In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 846-847-848-849-850

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 846-847-848-849-850

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 846-847-848-849-850

Cameron had just finished preparing meals in the kitchen. I thought for a while and looked at her. “Mom, I’m going to Fuller Corporation later. I was thinking of bringing lunch over for Ashton as well. Do we have any containers at home?”

She nodded with a delightful smile. “Yes! Of course we do. We have plenty of it. I think we even have some insulated lunchboxes at home. Let me get them for you!”

Not long after, she brought out an exquisite and classy-looking lunchbox. It came with three separate compartments with a superior heat retention function.

Probably in a good mood, Cameron made a lot of dishes. After packing lunch for Ashton, Emery came downstairs with Xavier in her arms and asked, “Who is that for?”

“It’s Letty. She’s bringing lunch for Ashton.”

Emery took a look at me and said, “Why don’t you prepare one more set? There’s a lot of lunchboxes at home. Wouldn’t it be better for you to head over and have lunch together with him? Otherwise, he would be starving if he were to wait for you to finish your lunch at home first.”

Worried that I would be hungry, Cameron disagreed with what Emery said. “It won’t take too much time for her to have her lunch first anyway.”

Thinking that Emery actually got a point there, I nodded and said, “Mom, please prepare one more set for me!”

I parked my car outside of Fuller Corporation and gave Joseph a call. In no time, he picked up my call. “Hello, Mrs. Fuller.”

“Mr. Campbell, is Ashton busy? I’m in front of the company. I was wondering if he already had lunch? I actually brought him some food.” I was a little nervous.

Joseph was silent for a while before he answered, “Mr. Fuller is in a meeting. I’ll come down and get you in. Mrs. Fuller, please wait for a moment.”

A few minutes later, Joseph came downstairs. He trotted toward me and took the lunchboxes from me. He smiled, “Mr. Fuller will definitely be happy to see you here!”

I put on a guilty smile because I felt like I should be apologizing for causing trouble.

In Ashton’s office, Joseph told me to wait for a while as Ashton was still in a meeting. Sitting alone in the big office, I couldn’t help but look around at my surroundings. It seemed that the office had been refurbished and upgraded in a brand new style. The interior was designed and decorated in a black and white theme. It was minimalistic yet elegant.

There was a bookshelf in the visitors’ room, with some collectible books on it. Some of the books were probably being held quite often as they were worn and torn. Despite having some flaws, it didn’t negatively affect its value.

Noticing how there weren’t any plants in his office, I couldn’t help but feel a little confused. Hence, I asked the secretary when she brought me tea, “Why aren’t there any plants in Mr. Fuller’s office?”

The secretary froze for a moment. Then, she lowered her head and answered, “Mr. Campbell said it was an order from Mr. Fuller. He said no plants are allowed in his office because you don’t like them. I heard that Ms. Ludwick, his former secretary had really pissed you off before. Therefore, Mr. Fuller has never put any plants in his office since then.”

After finishing her words, the secretary stuck her tongue out mischievously and smiled as she left.

Kristina was Ashton’s secretary back in J City. During that time, she decorated Ashton’s office with a lot of plants. Having known her evil intentions, I lost my temper and threw a tantrum at Ashton. Huh… I didn’t expect him to remember that. He even prohibited them from placing any plants up till now.

Several minutes later, when I was about to doze off, Ashton opened the door and walked in.

He was smiling and looking at me with fondness in his eyes. I started a conversation with a sense of guilt, “My mom said she didn’t manage to ask you to stay for lunch since you left in a rush just now. So, she wanted me to bring you lunch.”

He nodded and simply looked at me without saying another word. Then, he cast his gaze on the two lunchboxes.

I hesitated for a moment, “I…”

“Right… So, why are there two lunchboxes, then?” He raised his brows slightly as he looked at me. “Could it be that you’re going to have lunch with me?”

We just had an argument earlier. Even though I knew that it was actually my fault, I was still too embarrassed to apologize and make up with him. “Nope. It’s all for you!” I said since I wasn’t hungry anyway.

He simply hummed in acknowledgment. After that, he sat next to me and started opening the lunchboxes. It was two portions of the same dishes. He took everything out and put the cutlery in front of me. “Let’s eat!”

I pursed my lips. “I’m not hungry. You can have it!”

