In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 851-852-853-854-855

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 851-852-853-854-855

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 851-852-853-854-855

I had thought that Ashton had already forgotten about the matter of having our own kid. But little did I expect, he would bring this up again when he was drunk. Obviously, a kid was something, or someone rather, that would be with you your entire life. Who wouldn’t want their own flesh and blood?

After a long silence in my own thoughts, I went and lay down beside Ashton. “Ashton, do we really need our own child?” I asked with a hoarse voice.

I couldn’t be sure whether he had heard me or not since all he gave in response was a subtle wiggling of his eyebrows amidst his slumber.

He really did have a lot to drink.

The next day, the morning light had already shined through the yellowing leaves onto the ground when Ashton woke me up.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him laying next to me, with a smile on his face.

“You’re awake!” I hoarsely exclaimed after rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Yup!” he answered with a nod and a smile.

“Does your head still hurt?” I asked as I couldn’t get what happened last night out of my mind.

He reassured me with a slight shake of his head and scooted closer to me. “Did you help me undress?” he whispered.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” I queried with some confusion.

I couldn’t help but follow his gaze onto his well-sculpted body. To my surprise, he was only dressed in his boxers and nothing else.

On top of the silence, my flushed cheeks didn’t do me any favors in hiding the awkwardness radiating from me. Trying to break the awkward atmosphere, I muttered, “Don’t get your hopes up. Nothing happened between us last night, and I didn’t do anything to you. You…”

“What about now?” he interrupted with a mischievous look on his face. Time felt like it stood still while he stared deeply at me with his jet-black eyes.

My heart skipped a beat, and without waiting for a response, he put his giant palm on my waist and got on top of me. I knew he would do this!

As for what happened next, let’s just say that Ashton’s vigor in the morning really was outside the realm of my expectations.

After I had woken up for the second time that day, I caught Ashton coming out of the bathroom in a superbly jovial mood. “So, will you come with me to the office later?” he said.

“I can’t. I promised my Mom that I would bring Summer to the hospital for a checkup as she has been getting recurrent fevers that won’t go away!” I said begrudgingly while still on the bed.

“I’ll go with you!” he responded with furrowed brows.

“It’s alright. It’s just a checkup at the hospital. Just head on over to the office yourself. I’m sure there’s a lot on your plate over there, and you don’t need to be distracted right now,” I persuaded. Even though I only said it so that we could finally get a move on with our day, I knew that all I said was true. Things at the Fuller Corporation hadn’t settled down, and I had a nagging feeling that bigger and worse things might be waiting for him.

Ashton was deep in thought contemplating what I had just said, and after a brief pause, he nodded his head in agreement.

“OK. But what about…” he tried to ask before being interrupted by his phone ringing.

I motioned for him to answer his phone, and with a curt nod, he gave my forehead a quick peck before answering his phone on the balcony. Seeing as he was occupied, I took this chance to head on over to the bathroom.

After I finished my morning routine, I noticed that Ashton had left the clothes from the night before in the bathroom, so I picked them up and took them to the laundry room. However, upon placing his clothes into the washer, I heard a clanking sound coming from his pile of clothes. After a brief investigation, I found the source coming from his trouser pocket and found what appeared to be some vitamins.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that they were vitamin A tablets. Why is he taking vitamins? Has he been feeling unwell lately?

Thinking it was nothing of big importance, I returned to the bedroom only to find Ashton hurriedly putting on his clothes halfway out the door. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” I asked instinctively.

“It’s nothing. It’s just something at the office. Nothing to worry about!” he reassured with a smile.

After finishing his piece, he resumed his exit through the door, but not before doing a double-take. “I’ll come back for dinner! Wait for me!” he said cheekily.

Seeing him leave in such a hurry only worried me further, so I decided to call Joseph to ask what actually had happened. However, try as I might, his phone was constantly engaged.

After contemplating my options, I decided to give Rachel a call. However, my phone rang before I had even dialed the first number. It was Emery.

“Are you OK? Where are you?” she asked immediately after I picked up.

“I’m at home right now. Why? What happened?” I answered with confusion.

“Heavens! Do you never check your phone? The entire web is abuzz with the news about Fuller Corporation, and you’re still in the dark?” she practically screamed.

Checking my phone was not a habit that I had, so I really was in the dark about anything and everything that morning.

However, her hysterics made it clear that I should check my phone now, so I did.

The headline on the news website could not be any clearer: Listed company caught infringing! Will the law treat the powerful Fuller Corporation the same as everyone else?

