Indestructible God King

Chapter 142.2 Dao Lineage Blood

Chapter 142.2 Dao Lineage Blood

The siblings’ blood was drawn multiple times within a short period of time. An ordinary person would have died from blood loss; only their powerful cultivation held them back from dying.

“Parlor Lord, how should we deal with these Golden Crow Sect disciples? Can we drink…!” a demon asked expectantly. They obviously wanted to consume their prisoners’ blood.

“Hmm? What do you think you’re doing? You want to consume them so soon?” Wang Ke rebuked them with a stare, “The Parlor Lords have yet to draw out the draconic ley line, and yet you’re already going festive? How did such thoughts even cross your minds? It won’t be too late to celebrate once we finish helping the Parlor Lords to subdue the ley line! Which one of you dares to feast on the prisoners before the Parlor Lords take the first bite?”

The demons were astonished. This has nothing to do with you!Do we need your permission to eat these righteous disciples?

Wang Ke looked at Zhu Hongyi and asked, “Parlor Lord Zhu, do you want to consume the humans now?”

She Qingqing had given the latter strict orders not to consume any human. Wang Ke knew this; that’s why he was asking.

“Nope!” Zhu Hongyi answered.

“Zi Bufan, draw the seal-breaking array with the harvested blood. Let me know when you’re done!” Zhu Hongyi said as he flung his sleeves and walked back to the great hall nearby.

After seeing the man leave, Zi Bufan stared at her subordinates. “Consume, consume, consume! That’s all you know! Locked them up first!”

“Understood!” Her subordinates were speechless.

We don’t deserve this scolding!We’ve eaten righteous disciples like this all the time, and there wasn’t anything wrong with it! It’s all Wang Ke’s fault! What a busybody!

The Golden Crow Sect disciples looked at Wang Ke in gratitude because they felt that Wang Ke was saving them from the demons’ teeth.

And so, the newly captured prisoners, including Zhang Li'er and Zhang Shenxu, were tied up again and locked behind bars in a great hall nearby.

Zi Bufan ordered her men, “Everyone, support me as I use the Dao Lineage Blood and cultivation energy to draw the seal-breaking array!”

“Yes, Parlor Lord!” they answered.

Wang Ke quickly said his goodbyes and swiftly disappeared. A short while later—he went to another great hall.josei

“Clan Lord? You didn’t allow us to go there, so I kept everyone concealed. Is there anything you want us to do now?” the big cousin-brother asked curiously.

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“Get everyone out of the royal palace immediately. There might be a big fight in the palace, don’t get caught in the mess!” said Wang Ke.

They’re going to draw out the draconic ley line? Wang Ke didn’t know what would happen, but given that Zhu Hongyi described the ley line as a super bomb that could explode at a moment’s notice, of course, he had to get away from it as far he could.

“Understood!” said his big cousin-brother.

The latter issued commands; the royal guards, officials, and maidservants evacuated the royal palace.


Inside the royal palace—

Zi Bufan and her men prepared the array while Zhu Yan watched in frustration.

Damn it. Weren’t you here to kill Wang Ke?Go on and kill him!Why did you let him off just like that?Why!

“Parlor Lord Zi, how could you let Wang Ke off so easily? If you don’t give the snake a finishing blow, it will come back to bite you!” the former emperor urged Zi Bufan.

“Zhu Yan? The grudges between the two of you have piled up, huh?” Zi Bufan said.

“It’s not about grudges. It’s just that I can’t stand seeing how Wang Ke deceived you. He’s a charlatan!” Zhu Yan expressed his frustration.

Zi Bufan shook her head and said, “It’s okay. Leave future matters to the future. I still need to set up this array, don’t interrupt me!”

Zhu Yan: “............................!”

Why? How did Wang Ke get out of trouble again?Damn it!

As he wallowed in frustration, Zhu Yan looked at the massive royal palace. All this used to be mine! Why is it that Wang Ke gets to keep it now?Even my ancestral uncle came to help him stabilize the situation?Why!This is so infuriating!