He gave me a sideways glance. “Are you trying to raise a pig or something?”

Dumbstruck for a moment, I stared at him blankly before I came to a sudden realization that he was saying that he couldn’t finish the food on his own and that I was treating him like a pig for giving him two helpings of food.

I blushed immediately. In the end, I lowered my head before picking up the fork and started eating.

After a moment of silence, I took the initiative to break it. In all seriousness, I said, “Ashton, I’m sorry!”

Ashton simply glanced briefly at me for my inexplicable sudden apology. Then, he nodded, “Alright, I got it.”

What? That’s all?

My lips twitched. How can he act in such a perfunctory manner? I struggled for a while and finally decided to apologize, but he’s brushing me off like that? Is there nothing else he can say?

I couldn’t help but sigh at the thought. I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or upset.

After having a taste of every dish on the table, he stared at me with his dark eyes. “Are you coming home with me tonight?”

Even though it was a question, it somehow felt like an order to me. I was shocked for a moment but I did not reject him instantly. “I just got back to the Moore Residence and I want to try and get along with them. I’ve been thinking about this when I was in the morgue. That if I had the chance, I would love to be with them. I wanted to tell them that I actually love them very much and I really wanted to spend more time with them. Ashton, I know that I’m not the perfect daughter. However, I’m still an ordinary human after all. I need love and affection from parents as well, just like every other person.”

In love, never say never chapter 847

He fixed me with an intense gaze. He remained silent for quite a long while before he nodded. “Alright. But don’t leave me suffering alone for too long.”

Suffering? He just said it was suffering instead of waiting. I guess it must be tormenting to him to keep waiting for me.

I simply stared at him blankly. In the few days that I had not seen him, I could see his eyes were now filled with sorrow and loneliness. Moreover, he was acting like a misanthrope, looking haggard and lonesome.

My heart ached to see him like that. Instinctively, I reached out my hands and stroke the spot between his brows. I muttered, “Are you feeling tired recently?”

He held my hands, his gaze softening. “It’s normal.”

Just then, I realized that I had never truly cared for him before. I leaned into his arms and hugged him. I asked, “Ashton, do you think I’m failing as a wife?”

He brushed the hair off my forehead gently. Feeling a little surprised to hear my question, he said, “Why do you keep denying and doubting yourself? Scarlett, this is all just part of our growth. We’re slowly helping each other grow.”

I nodded and leaned against his chest. Listening to the sound of his heartbeat, I asked, “Do you want to stay in Moore Residence for the time being? The Lavelian Village project is not completed yet. So, I will still have to go back there after Independence Day. I knew there’s a lot of things you need to deal with in Fuller Corporation. I can’t help you much, but at least I can give you a massage when you get home at night. Besides, my mom can also cook delicious food for you. What do you think?”

He held me up from his arms. He then cupped my face and smiled gently. “So, does that mean I am marrying into the Moore family?”

I smiled faintly and said, “Well, according to R Province culture, there is no such thing as a man marrying into the wife’s family. As long as the couple gets married, they become a family.”

He simply grinned in response. Perhaps he hadn’t been sleeping well lately, but the moment we were done with lunch, he dragged me into the private restroom for a rest. Soon, he fell asleep. My heart

couldn’t help but hurt a little to see him sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, Joseph’s voice came from the door. I stood up and walked out of the private restroom. Joseph was putting some documents on Ashton’s desk. Upon seeing me, he said, “This is the quarterly report from HiTech. Please tell Mr. Fuller to take a look at the report after he wakes up.”

I nodded and stared at him. “Joseph, can I ask you something?”

He gave me a nod. “Of course, Mrs. Fuller. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know.”

“In regard to the base in Lavelian Village, have you looked into what Ashton told you to? Did you find out anything?” Although I was quite busy recently, I still kept that in mind.

Joseph was shocked, but he managed to recompose himself in a moment. He answered, “I’ve investigated on that matter. However, it is just an ordinary soundproofing system. Mrs. Fuller, please don’t worry about it.” He left after giving me the brief explanation.

If I was being honest, I didn’t buy into his explanation. It was obvious that the base wasn’t as ordinary as we saw. But seeing Joseph’s reaction, I decided not to ask any further.

Not long after, Ashton came out from the private restroom. I raised my head to take a look at the time, and I realized he only slept for a few minutes. I couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you rest a while more? It’s only been few minutes.”