The headline got me in a daze, and I subconsciously clicked on it. What I found inside was that during the Lavelian Village project, the trending AI technology that was exhibited by Fuller Corporation had actually debuted in Western Europe a month before the exhibition by Fuller Corporation. Their unveiling was not well-received by the mainstream audience only because they were a small company.

In love, never say never chapter 852

However, Fuller Corporation’s AI technology had been hyped up in its initial stages, and everyone had thought that it would send Fuller Corporation which was already at its peak to an even greater stride. Now it seemed like everything was not as simple as we had thought.

Their press conference was over a month ago. This meant that Fuller Corporation would allegedly be sued for plagiarism. Normally, a hefty fine would be imposed under these circumstances, but that would only be a minor problem. The major problem would be whether Fuller Corporation’s reputation could survive this crisis.

Ashton had ventured into AI to diversify the projects that they could take on in the future since the market was an ever-changing tapestry. The real estate market that George built his empire upon was already a red ocean. The best that they could do was only to sustain the business and, at best, earn meager money from it. Ashton foresaw that it would be near impossible to achieve greater strides in the same sector. Hence, Fuller Corporation’s investment in AI technology aimed to better serve the ever- developing market.

There was no time to explain everything to Emery. I hung up the phone and went over to Fuller Corporation immediately.

Once there, I noticed that reporters from various different media outlets were already crowding the Fuller Corporation building. It was impossible for me to drive past the crowd. Hence, I got off the car and planned to sneak inside the building.

However, to my dismay, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, “It’s Mrs. Fuller! She’s here!”

The exclamation sent the crowd into a frenzy. Before I could react, blinding flashlights hit my face as the reporters began to throw questions at me.

“Mrs. Fuller, are you aware that Mr. Fuller had plagiarized the product of CBU?”

“Is this Mr. Fuller’s doing, or is the whole Fuller Corporation also involved? How much do you know about this?”

“Mrs. Fuller, it’s rumored that you’re not working in Fuller Corporation, but your company is collaborating with your husband’s company for this project. Did the two of you conspired to anticipate huge earnings in the local market after the AI technology has been launched?”

“Mrs. Fuller, rumor has it that you’re managing all assets registered under Mr. Fuller’s name. I’d like to know, given that you’re the wife of the man who tops the billionaire rankings every year, does he extort

it all from the public?”

The questions got increasingly crude and demeaning. Swarmed by the reporters, it was impossible for me to make my way through the crowd. Exasperated at the flashing cameras that were hurting my eyes, I could no longer hold myself in. “Please do not accuse my husband and me of anything without any concrete evidence. Otherwise, I will give everything in my power to sue every single one of you for defamation!”

Seeing that my path was blocked and that there was no place else to go, I could only use my hands to shield myself from the glaring flashlights. Unfazed by my threat, a reporter provoked, “Is that your guilt talking, Mrs. Fuller? Even though we do not have any concrete evidence in hand, there is no smoke without fire. If Mr. Fuller is truly innocent, then he’d have no fear of us accusing him of such, unless he’s truly done something that he shouldn’t have. Are you putting up a farce because you know you’re in the wrong?”

Someone in the crowd pushed me, and I was knocked to the ground. Before I could react to the sudden turn of events, my hand was stepped on by someone, and I gasped from the pain.

There were just too many people around. I tried to get up as I feared being trampled over. However, no matter how hard I tried to stand back up, it was as if the swarm of people was united in their attempt to keep pushing me back down each and every time.

After a few tries, I was trampled over and suffered a few kicks here and there. All of a sudden, the reporters swarming me fanned out, and the air grew still.

I lifted my head in response and fixed my gaze on the entrance of Fuller Corporation. Ashton walked out of the entrance with a cold, hard look on his face, flanked by the top management of Fuller Corporation.

As the reporters had fanned out all at once, I was left sprawled on the ground in everyone’s plain sight. It wasn’t hard to imagine how disheveled and shabby I looked to him and everyone else.

The surrounding temperature dropped several degrees with the frigid look on Ashton’s face. The man was burning with fury as he approached me. He shot his icy gaze at the reporters surrounding us, eliciting gasps from the crowd.

He pulled me up from the ground and held me in his arms. His usual gentle voice rang in my ears, “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “I’m fine!”

He nodded as well before he scanned the surroundings with his dark eyes. It was apparent that he was demanding retribution from the demeaning crowd.