He then saw one of Zi Bufan’s subordinates sneak out of the palace.

“Hmm? Why is that guy moving so secretively? Could he be a spy? Zi Bufan might listen to me for once if I catch him.” Zhu Yan then followed the sketchy demon out of curiosity.

He traced the guy’s steps in a stealthy manner. Soon after, his prey left the palace and entered a courtyard within the city. He held his breath, flipped over the wall, and hid in the foliage. While concealed, he saw everything that was happening inside the courtyard.

Tong An'an? Zhu Yan was shocked to see him. The fellow was no spy; someone had just thrown a pebble on his head while the array was being set up. Just when he was about to rage—he realized that someone was calling for him; that was why he sneaked out.

Tong An'an had a barrage of questions for that person. But after making all those questions, his face froze, “What? What did you say? Parlor Lord Zi has just let Wang Ke off?”

“Yeah, Parlor Lord Zi is no longer going after Wang Ke! They reached an agreement!” the person confirmed.

“Why? Why! Why was she willing to negotiate with him?” Tong An'an cried out in outrage. Didn’t she send me to kill Wang Ke?I fell into Wang Ke’s traps and suffered so many times, and now you’re shaking hands?

“Okay, what else? If that is all, I need to go back now. The Parlor Lord will punish me if she sees me slacking off!” the informant urged.

“No, why! Why didn’t the Parlor Lord kill Wang Ke?” Tong An'an kept asking anxiously.

“How should I know!” the informant answered frankly.

“Weren’t you standing next to them?” Tong An'an continued asking.

“I told you just now! Okay, that’s enough. I’ll be off if there’s nothing else. You should go and report to the Parlor Lord soon,” the informer suggested. After that, he flipped over the wall and left; only Tong An'an stood in the courtyard, scratching his head.

“Why? Why!” Tong An'an muttered to himself anxiously.

“Chapter Lord, what’s wrong? Isn’t it a good thing that the Parlor Lord no longer wants Wang Ke dead? We can finally chill and relax!” one of the baldies said.

“Bullsh*t!” Tong An'an cursed with a stare.


“We lost the Lightning Whips! Wang Ke has them! Parlor Lord Zi would have gotten back her whips had she killed him! But now, she’s not going to kill him! What about the Lightning Whips now?” Tong An'an explained angrily.

“So? Wang Ke still has the whips! We can report this to our Parlor Lord!” another bald man suggested curiously.

“Nonsense! What if Wang Ke refuses to admit it. What then? The Lightning Whips just disappeared?” Tong An'an asked.

“Wang Ke... Refusing to admit it?” All the bald men were stunned after the idea dawned on them.

“We are the ones who lost the Lightning Whips!” Tong An’an said anxiously, “If we don’t take them back, the Parlor Lord will flay us alive!”

“Then... Then, what should we do?” The baldies panicked.

“We must recover the Lightning Whips! And we can’t put our hopes in anyone else; we must do it ourselves. We’ll be safe once we have them back!” Tong An'an said.

“But we can’t show ourselves. You’re toast the moment Zhu Hongyi finds out that you’re here!” a bald man reminded him.

“Yeah, but things will get worse if we don’t take it back now and let Wang Ke get away!” Tong An'an muttered in frustration.

“If only there was someone who could lead us to Wang Ke!” a bald man said.

The frustrated Tong An’an grabbed his head in frustration, “It’s too late. Parlor Lord Zi is no longer opposing Wang Ke. None of her subordinates will help us kill him! No one. No one will help us!”

“Hey! Let me help you! I will lead you to him!” Someone jumped out from the tall grass next to the group.

The interruption gave Tong An'an and his men a fright.

“Zhu Yan?” Tong An'an was surprised to see him.

“Follow me. Let’s get rid of Wang Ke together! I know the royal palace like the back of my hand. Let me help you so we can give Wang Ke a horrible death!” Zhu Yan suggested in excitement.

Tong An'an and his men looked at each other. Are we this lucky?Right when we begin to feel drowsy, someone sends us pillows?

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