their bridges.

Still, no one was willing to take up Bryson’s case except for me. The message that I was sending out by doing this was clear as day.

Bryson may be a straightforward person, but he got my hint and guffawed. “Don’t worry about that for I have done my survey around for a bit. As long as we manage to win the lawsuit, even the worst outcome would call for Thora to pay a hundred million. You can have all of it by that time. What I want is just the thrill from seeing her atone for her wrongdoing!”

In love, never say never chapter 1299

What Bryson said was very much to my liking.

“Here’s to working together.”

After shaking hands, this whole arrangement was thus confirmed.

As I sent Bryson downstairs, he kept holding on to my hand, saying a million thanks. “Ms. Stovall, from today onwards, we are good friends. If you need anything in the future, do not hesitate to ask me!”

“I won’t hold back when the time comes, thank you.” I sent Bryson away with a huge smile. My mood lightened considerably.

Although he did not speak in a cultured and refined manner, he wore his heart on his sleeve. Socializing with a person like this was not taxing, as I didn’t need to beat around the bush.

“Shouldn’t we inform Mr. Stovall about this matter first?” Brooklyn suddenly appeared by my side and reminded me.

I tilted my head toward him, then directed my gaze to Bryson’s conspicuous Cayenne. In a relaxed tone, I said, “There’s no hurry. I will inform him myself. He would be interested to know about this.”

In the evening, I purposely got off from work earlier. Before going home, I picked up Summer and went to the supermarket to get ingredients for cooking dinner.

Out of habit, I left Ashton a message to invite him to drop by for dinner prior to cooking. As for whether he could make it or not, it would depend on his schedule for the day. With Millie around, I could see him almost every day. Hence, it was not a must for him to come over.

Louis was temporarily staying at the hostel because of the Pitcoin issues. Because of that, there were only four of us at the dining table during dinner.

As soon as I sat down, I took an abalone and gave it to John. “Give it a taste. Let me know if my cooking skills have deteriorated.” I did my best to please him.

John peered at the abalone on his plate and raised a brow. “My my, this is a rarity. I didn’t think that you would be in the mood to cook when Ashton is not around.”

With his eyebrows scrunched, he narrowed his eyes at me. Then, he crossed his arms and lazily leaned against the back of his chair. “This is too good to be true. Spit it out! What the devil are you up to this time?” he queried.

“Devil!” Summer gasped. “Mommy, where’s the devil?” She was scared at the mention of the word ‘devil’ and looked at me with watery eyes pleading for help.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I patted her on the top of her head lightly to comfort her. “There is no actual devil! What Uncle John means is that our Summer is so smart that she’s a cute little devil!”

“Really? Hehe, thank you, Uncle John!” Summer seemed relieved and smiled contentedly. The next moment, she tilted her little head as she recalled something. “Mr. Cress praises me for being smart too!” she boasted proudly.

John, on the other hand, was unhappy after hearing this. “Mr. Cress again! Summer, isn’t Uncle John your favorite man?”

“Summer likes Daddy the most! Uncle John and Mr. Cress are second!” She exclaimed loudly while looking at me, as though she wanted my acknowledgment.

“Oh? Did Uncle John not treat you well? Is that why I am in second place along with another person?” John seemed to be jealous, so he continued asking Summer about it persistently.

“Um…” Summer was in a pinch now. Looking at John innocently, she fell into deep thought. After quite some time, she started muttering to herself. “Summer likes Uncle John, and Mr. Cress too. I like them both all the same…”

Her tiny face was scrunched up with conflict. She looked like a little grown-up when she seriously considered who was her favorite person. Seeing my little Summer being forced to make such a difficult

decision, I felt pitiful for her.

“My dear Summer, you don’t have to choose and make a ranking out of it. Just follow whatever your heart tells you. As long as you are happy, it’s okay. Do you understand?” I comforted her softly.

Summer raised her head to look at me, and I could see the confusion in her eyes. I was not sure whether she understood me, but she nodded earnestly and replied, “Yes, Mommy! I understand.”

She would slowly understand as she grew up. Explaining too much right now would just increase her mental burden. I quickly gave Summer the green pea fritters which were her favorite and signaled at Emma to look after Summer. With that, we diverted Summer’s attention.

Glancing to the other end of the table, a sullen John entered my vision.