“I am very honored that you guys had taken the time and effort to crowd the building of my company. However, there is no good reason for all of you to inflict injury on my wife, and I expect an explanation from all of you for that. Please go back. You guys are only qualified to interview me when you have a job.” Ashton did not raise an octave, nor were his words crude, but it was obvious that his words were a warning to them. Even though I did not quite understand what he meant, I could tell that the lot of reporters had picked up on what he was trying to say judging by the looks on their faces.

With that, Ashton took my hand and headed for his office. he then ordered Joseph to fetch him a first aid kit. He got me to sit on the sofa and tended to my wound in silence.

In love, never say never chapter 853

My knees and arms were bloody from being knocked to the ground, and my body was covered in dust.

I was lucky that these were only superficial wounds. Ashton lowered his head and tended to my wounds. There was a hint of anger on his perfectly sculpted face. His anger became even more obvious when I flinched as he was sanitizing my wounds with iodine solution.

He lifted his head and looked at me as he asked in a low voice, “Does it hurt?”

I shook my head and managed a slight smile. “Not really!” I wasn’t lying. After all, they were just external wounds, so it was nothing unbearable.

He pursed his lips and continued to work on my wounds. I knew he was mad at me for not staying at home.

Ashton had not said a single word even after he was done with my wounds. Just then, Joseph sent over some clothes for me to change into. He tried to say something but he bit his tongue at the sight of his boss.

Ashton turned to look at me. “Can you change on your own?”

I nodded. Of course I can.

He hummed in acknowledgement and said nothing else.

I turned around and headed for the private restroom. Soon after, Joseph’s voice rang. I could still hear him as the private restroom was quite near.

“Mr. Fuller, I’ve done the investigation. The things that CBU had launched last month came directly from Fuller Corporation. They made no changes to the machinery after taking it from us. So far, they have not launched any other new machinery.”

I paused after listening to him and recalled that a lot of things had been stolen from the base of the Lavelian Village project not long after it had been launched. However, no further follow-ups ensued.

Ashton and Armond did not seem like they were interested to get to the bottom of things either.

On the contrary, Fuller Corporation simply decided to rebuild another machinery. I had thought that that would be the end of the problem, but now it was clear as day that someone was looking to set Ashton up.

Otherwise, how would CBU be able to launch such a big-scale AI exhibition, showcasing its sophisticated technology without stirring up any response both locally and internationally? Everything about it did not make any sense to me.

Ashton replied, “Hmm. Get someone to make a statement to conclude that it would be difficult for us to assemble the AI without the core technology. Then, spread the word that Fuller Corporation had been ransacked in A City, and list out everything that we were about to exhibit back then.”

Joseph nodded and fell silent for some time before saying, “By the way, about Mrs. Fuller’s injury today, I’ve contacted the person in charge of those media outlets. We have identified all reporters who had gotten too close, or hurt Mrs. Fuller in any way through the security footage at our entrance. They have all promised that the identified personnel will never be employed in any media outlets and TV stations in all of K City.”


Then, the room fell silent. It seemed like Joseph had left.

I changed my clothes, and since my wounds were already taken care of, I was fine.

After heading out of the private restroom, I was greeted by the sight of Ashton working. Glancing at me, he asked, “Does it still hurt?”

I shook my head. “No. It’s nothing.”

Hesitating for a moment, I parted my lips and asked, “What will happen to the reporters?”

He stopped writing and looked at me seriously. “All media outlets and TV stations in K City will never employ them.” There was not a trace of emotion in his voice.

I nodded and said nothing else. I knew that it wasn’t easy for reporters to climb the ranks in K City’s media industry, especially to the ranks of being able to get firsthand news and to get the chance to mingle among the rich and powerful, much less to be able to interview these people. It must have taken those people decades of work just to get to where they were.

However, one order from Ashton was all it took to put an end to their careers. The reporters must have been indignant at the implications, to say the least.

Judging by his calm and composed manner, I could tell that Ashton must have come up with a way to deal with the current situation. I initially came here to help, but it did not seem like he needed any. “Ashton, is someone deliberately trying to stir up trouble this time?”

He raised his brow and poured me a glass of water. “Are you so worried about me that you’ve come all the way here?” He was not answering my question.

Stumped, I nodded solemnly. “Yes.”

His lips curled into a smile, and he seemed pleased. “Don’t worry, I’m doing fine.”

I heaved a sigh of relief at his response. “That’s good, then. The Murphys pitched in for the Lavelian Village project as well, but they’ve been awfully quiet.”

I initially thought that the investigation would not have been so thorough. However, the reporter downstairs had implied that they knew the connection between the Murphys and the Lavelian Village project. But if that’s the case, why are the Murphys being so quiet about it?