He hugged me tightly in his arms before answering me with his raspy voice, “I can’t sleep well without you beside me.”

I noticed that Ashton was getting better at sweet-talking. I had never thought that I would be this happy to hear those words coming out of his mouth.

I let him hug me. He whispered in my ear, “Won’t you have dinner with me tonight?”

Initially, I wanted to say yes. However, I recalled that I had already promised John in the morning. I couldn’t help but feel sorry. “I’m meeting John tonight for dinner. He seemed to be in a bad mood. I think he got into a fight with Hannah.”

Ashton immediately said, “So? What’s that got to do with you? Are you a trash can? Is he looking for you just because he wants to dump his negativity on you?”

I froze and put my hands on his waist. I replied in a sulky manner, “What are you saying? Everyone has bad moments in life. Besides, it’s been a while since I saw my brother. Shouldn’t I be meeting him at least once since I just came back here?”

He rested his chin on my shoulder. His tall and slender body was hunched over, making him look like a mischievous kid who was throwing a tantrum. “You can have dinner with him, but only if you bring me along. I don’t want to eat alone!”

I nodded and chuckled lightly. “Alright then.”

Staying by Ashton’s side and watching him work was a pleasure that I had never discovered before. As I observed him silently, I noticed how elegant the man looked with his every movement.

I couldn’t help but feel blessed to be able to witness such a charming sight.

He put down the fountain pen in his hand and raised his eyes. Looking at me with his dark eyes, he parted his thin lips and uttered, “Come here.”

As if hypnotized, I got up and walked toward him instantly. Ashton curled his lips and pulled me onto his lap. Then, he wrapped his arms around me and raised his brows. “Are you enjoying the view?”

I blushed and nodded my head. “Yes.”

He seemed delighted by my answer. He broke into a gleeful grin. “Well, feel free to gaze at me all you want when we get home later at night. For now, you have to restrain yourself a little. I still need to work, and with you staring at me like that, I won’t be able to focus on my work at all.”

In love, never say never chapter 848

I didn’t understand what he meant until I felt something hard in between his legs. My face flushed crimson and I struggled to get up but he stopped me. He took a long deep breath and asked in a hoarse voice, “Where are you going?”

I lowered my head and bit my lips. “I don’t want you to get distracted by me.”

He cocked his eyebrows. “You already did.”

I froze on the spot, feeling as if I was sitting on pins and needles. He put his arms around me and did nothing but let me lean against him. With that, he went back to his work. At that moment, I felt like a child who was sitting on her father’s lap.

I dared not move at all in the beginning. But after a while, I gradually loosened up. I placed my head on his shoulder and focused on watching him while he focused on his work.

I had no idea when I fall asleep. When I came to, I was already on the bed in the private restroom. I could hear Ashton and Joseph having a conversation.

Joseph said, “The situation this time is different from before. It seems like someone is intentionally adding fuel to the fire. They are trying to defame Fuller Corporation. Thanks to those media platforms as well as social media public accounts, rumors about Fuller Corporation have been spreading like wildfire on the internet recently. They’re even publicizing rumors about you and Mrs. Fuller.”

“Huh?” Ashton was surprised.

Joseph replied, “Rumor has it that you and Mrs. Fuller were in a marriage of convenience. That both of you married for material advantages, and not for love. Moreover, they even said both of you are cheating on each other. They’re saying that you have your lover and your own family and that Mrs. Fuller is having an affair with a married man and is living a messy love life.”

My brows knitted upon hearing that. In no time, I took out my phone to look at the local news which I had not been reading for ages. Indeed, as Joseph mentioned, the media had been slandering Ashton’s and my reputation. It was such a mess.

Meanwhile, outside of the private restroom, Ashton fell silent for a few seconds before he responded. “I got it. Don’t bother with this. For now, just continue to keep a close eye on Murphy Corporation. They have been turning round and round, trying to divert attention. They must be up to something.”

“Understood,” Joseph answered.

After that, all was quiet outside. I supposed Joseph had left. Hence, I got out of bed and walked out of the private restroom. Ashton was still flipping through his documents. He raised his eyes to look at me when he heard the sound of me coming into his office. “Are you hungry?”

I shook my head and walked over to him. “Is everything okay? Is it very difficult to deal with?”