I couldn’t help but poke fun at him. “Did you really have to compare yourself against her teacher?”

John’s eyes narrowed. He lifted a hand to his chin and started analyzing in all seriousness. “She just started primary school, and my place in her heart was quickly replaced by a teacher. This person must be something else. I have to go see for myself. You don’t need to go pick up Summer tomorrow. I’ll go instead.”

In love, never say never chapter 1300

“What do you plan to do? Don’t scare the teacher. I’ve already asked Emery to check and Mr. Cress isn’t a bad person. It’s not easy for Summer to open up to someone. You better not mess it up,” I nagged.

“Alright, I know what to do,” said John, waving his hand dismissively. He immediately changed the topic. “Let’s talk about your business. You haven’t asked me to do anything in quite a while. What do you have for me this time?”

“I knew I couldn’t hide it from you.” I shrugged and lifted my wine glass to toast him. “Teach me how to do business!”

“Business? What kind of business? Aren’t you the boss of a law firm now? On top of that, you are also the lady boss of Fuller Corporation. What else can I teach you?” John was teasing me. His shrewd eyes scrutinizing me closely, like he was trying to look into my soul.

I pursed my lips and put down my glass. I responded with a laugh, “Since I took the initiative to talk to you about it, it’s definitely not a small business. You’ll help me, won’t you?”

John took in a deep breath. “Are you short of money lately?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes! Very!” I nodded vehemently.

To put things into perspective, hiring a mercenary of Millie’s caliber was way more costly than hiring a high-level manager in Ashton’s corporation. In addition to that, I hired a small team of bodyguards to protect Summer. That was a huge expense for me too.

However, my main objective for collaborating with John was not to make money. In fact, I needed John’s network of contacts to get a chance to approach the Trivetts.

John’s incredulity went up a notch after hearing what I had said. He looked at me like I was some sort of prehistoric creature. From his expression of disbelief, you could hear his thought without him saying it out loud – Are you kidding me?

To be fair, I was the second major shareholder of Fuller Corporation, a daughter of the Stovall family, and I had financial backing from Cameron and Zachary Moore. If a person like me was short of money, then the rest of the population would all be poverty-stricken.

After being stared at for a while, I shifted my gaze out of guilt. “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. Pitcoin came to Ashton and I need to see the perpetrator who started all of this.”

“You want to get close to Herman Trivett?” John’s expression suddenly changed to a stern one, and he rejected me in a heartbeat. “No way.”

The smile on my face froze. “Why?”

John’s face darkened, and he didn’t bother to be polite anymore. “Scarlett, you are awfully full of yourself, aren’t you? I opened up a law firm for you and let you have a job. I did all this so that you could settle down, not for you to use it as a platform to act recklessly!”

I swallowed the words that were at the tip of my tongue after getting reprimanded by him all of a sudden. The atmosphere at the dining table became tense instantly.

Although he said it in a harsh way, I understood clearly that he was just too concerned about my safety.

Pondering the issue for a while, I lifted my phone and dialed Millie’s number.

The call got through immediately. “What’s up?”

“Come in for a while. I’m at the dining room.”

With that, I hung up. John and I faced each other squarely. I waited in silence.

In less than a minute, footsteps were heard from upstairs. John and I looked toward the direction of the sound and saw Millie walk down the stairs nonchalantly with her hand on the railing.

She was halfway down, and then she stopped. Her distant eyes lifted and peered down at us arrogantly.

“What’s going on?” asked John anxiously. “Isn’t this the secretary that you recently hired? When did she come in?”

“That’s right, I hired Millie. However, her main task is not secretarial work. Instead, it is to protect me.” I explained.

John stared at me suspiciously. I could see him analyzing the credibility of what I said.

To assure him, I further explained, “The security in the Stovall residence is tight, but Millie managed to appear before us without alerting anybody at all. You should believe that she is perfectly capable of keeping me safe.”

John did not reply, which probably indicated that he was convinced.

“Do you want to eat with us?” I asked Millie.

“Is there anything else?” Millie’s expression was as cold as ice. She completely ignored my question.

“No,” I replied. I felt guilty for asking her to appear on a whim just to prove her capability to John. “It’s kind of cold outside. Why don’t you have some food to keep warm?”


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