He put down the pen in his hand in silence and said, “No rush. We have all the time in the world.”

I could sense that there was another meaning to his words. I was about to inquire further but thought better of it. Recalling that I still had to take Summer to the hospital, I turned to him and said, “It seems like I’m not much of a help to your problems. I’m going to take Summer to the hospital later. Mom said that she’s been having fever a lot lately, and asked me to fetch her for a check-up.”

In love, never say never chapter 854

Ashton nodded. “We’ll go home together later. Are you craving any particular food?”

“No.” I shook my head.

He merely stared at me, as if protesting my answer. I pursed my lips and relented as I blurted, “Alright, I want to eat lobster, steamed fish, and pork ribs…” He smiled as I prattled on a long list of food, seemingly not paying any attention to my nonchalant request. Seeing that, I shrugged and stopped talking.

Because I was in a rush to take Summer to the hospital, I left right after I had taken my bag.

After heading out of the office, I bumped into Ashton’s secretary near the elevator. She was holding on to a lot of files and seemed like she was in a daze. She did not even realize when something fell off her hands.

“Hello!” I said.

It wasn’t until I repeated myself that she turned around to look at me. I waved the file that she had dropped at her and said, “You dropped something.”

Stumped, the woman bowed and thanked me for my help before retrieving the file.

“Sasha, what’s the matter with you?” A man who came out of the elevator asked her, “Is something wrong? Not only did you send the wrong documents, but you’re also losing things. And now, you’re even bumping into people. Are you alright?”

Sasha shook her head, her eyes were red-rimmed. Joseph headed out of the elevator and noticed that I was staring at the secretary. “Mrs. Fuller, what’s the matter?”

I said nothing as I shook my head. A feeling of uneasiness washed over me as I looked at her.

However, everyone was in a rush, so nobody cared to pay attention to someone who was unrelated to them.

Some of the reporters were still waiting for Ashton downstairs. They were waiting for him to head out of the building and hoped that they would be able to get him to answer some questions.

Thinking that I might bump into the reporters again if I exited the building via the main entrance, I decided to take the other exit at the back. Right then, I got a call from Cameron.

I searched for my keys as I picked up her call.

“Letty, are you at Fuller Corporation?”

“Yeah.” After locating my keys, I said, “But I’m leaving now and will reach home soon. How’s Summer? Is she still having a fever?”

“No, her fever’s subsided, but it’s been on and off for her.”

“Okay, I’m heading there right now. You…”

Bang! A loud noise cut me off and I subconsciously turned around to trace the origin. In the next moment, my eyes widened in horror.

Before me was a mangled woman whose face was indiscernible to me because of the blood that was pouring out of her head. I was only able to identify her as a woman through her long, bloodstained hair.

My legs turned to jelly as my mind went blank. My instincts were telling me that she had jumped off a building.

“Letty, what’s the matter?” Cameron’s voice came through from the other end. Stunned, I tried to speak but no words came out of my mouth.

I was so shocked to the extent of losing my voice.

“Someone’s jumped off the building. Hurry! Call the police!” someone nearby shouted, fear and shock apparent in their voice.

Time went by and people started to crowd the scene. By now, I was standing in an ever-increasing pool of blood.

One glance was all it would take for some things to be forever etched in one’s mind. What was worse was that the ghost of the image will continue to haunt one’s dreams.

From what level did she jump off? What kind of impact could make her head and body split into a bloody mess of flesh like that?

“Mrs. Fuller, are you alright?” A voice rang in my ears. I was still too stunned to speak. I stared blankly at Joseph who had appeared by my side and shuddered uncontrollably.

He looked worried and said, “Mrs. Fuller, let me send you back to Mr. Fuller’s office.”

He supported me and led me all the way back into Ashton’s office. At the sight of Ashton, I felt all energy drained from my body as I slumped to the floor.

Ashton was quick to respond and managed to catch me in his embrace. Furrowing his brows, he turned to Joseph and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Joseph sighed before saying, “Mrs. Fuller exited the building via the back exit and witnessed Sasha Brooks committing suicide by jumping off the building. I reckoned Mrs. Fuller just got the shock of her life.”

Sasha Brooks?

Was she the woman whom I bumped into just now?

But why did she jump off the building?

My brain was rife with questions.

Ashton’s brows creased as he said, “Alright. Inform the PR department to deal with this matter immediately. Then, investigate everything about Sasha, her family, and her relationships. I want to know why she’s committed suicide. Do not let the media go wild with speculation.”