He put down his pen and stood up. After taking his car keys and jacket, he grabbed my hand. “It’s fine. Let’s go eat.”

I was stunned for a moment. However, seeing how calm he was, I had no choice but to stop saying anything further.

We got into the car. I almost forgot my dinner appointment with John. Hence, I said, “Ashton, let’s head to La Morera.”

He hummed in response. I was a little confused to see him being so calm and relaxed. “Aren’t you feeling anxious about what happened to the company? Not even a little?”

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and held my hand in the palm of his. He smiled softly, “Why? Are you worried that Fuller Corporation would get shut down and you wouldn’t be able to rely on me anymore?”

I pouted. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Don’t worry. This is all a set-up. I know what I’m doing.” His tone was indifferent, seemingly pretty confident.

There were always endless changes in the business world. It was unpredictable and one would never know what was coming next.

Hence, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Before long, the car rolled to a stop in front of La Morera. After that, we got out of the car. The restaurant that John chose looked elegant. Initially, I thought he wanted to let off steam somewhere with the ambient glow of colorful neon lights and alcohol. That way, he could drink and vent his emotions at the same time. However, I did not expect the place turned out to be such a classic and vintage style restaurant.

After entering La Morera, the waitresses who were all dressed in classy silk dresses bowed politely in unison. “Welcome!”

I followed behind Ashton and grumbled, “What is John up to? It’s just dinner! Why is he making such a big deal out of it?”

After saying John’s name, a charming lady ushered us to a private dining room on the second floor. It was a window seat by the lake. We could enjoy the magnificent view of the lake’s night scenery by looking out the window. The lights that glittered off the lake at night were scenic and picturesque and the reflection of the night sky and lights seemed to be engraved onto the crystal clear lake. Even though I simply glanced at it, I could tell that the sight was breathtaking.

John was slouching back lazily in the chair, munching on some food. He looked like a cynical and sloppy person. When he saw me and Ashton, he swept his gaze over Ashton from head to toe and clicked his tongue. “Wow, since when has Mr. Fuller become such a needy kid? Are you following your wife anywhere she goes?”

Ashton simply gave him an indifferent look and completely ignored him. Then, he sat gracefully by the window. I took a seat as well and looked at John. I couldn’t stand seeing him behave so frivolously. Thus, I asked, “What’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Looks like you’ve been doing well lately, Letty. Your face is getting rounder. it’s time for you to shed some weight.”

I was extremely annoyed with John. After not seeing him for so long, he just decided to take a dig at me the moment we meet? Hmph, I guess that must mean he’s not living that well, huh. I pursed my lips as I stared at him. “What’s with the mean words? Are you having a hard time recently? You just can’t be kind to others, can you?”

He rolled his eyes at me and said coldly, “What do you want to eat? The food here tastes really good. You should give it a try.”

In love, never say never chapter 849

As John spoke, he passed me the tablet menu for me to order.

I ordered some dishes and handed the tablet over to Ashton. After that, I looked at John. “How’s your kid doing these days? And how’s Hannah?”

“Don’t bring her up. How annoying!” he huffed. It was obvious that he was extremely upset. He looked at Ashton and asked, “Mr. Fuller, do you want a drink? They serve good Scotch Whiskey here.”

Before I could stop them, Ashton nodded and answered calmly, “Sure, let’s try it!”

John snapped his fingers. Before long, an adorable and gorgeous lady walked in, looking aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. John said, “I want to order some Scotch Whiskey. Wait, you know what, just bring me the whole bottle. I’m getting drunk tonight!”

The lady nodded in acknowledgement and left.

I had no idea what happened to John. I wanted to comfort him but I didn’t even know where to start. Therefore, I had no choice but to wait in silence.

Not long after, dinner was served along with a few bottles of Scotch Whiskey.

John immediately opened the bottle of whiskey. He didn’t even bother to pour it into a glass. Instead, he put the whole bottle of whiskey in front of Ashton and said in a rough manner, “Mr. Fuller, let’s leave those drinking etiquettes aside this time. Come on! Bottoms up!”

My eyes widened in shock. “John, are you out of your mind? This is hard liquor, it’s not a beer. Are you trying to kill him or something?”

“Come on, don’t be such a killjoy. It’s just a few sips. You’re just worried about your man, aren’t you? Fine! I’ll drink it myself, then.” John then pursed his lips and cursed at Ashton, “Such a sissy!”

I was at a loss for words. What’s gotten into John recently? Did something happen? What’s with the radical change?

Without any hesitation, Ashton immediately clinked his glass and started drinking. I was about to stop him but he interrupted, “It’ll be fine. It’s just an occasional drink.”

With that, the two men started downing bottles of whiskey together. As for me, I was completely bewildered by them.

I could tell that something had been bothering John. After all, men tended to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes during their stressful times. On the other hand, women usually reduced stress by crying or expressing their feelings verbally. Either way was fine as they wouldn’t affect physical and mental health.

At that moment, I thought I finally figured out why men often died earlier than women. It was because they were more likely to drink alcohol in excess and smoke more than women.

They drank quite a lot. John was getting himself drunk on purpose. Therefore, he kept gulping down the whiskey until he almost lost his consciousness. Not long after, he staggered to his feet and started swaying.

I was shocked when I saw how Ashton’s face was flushed red after drinking. Reckoned that he was tipsy, I raised my hand to stop him from grabbing his glass again. “Ashton, listen to me. You don’t have to keep on drinking. It’s not good for your health.”

He raised his eyes and looked up at me. With a gleeful grin, he said, “It’s no big deal!”

I furrowed my brows as I couldn’t seem to persuade him. Anger began to surge within me. “Ashton! You…”

Seeing that, he hurriedly put down the glass in his hand. A faint smile appeared on his handsome face and he said, “Alright. I’ll stop now.”

Meanwhile, John was buzzed. He rested his head and arms on the table, staring at us and mumbling with a nasal sound. “Are you guys done? I’m drinking my sorrows away here and I could use a little sympathy. Why can’t you guys give me some comfort?”

Ashton raised his brows and did not bother to respond. He rested his head on one side of his hand and looked at me as if he was enjoying the view.

I averted his gaze and looked toward John. I asked, “Did you and Hannah get into a fight? Or did you do something horrible?”

He clicked his tongue. Apparently, he was displeased. “What do you mean I did something horrible? What can I do?”

I raised my brows silently and glanced at him with an impassive expression.

He fell silent for a while. After that, he sighed slightly and took a sip of whiskey. He lowered his head for a long while and said, “Hannah wants to leave and I have no idea what I should do with the kid…”

I was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, I said seriously, “John, are you concerned about Hannah leaving? Or are you worried that the kid would grow up without a mother?”

John didn’t utter a word but gulp down a few more sips of whiskey. He sighed weakly, “The latter. The child is too young.”

I frowned. I was slightly irritated. “John, Hannah spent most of her life with you. She even gave you all her love over the years. In the end, what does she get in return? You only wanted her to stay because your child needs a mother. Then what about you? What is she to you? Is she only a tool to carry and give birth to your child? Don’t you think she had done everything a wife should?”

He looked at me with a helpless expression. He was confused and at a loss. “I’ve given her what I can, and what I should. I will not get married. Despite not being legally married to me, I have given her all I have, especially money. So why isn’t she satisfied yet? She is never going to get what she owns now from another person in her life.”

I stared at John. All of a sudden, I was speechless. Perhaps, from his point of view, he thought that what women really wanted in a relationship were material things. Men should fulfill women’s wants and needs. However, every individual was different from the others. Maybe, what Hannah really wanted wasn’t just his money.

But, I didn’t know how to explain it to John. His way of thinking was totally different from mine. There was no right or wrong. We just didn’t share the same values.

In love, never say never chapter 850

I couldn’t help but look over at the silent Ashton. “It’s getting late. Shall we head home?” I asked.

Ashton gave a curt nod as he stood up to drag me away by arm.

“I go out of my way to invite you here, and you’re leaving before you’ve even finished your meal?” John said with obvious displeasure.

“We’re going back to take care of our kid. I’m sure she must be starting to get lonely by now!” Ashton said with a smile on his face.

John glanced between Ashton and me but decided to hold his tongue. “Fine, fine. You two can stop making a show of it and go back,” he finally uttered exasperatedly.

We didn’t wait for him to change his mind and left immediately. I helped Ashton to the passenger seat as he was in no condition to drive after the drinks that he had. After that, I sat in the driver’s seat.