Joseph nodded solemnly and left.

The door was closed and Ashton circled me in his embrace as my mind went numb. No words came out of my mouth as I looked at him. He sat me on the sofa and poured a glass of water for me. Then, he looked into my eyes and said, “Don’t be scared. I’m here.”

In love, never say never chapter 855

I gulped down a large mouthful of water before taking several deep breaths to calm myself down. After my heartbeat had slowed down somewhat, I turned stiffly to look at Ashton and asked in a small voice, “Is she dead?”

His arms tightened around me as he nodded. “Yes. You’re fine. I’m here with you, you’re okay now.”

I couldn’t stop my hands and body from shaking, and it took me a long while before I felt normal again.

I stared blankly at my surroundings, my body slowly releasing its tension when I realized that I was in a familiar place with familiar people. Ashton was still holding me in his embrace, repeating words of reassurance over and over again in a gentle tone.

I cleared my throat and licked at my dry lips before glancing up at him. “I saw her at the elevator when I was heading out earlier. How did she…”

He shook his head. Just then, Joseph walked into the room again, his expression solemn as he told Ashton, “Mr. Fuller, the body has just been taken away. The police have also asked to look at the scene to figure out the cause of her death, and the exit downstairs has already been sealed off.”

It made sense that the police would want to carry out an investigation of someone falling to their death from such a tall building. Ashton nodded before he turned to me and said, “Be a good girl and stay here. I’ll be back soon.”

As the chairperson of the company, he was obliged to handle the situation personally.

I nodded, and he and Joseph left the office. Finding myself unable to sit still in there alone, I got up and headed toward the employee section of the office. Everyone was understandably shaken up by Sasha’s suicide and was unable to go about their daily tasks like usual.

Some police officers were looking for where Sasha might have jumped off the building from, and others were busy interviewing employees in the office. As a result, everyone’s hearts were in their throats.

It was a long time before Ashton finally sent the police away. Spotting me in the area, he waved me over, and we retreated to his office together.

Joseph furrowed his eyebrows. “Mr. Fuller, this couldn’t have been a coincidence.”

Ashton’s expression was blank. He was deep in thought for a moment before replying, “Contact the victim’s family and try to placate them as soon as possible.”

Joseph nodded and immediately left.

“Is everything going to be okay?” I couldn’t help but fret.

Ashton gave me a faint smile, but the darkening circles under his eyes were dead giveaways of exhaustion. “It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

I knew that he usually wouldn’t share too much information with me because he didn’t want me to get worked up over nothing. He had a habit of wanting to shoulder everything by himself, and refused to let me share any of his burdens.

The realization dawned upon me abruptly, that he and I were very similar. We both cared for each other deeply, and we both needed each other. Perhaps it was exactly because we cared for each other too much that we wanted to protect the other in our own ways so that the worry we had for each other would be alleviated.

That would explain why we were always unwilling to verbalize our true feelings when facing a dilemma, even if we were frantically panicking on the inside. We didn’t want to add on to the other person’s stress.

Unfortunately, this would only serve to make the other person feel even more worried and helpless.

I stared at him in silence for a minute, then got up and poured him a glass of water. Taking a deep breath, I fixed him with a stern look. “Ashton. You might think that I won’t be of any help in solving your

problems, so you keep your worries to yourself in an attempt to protect me from your suffering. But have you ever considered what the largest difference is between your spouse and a normal friend?

“People get married because they need each other. Spouses need to share the burden of their pain and concerns. Even just giving each other a hug is an act of helping to shoulder the burden. So, I’m asking you to please stop keeping everything to yourself and covering up all your negative emotions. I want to be able to share your stress and feelings, and I want to be the person in this world most needed by you. Understand?”

I could see him visibly start to relax, and I knew that my words had gotten to him.

He seemed completely caught off guard by me suddenly bringing this topic up. The moody aura that had been emanating off of him dissipated, and the corners of his lips quirked up into a smile as he pulled me into his arms once more. “You silly woman. You’ve always been the person I need most in this world, and you always will be.”

I let him hold me as he continued murmuring in his low, gravelly voice. “I just never tell you the truth about my feelings because I know that you will always be my source of strength as long as you’re with me. As long as you’re by my side, I know that I can overcome anything.”

I stared at him fondly. “Digging out the past, plagiarism, and now, death… Just who is this enemy of yours, Ashton? Is it Abe? I heard that he’s back in the country and staying in A City.”

“I’ll be the one to find out who this person is,” he promised. “All you have to do is take care of your own health.”


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