Ashton must have had a little too much to drink as he closed his eyes to rest right after settling down.

I started the car and couldn’t help but think of looking for Hannah one of these days to check up on her. I’d wager that she finally left John after all these years due to the disappointment building up over that period of time.

Ashton suddenly opened his eyes when we were at the traffic light. “You’re going the wrong way!” he exclaimed.

“What do you mean? We’re on the way home!” I replied with some confusion.

“Or are you heading to Moore Residence?” he said as he turned towards me.

I was stunned by the question for a moment before coming to my senses and remembering that I had promised to go back to his place earlier this afternoon. “We’re going to pick Summer up. Isn’t she still with my parents?” I answered.

He raised his eyebrows in response. “Let Summer stay at the Moore Residence then. With everything going on recently, I could use some time alone with you. Or would you not like that?”

He was obviously fishing for an answer with that last remark.

I could only nod in agreement as I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. The traffic light turned green, and I went against where I had initially wanted to go and headed back to Ashton’s villa.

It really had been a long time since I’d been to this villa, but it was still all too familiar. Ashton was obviously drunk and needed help to get on his feet, so I had to carry him all the way to the fingerprint lock to open the door. With Ashton slumped on my shoulder, it took quite some time and effort to make it to his bedroom, where I laid him on his bed before starting to leave. Suddenly, Ashton rolled over, pinning me under him. “Where are you going?” he asked drunkenly.

“We’re already home. You just lay down and rest while I go get some honeyed water,” I said with pursed lips.

The moment I tried to get up, Ashton shifted all his weight on me to stop me from leaving. “I don’t need any all that crap. I just need you here!” he said with a sly look on his face.

A sudden flash of anger rose through me. John could have gotten completely wasted for all I care, but he just had to drag Ashton into this. “Alright, I’ll be with you in a moment. Just drink some honeyed water, or you’ll just feel worse later, OK?” I sighed.

“OK!” he said while struggling to keep his eyes open.

Even though he had agreed to let me go, he was still holding onto me with the same amount of strength as before. I tried pushing him off but to no avail. “So, are we just going to stay like this all night?”

He got the hint after that and immediately let me up.

After pouring the agreed-upon beverage for him and feeding him it, Ashton closed his eyes and lay down. I wasn’t sure if he actually fell asleep by the time I got up, but seeing as it was getting late, I made a call to the Moore Residence.

The phone rang for a little bit before Cameron answered. “Scarlett! Are you coming back soon? Summer has a fever, and I was just about to call to tell you!” she said anxiously.

“Mom, we’re not heading back there tonight. Ashton and I are already at the villa, so we’ll have to leave Summer to you. She’s probably feeling ill from the changing of the seasons. She always gets a fever around this time due to the temperature difference throughout the day,” I reassured.

Summer is probably so frail due to being a premature infant. At least it’s fortunate that she always recovers after a few days into the new season.

Cameron could only give a little nod on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, I was thinking if it was because of the seasonal change as well. However, she has been getting recurrent fevers for a while, and the fever medicine only seems to help for a little. Even our family doctor has been here to prescribe some medicine for her, but she never fully recovers. Letty, are you two busy tomorrow? Why don’t you bring Summer over to the hospital for a check-up? Honestly, I’m a little worried,” she muttered quickly.

“Sure, Mom. I’ll go over first thing in the morning to take her to the hospital,” I said as I gave a nod. A little fever for children is no big deal usually. But I guess a recurrent fever that doesn’t go away is a little worrying.

I continued with some small talk before hanging up the phone.

Ashton seemed to have fallen asleep, so I went to wash up in the bathroom before getting a wet towel to wipe him down before going to bed. However, just as I was getting ready to do so, Ashton suddenly woke up and tugged on my hand with a serious expression on his face. “Scarlett, how about a kid?” he said.

I was stunned by the sudden question and couldn’t find the words to answer him. A twang of pain rose in my heart, and I could only furrow my brow and look on in silence. He must be thoroughly drunk if he’s asking me this.

Finishing his question, Ashton just closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

I sat quietly by the bedside, unable to process what he just asked. Emery had asked me a similar question before, that if I wanted another child besides Summer. But all I wanted to say at that moment

was that I wanted a child that was both mine and Ashton’s. But of course, it just wasn’t possible for my wish to come true, so I just stayed silent.


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